
Fast & Furious 10 is set for April 7, 2023

Fast & Furious 10 is set for April 7, 2023

Stills from Super 9

"Fast and Furious 9" was recently released in Japan to win the weekend championship, making the film more than $681 million (about 4.4 billion yuan) at the global box office, making it the world's best performing Hollywood film since the epidemic, and Universal immediately announced that "Fast and Furious 10" will be released on April 7, 2023.

Van Diesel revealed in an earlier interview with Entertainment Weekly that "Super 10" will start filming in January 2022.

"Fast and Furious 10" continues to be directed by Lin Yibin, in addition to Van Diesel, Michel Rodriguez, Kang Sung-ho, Teres Gibson, Jordana Brewster and others will return. Dawn Johnson recently said through his producer partner that he would not participate in Super 10 and Super 11, but would focus on the development of Fast & Furious: Special Ops 2.

Previously, it was reported that "Super 10" and "Super 11" would be filmed back-to-back, but Van Diesel said that fans should still look forward to "Super 10" first, "The film company said that we can't cover all the areas that need to be covered in one movie, and you can only imagine what will happen next." ”

Fast & Furious 10 is set for April 7, 2023

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