
The capital adjusts and strengthens the prevention and control measures of the joint prevention and control coordination mechanism for strict management of entering Beijing

author:Bright Net

On October 25, at the 247th press conference on the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Beijing, Xu Hejian, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, director of the Information Office of the Municipal Government, and spokesman of the Municipal Government, said that Beijing is the top priority of the national epidemic prevention and control, and it is necessary to always maintain a high degree of vigilance, adhere to the strict and tight prevention and control strategy, implement the "four early" requirements, and never slacken its efforts to grasp all prevention and control work. In order to better prevent and control the epidemic in a scientific, accurate and effective manner, the joint prevention and control coordination mechanism of the capital's strict management of entering Beijing has adjusted and strengthened the prevention and control measures in the capital. The main measures are hereby reported as follows: First, to minimize activities out of Beijing. The second is to continue to adhere to the policy of restricting the entry and return of personnel from epidemic-related areas to Beijing. The third is that all personnel entering Beijing strictly check the "Beijing Health Treasure". The fourth is to strengthen the management of tourism in and out of Beijing. Fifth, strict requirements for epidemic prevention in conferences and forums. Sixth, strictly implement prevention and control measures in public places. The seventh is to strictly implement the "four-party responsibility". (Science and Technology Daily reporter Hua Ling)

The capital adjusts and strengthens the prevention and control measures of the joint prevention and control coordination mechanism for strict management of entering Beijing

Source: Science and Technology Daily

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