
Goddess Anxin Ya "private parts" first sight Sexy English tattoo warm heart

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Goddess Anxin Ya "private parts" first sight Sexy English tattoo warm heart

Anxin Ya Spicy Beauty Back, Side Breasts, for the new album "Love Can Afford" to create momentum, but also let the tattoo under the left breast exposed, she said that she loves to talk to her mother, the first tattoo in her life is to express her eternal love for her mother, "stabbed my mother's English name plus "is my air" (you are my oxygen)." She encouraged everyone to bravely express their love in their hearts, specially designed the "Love Tattoo" tattoo sticker, and called on 100 fans to register online and relay tattoos.

Goddess Anxin Ya "private parts" first sight Sexy English tattoo warm heart

In addition to her mark on her mother, she decided to use her wrist tattoo as a gift for a wrist tattoo plane when she attended New York Fashion Week more than 2 years ago, "I like airplanes very much, and I hope that my career can soar to the sky and move towards the goal I want." Unexpectedly, the plane tattoo caused a strange peach blossom, and after a friend saw her Po photo, he said that he was going to stab a tarmac, and the romantic confession made her "O mouth" and replied: "Don't!" I'm flying high and I'm not going to land!"

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