
"Love Crazy" is talking about love, crazy love

author:Rural idlers

"Love Crazy" is talking about love, it is talking about family love, brotherly love, male and female love, heterosexual love, same-sex love, stranger love, of course, including the love of life, the love of career. However, from the most important love, the most important thing is the love of flesh and blood.

"Love Crazy" is talking about love, crazy love

Father Givi said how clearly: Man cannot give up the greatest pleasure in life, which is to procreate his own flesh and bones, and there is nothing better than this. For 20 years, the story of a family that revolves around the protagonist Chuck is in front of us. There are all kinds of love on display, and the core is the love of flesh and blood. Brothers love and fight, fight and love, fight fiercely at home, and are like one person to the outside world. Parents hate and love their children, hate them for not being instrumental, love them in their growth, heart-wrenching pains, and bone-deep love. Some people say that this is a gay story, I think it is too narrow, it is a huge story woven from the love of multiple lives.

"Love Crazy" is talking about love, crazy love

Its center is still to teach young people to know how to love, how to cherish. Without further ado, enjoy its theme song and savor it slowly:

Yesterday I was young

Life is as sweet as rain, and I throw my youth as a game

The night breeze gently blows through the candles

So many beautiful dreams in my mind

I was like building a mirage

Only haunt at night Hide from the light of the day

Now I look back on the old days

Many drunken songs are waiting to be sung

Many empty joys are buried in the kitchen window

Many painful, misty eyes can't see clearly Yesterday the moon was still melancholy

But every day is a new day, and youth is used as a magic wand

It's like you can't see the faltering youth

The once arrogant chase of love

The lit candle light is extinguished instantly

Friends around me come and go

When I said goodbye to the stage ended this scene

Many of my songs have not yet been sung

I tasted the bitterness of tears sliding through the corners of my mouth, and the years have passed yesterday

While I was young

Whether it is a young friend or an older friend, after tasting this theme song, we will think: Take advantage of life, work hard, don't taste the bitter tears that did not finish singing your own song at the end of the drama of life.