
Warcraft: Kilgardan's Past and Present Lives


The twist of fate is actually a moment in life, and all changes must start with the fraudster Kilgardan. 45 years before Warcraft, the peace-loving orc tribe was still running carefree on the plains of Junno, when Kilgardan captured the orc religious leader Nazu and spread the desire to fight and the savage disposition through the shamanism. Since then, the orcs with evil spiritual beliefs have become a bloodthirsty race, and blood and battle, survival and destruction have become the glory that the orcs will always pursue.

In 1941, the Pistons were founded in Fort Wayne, Indiana, under the name Fort Wayne Pistons. In 1948, when it was incorporated into the NBA with the BAA, the pistons that began were not the evil group that people later saw, and all the changes were due to the team's move to Detroit. Compared with the graceful and luxurious New York and the gorgeous Los Angeles, Detroit, as the famous Automobile City in the United States, is savage and rugged. Here, kindness is a useless alias, compassion is the groaning of the weak, here never believe in tears, nor do you refuse to give and sympathize, and the good eyes here are more confusing than the evil gods. Strangers' gratuitous smiles must be exchanged for wary eyes, the players here are mostly factory workers at the beginning, the ball is full of arbitrariness and unreasonableness, and the fans are mostly workers, like to watch brave and fierce games. Therefore, the pistons' main tactic at the beginning was "doubles", playing viciously and taking advantage of the opportunity to beat the opponent. They exalt strength and do not shy away from rough and brutal confrontational styles. Elbows are hard, knees are dead, and foul language is frequent, this fauvist style often beats opponents with palpitations and confusion.

While the human kingdom and the Night Elves were constantly developing, and the orcs began to hobble, the old shaman Nazu's ambitious disciple Guldan began to teach the orcs a mysterious magic that had great power and a sense of destruction. The orcs were deeply affected and became more and more aggressive. They built huge arenas where warriors practiced their skills in death and battle. But at this time, they could only look up to the already highly developed Terrans and Night Elves.

The Pistons began to develop, but the world was not theirs at the time, and although the addition of the best rookie guard in 1966 and the addition of center Lanier in the 1970s made them briefly strong, this kind of potflower strength was so insignificant compared to the Lakers and Celtics. Russell, Bob Curry, and Bill Salman made the Celtics an unprecedented eight-game winning streak; Chamberlain, James Worthy, and George McCann brought the Lakers nearly a decade of dominance; and the confrontation between "Magic" Johnson and "Big Bird" Larry Bird pushed the basketball war to the peak. At this time, the two teams indiscriminately killing innocents in the league is as easy as cutting mustard, and the war between the two teams for supremacy is a sword and light sword shadow. The basic value of the lives of other teams is only a few stems of dry grass under the horseshoe, the basic right to survive, just a few bubbles on the edge of the whirlpool, and many teams are full of corpses under the mighty atmosphere of war.

Someone may have to forget the piston, and it seems that there is a reasonable reason for forgetting, without complaint or regret. But the Pistons fans are looking forward to it, eager to get through the autumn water, they are hoping that the Pistons can stand up and break this double-male competition, and all this is finally coming.

The orcs slowly got ready, and the Shadow Council summoned the angry destroyer Manolos. Guldan gathered all the chiefs and made them drink the blood of the angry Manorhos, thus possessing invincible power. Kilgardan opened the portal across space, the Dark Gate, and the first man-beast war began. The brutal and savage orcs launched a dehumanizing attack on Stormwind City, and the human king Ryan was assassinated by the shadow council's best assassin, the half-orc Golona, and the once illustrious kingdom was soon reduced to ruins.

In 1981, the Pistons hit Isaiah Thomas of Indiana University with the list. This babyface killer is one of the fastest players in NBA history, with quite a strong scoring ability. His lightning cuts, his outside projections, and his unreserved assists have left him with an average of 20 points and 10+ assists for four consecutive seasons. And the most terrifying thing is that he does everything for the victory of the extremely aggressive defense. His addition allowed the Pistons, who were still on the bad team, to improve by 18 games from an embarrassing 21 wins, while the Pistons traded for the future main attacker, "Microwave" Winnie Johnson, and then in 1982, bill Lambier, who would be the second girder of the team after Thomas. In 1983 the Pistons welcomed the team's well-deserved "brain", and the former 76ers assistant coach Chuck Daly, dubbed "Professor Victory", began to become the center of the East. On December 31, 1983 at Mike Nichols Arena in Denver, the Pistons vs. Western Conference Nuggets, and in the final second of the game, Thomas scored Bill Lambier's second goal into the basket to tie 145 into overtime. The game went through 3 overtime hand-to-hand combat, and the Pistons, who understood that "defense is the last word", beat the Nuggets 186:184, setting a record for the highest score in a single game in NBA history. The Pistons' offensive power and defensive toughness are staggering. Four players from both sides scored more than 40 points, with Thomas 47 points, John Long 41 points, Kelly Trypka 35 points, and nuggets Van de Witsch scored 51 points and Inglitch scored 47 points, and the two sides played one of the most blood-boiling games in NBA history.

Although the Pistons had an impressive record of 49 wins and 33 losses in the regular season, it was not enough for them to win the championship. In 1985, the Pistons selected Joe Dumas with the 18th pick in the 1st round, while getting "Beast under the Basket" big forward Rick Mahon from the Wizards. In 1986, the Pistons picked the most famous villain and rebounding king in NBA history in the second round, Dennis Rodman, and the evil lineup for the championship was finally built.

Perhaps, fate is destined to make the Pistons suffer more, perhaps Larry Bird, Abdul-Abd, and others are not willing to speak lightly of withdrawing from the stage of the league, and perhaps history is destined to make people understand more deeply the greatness and hardships of the "Bad Boy Army". In the 1987 season, the Pistons, who had the strength to win the championship, met the "Green shirts" Celtics, and towards the end of Game 3 of the Eastern Conference Finals, the Pistons led 107:106 and still had the ball. Just as the victory was within reach, Bird copied the ball that Thomas passed into the box and passed the ball to Dennis before falling out of bounds, dennis broke through the layup and scored, making the Celtics lose and win. Although the Pistons won Game 4, the loss of Game 5 still cost them the Eastern Conference championship, but this game made the "Bad Boy Army" even more notorious. As a white player with mediocre physical fitness, Lambier's bounce and speed are not superior, but the kung fu of secret elbows is unprecedented, known as the worst and dirtiest player to play, and the most hated person of all NBA players at that time. His greatest hobby is to torture his opponents mercilessly on the field, often trampling others under his feet while also carrying out dirty verbal attacks. He didn't forget to spit at you and insult you when he covered your hot pot and stopped the ball, and the next time he met him, he didn't forget to repeat his old hatred, "Remember how I straightened you out last time?" Remember, this game I'm going to you again. When Lambier grabbed the rebound in the Eastern Conference Finals, a well-known elbow hit the neck of "Big Bird" Bird, instantly knocking down the "Big Bird" technically. In the following game, Lambier was still elbowing several times, and Parrish, one of the cores of the Celtic Iron Triangle, threw punches at Lambier to avenge Bird. Lambier was unfazed, nosebleed to complete the free throw, then stared innocently at the referee, and then "Chief" Parrish was suspended. In the two games the Pistons won, It was entirely to Lambiers who single-handedly crushed two cores of Boston and crushed the Celtics' formidable Iron Triangle. And although Thomas is known as the generation of superstars in the 80s and "Magician" in the position of organizational defender, he keeps smiling at you on the court, but in order to win, he will kill you in the back without mercy. In the 1988 championship match, Thomas had a friendly kiss with his best friend "The Magician" before the game, but when Bird knocked Thomas down on a crutch on the sideline, Thomas immediately got up and threw a fist at him. To win, Thomas would never mind going into a boxing match with his old friends. And Rick Mahon, also known as the "Bad Boy Army", many players who have dealt with him have called him "beast under the basket", which is an out-and-out, fierce inside black hand. In one-on-one defense, he always uses any small movements, including top knees, heels, etc., so that players who rely on technology can play a cliffhanger. Many players have spent significantly less time in the Pistons penalty area to avoid injury, and Mahone's presence has made the already frightening interior line even more frightening. At this time, Dumas is also dark and does not blink, in order to protect Thomas from being plagued by fouls and affecting the playing time, he is not merciful, pushing, pulling, squeezing, resisting everything. At this time, there is also a "big worm" Rodman who will be feared in the future, and he is slowly hearing about it and receiving education. From this final, the evil group of pistons began to penetrate the hearts of the people. They don't rely on technology, they use elbows, knees, and even whole flesh and blood as weapons. The high-intensity confrontation and all-round small actions make the Pistons have no gorgeous and smooth Lakers, and no Celtics' dull and stubborn bluff. Their savage and brutal style, the means of punishing evil that are more evil than evil, are entirely the style of an orc tribe.

In 1988, the more ferocious and brutal Pistons made it to the playoffs again with a record of 54 wins and 28 losses. After defeating the Bulls led by Jordan, in the Eastern Conference Finals, he easily killed the old enemy Celtics, and in the Finals, he led the Lakers 3:2. In Game 6, Thomas went down in history with a Record of 43 points, six steals and 25 points in a single quarter. But Lambier's final-minute foul left Lakers center Abdul-Abdul-Jabbar on two free throws, giving the Lakers a narrow 103-102 victory. The Pistons, who did not come out of the shadows, lost 108:105 three days later, losing the championship. After the game, Thomas and Lambier cried bitterly in the locker room, so the crying, sighing, and bitter champagne gathered in the locker room, where a pair of friends who had a gap with each other completed a painful pour that had been suppressed for many years. In 1989, the "Bad Boy Army" made a comeback, and they missed another opportunity this time, defeating the Bulls led by Jordan again, and defeating the Lakers, who lacked major generals, 4:0 cleanly, and winning the championship. In 1990, they defeated the Bulls for the third time and defended their title by beating the Blazers 4-2 in the Finals. The success of the two consecutive championships has finally brought results to the Pistons' long 41-year wait, and has also made the Pistons a typical example of a late success in the history of the league.

The orcs who experienced the first man-beast war reached their peak, and at this time history entered the chaos of Warcraft 3. In this chaotic war, the young prophet of the orcs awakened to lead the orcs out of the abyss of depravity. The orcs were no longer the main force of war, and Alsace, the Knight of Death, had now stepped onto the stage of history. He led the legions of the undead through Lordaeron, and everywhere he went, there was death and ruin.

In 1991, the hateful Jordan Death Knight never let the Pistons go down again, and the NBA entered the Bull era. With Daley's resignation as head coach and the departure of the "Bad Boys" in succession, the Pistons turned from victory to decline. In 1993, they finally ended their ten-year history of reaching the playoffs and became a second-rate team.

The next Pistons had jordan's successor, Grant Hill, and All-Star Star Starstock, as well as defensive expert Ben wallace, but still didn't make much progress. A wordless starting point, pointing to the brilliant ending of two consecutive championships, we can not use other words to express his greatness and shock, can only retain the "bad boy army" 5 words, become the pistons fans in the heart of the strong and ethereal common expectation.

But just look forward to it, and everything can change. In 2002, the Pistons finally reached the Eastern Conference semifinals with a record of 50 wins and 32 losses. In 2003, the Pistons welcomed Rashid Wallace from the Trail Blazers and Hamilton from the Wizards. The selected "Kobe Terminator" Prince Prince Prince is maturing, and the two-gun defender of Billups and Hamilton is extremely powerful in the game. Two like Thomas and Dumas of the year, "Roaring Heavenly Lord" Rashid is a lambier with a lot of improved technology, tall and strong, able to go inside and outside, attacking and defending. Big Ben is undoubtedly a replica of Rodman, his weird hairstyle, his super defense, and the famous Oppen Hill Palace Battle he triggered, like the bad boy of the year. Larry Brown took the bad boys to the playoffs first round 4; 1 eliminated the Bucks to beat the Pacers, the no. 1 in the regular season league, 4-2. After 14 years, he reached the finals again and finally broke almost everyone's pre-match prediction. When all the dust settled, people found that the prestige of the four heavenly kings was extinguished in a blink of an eye. The Pistons once again completed the perfect revenge on the same opponent, tearing down the last brick of the Lakers' short-lived dynasty and ending the Lakers' dream of restoration.

Today's orcs have become incomparably strong again, and after experiencing the glory of the bloodthirsty three heroes plus master shamans and master witch doctors who swept through the networks of major wars in the past, the orc tactics have developed day by day. Tower push, flying dragon in the sky, wolf riding galloping, Kodo beast plus ballista car, so that the 2004 WCG finals once again became the world of the beast.

Don't need to remember the "Bad Boy Army" of that year, let us remember the inscription of the pistons of the past: "Weakness is the epitaph of the weak, barbarism is the passport of the barbarians", and a sentence from Wallace the Big Ben: "To win the championship, fight with your life!" ”

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