
The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

author:FITINGLAB boiling moments

Recently, the world's popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas have attracted everyone's attention, Xiaobian will introduce it to you


What is chickpeas

Chickpea (Chickpea) is native to the arid regions of Southwest Asia, also known as chicken beans, chicken heart beans, etc., also known as small beans, chickpeas because of their strange shape, pointed like a hawk's beak and named.

Chickpeas are a large cultivated legume plant in the world, of which India and Pakistan account for more than 80% of the world's planting area, and chickpeas are mainly planted in Xinjiang.

Chickpeas are a common ingredient in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine, and chickpeas are popular in the eastern Mediterranean, where chickpeas are mashed and seasoned with garlic, red pepper and lemon; chickpeas are also ground in parts of Italy to make cakes. Chickpeas, one of the most important ingredients in India, are hulled and halved to make "half chickpeas"; they also ground flour to make shortbread, fried dough, and other fried foods that they also boil, roast, or eat chickpeas sprouts.

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas


Nutritional value of chickpeas

Chickpeas are an excellent source of protein, healthy fats, fiber, carbohydrates, and many vitamins and minerals, making them an excellent alternative to meat in a vegetarian diet.

Because of their low fat content, chickpeas also perform well for weight management, blood sugar control, and reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.

It is both good-looking and gentle, versatile, and nutritious and healthy without burden, if beetroot is the Zhang Yuqi of the vegetable and fruit industry

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

That chickpea is dr. Xu Jia of the Gudou class

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas


The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas


How to eat chickpeas?

Chickpeas are inexpensive and versatile and can be used in any dish, soaking for 4-12 hours before use can greatly save time spent cooking.

Chickpeas: Cooked chickpeas can be used for cold mixing, add some condiments and mix well into the flavor; you can also add some salt, lemon juice or sesame paste to make a delicious hummus, used to spread bread or as a dipping sauce; you can also add vegetable soup to stew, rich nutrition; you can also mash the cooked chickpeas into a puree, add some favorite spices, such as coriander, cumin powder, etc., to make balls or cakes, used to make hamburgers or sandwiches.

Chickpea flour: It's used similarly to corn flour to thicken sauces and soups; it can also be mixed with other flours to make pastry instead of about 30 percent of the flour in the recipe; or it can be used directly to make chickpeas or various pastries.


16 chickpea recipes to share

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

【01 Chickpea Burger】

This recipe comes from my closed roll vegetable restaurant, a chickpea burger that many people miss and want to make at home.

Chickpeas with cumin, charm can not be said

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas


Cooked chickpeas / 50g

Carrots / 10g

Cooked corn kernels / 8 g

Ready-to-eat oatmeal / 7g

Nutritional yeast / 2.5 g

Balsamic vinegar / 1.5g

Cumin powder / 1g

Salt / 1 g

Ground black pepper / 0.5g

Mustard sauce / 0.5g

Basil / 1 tablet


1. Chop the carrots and set aside.

2. In addition to oatmeal and corn kernels, other materials are put into the food processor and stirred into coarse grains, then add oatmeal and corn kernels and stir well.

3. Prepare a baking sheet and round mousse ring, weigh 85g/part into the mousse ring and flatten and demote.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake for about 18 minutes until the surface is crunchy.

【02 Chickpea Base Block】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

Cooked chickpeas / 150g

Cooked brown rice / 100g

Nutritional yeast / 5 g

Black pepper/a pinch

Sea salt / 2g

1. Put all the ingredients into a blender and stir well, divide into 20g, poke into a ball and then flatten and shape.

2. Then put in the oven at 170 degrees for 15-20 minutes.


1. Cooked chickpeas should be drained, brown rice should not be too wet, avoid stirring too much when beating, otherwise the taste is sticky.

2. Chickpeas and brown rice are drier, which can shorten the baking time.

【03 Chickpeas with Eggplant Sauce】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

Cooked chickpeas / 200g

Tomatoes / 2 pcs

Red bell pepper/1/2 pcs

Brown rice vinegar / 1 tbsp

Agave syrup / 1 tsp

Salt / 1/4 tsp

Turmeric powder/a little

1. Put the tomatoes and red bell peppers into the wall breaker and beat until even.

2. Pour 1 into a pot and cook until almost dry, add chickpeas, brown rice vinegar, agave and salt, sprinkle a little turmeric powder and continue simmering for a while.

【04 Chickpea Pancake】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

【Ingredients- Amount of 2 cakes】

Water / 50g

Chickpea flour / 40 g

1. After mixing all the ingredients evenly, sift them once with a mesh spoon (this batter is more delicate).

2. Pour half of the batter in the non-stick pan, turn the non-stick pan, spread the batter, heat the crust on low heat until it changes color and it is cooked.

3. After frying the crust, you can add vegetables and fruits, drizzle the surface with beet molasses, and sprinkle with nuts.

【05 Chickpea Hair Cake】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

Water / 140g

Chickpea flour / 120g

Brown sugar / 20g

Yeast / 1 g

Remove seeds of red dates / 8 pcs

1. Put the water, chickpea flour and brown sugar into the wall breaker and beat until the batter is delicate, then add the yeast and stir together for 3 to 5 seconds.

2. Then pour 1 into the mold, wait for fermentation to 1.5 to 2 times the size at room temperature to steam (water boiled and then steamed on the pot), small mold steaming for 15-20 minutes, large mold steaming for about 30 minutes.

【06 Curry Chickpea Pumpkin】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

Cooked chickpeas / 100g

Pumpkin / 100g

Curry powder / 1 tsp

Flaxseed powder / 1 tsp

Salt / 1/2 tsp

Parsley / to taste

1. Peel and cut the pumpkin into small pieces, add water and simmer.

2. Crush the cooked pumpkin with a spatula, then add chickpeas, curry powder, flaxseed powder, salt and a little water, continue to simmer for a while, and finally add some parsley when you are on the pot.

【07 Chickpea Soy Milk】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

Water / 300g

Add all the ingredients to the wall breaker and mix evenly and delicately, and the freshly cooked beans are directly beaten with soy milk.

【08 Sprouting Chickpeas】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

【Ingredients】Chickpeas, water

【Method】 Chickpeas are washed and soaked for one night, drained the next day, put into the germination bucket, rinsed with water every day, placed in a cool place, avoid direct sunlight, and germinate in two days.

【Tips】After sprouting chickpeas, put them directly into the pot and cook for about 20 minutes to cook thoroughly. Usually when cooking too much, you can drain the water, put it into the freezer, take it out to thaw when you need it, and heat it to use. (It is recommended to eat within a week).

【09 Pink Hummus】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

【Ingredients】 Half a slice of beetroot, cooked chickpeas, cooked quinoa

【Seasoning】Two-color peppercorns, basil, thyme, sea salt

【Method】Put all the ingredients into the wall breaker and stir until smooth, the remaining beetroot is eaten as a crispy dipping sauce, nutrition, appearance, satiety, low-fat and high-fiber, all gone

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

【10 Shiitake mushroom stir-fried chickpea tricolor rice】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

Tri-color brown rice, mushrooms (any mushrooms), vegetables, chickpeas, ginger


Soy sauce, four-color peppercorns

1. Slice some of the mushrooms into slices and fry in dry water, add a little soy sauce to taste and set aside.

2. Chop the remaining mushrooms, finely chop vegetables, chop a small amount of ginger, add the four-color peppercorns to taste and stir-fry until fragrant.

3. Cook the chickpeas, add the appropriate amount of soy sauce and water into the pot and simmer and set aside.

4. Heat the pot and add the sautéed shiitake mushrooms and the cooked tri-color brown rice and stir-fry until fragrant.

5. Spread the sautéed mushrooms and finish.

【11 Chickpea mustard yellow sauce】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

【Sauce base】

Dried chickpeas/half bowl

Filtered water / 1 liter

Japanese wasabi or yellow wasabi / a little

Japanese vinegar or fresh lemon juice / 1.5 tsp

Rock salt/ a small rub

Crushed pepper/a little

1. Put all the ingredients into the wall breaker, press the soup button once, repeat the beating half a time, the sauce base is ready, put into the glass bottle sealed, put into the refrigerator refrigerated for later.

2. When eating, use a soup spoon to scoop 2 spoons out and put them into a small bowl, then add the sweetener, stir well, and the mustard sour and spicy vegan danhuang sauce is ready.

1. You can eat it with beetroot or vegetable and fruit strips, the taste is rich and refreshing, and the remaining sauce base can be eaten in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days.

2. The spoon of the sauce should be clean every time, without touching the water, in case the sauce base spoils.

3. Seal the glass bottle with vacuum can be stored for 72 hours.

4. If you can't eat that much at once, you can halve the portion when making it.

【12 Chickpea Dan Yellow Sauce Japanese Cold Noodles】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas


Soba noodles / 1 handful


Frozen eagle's beak yellow sauce / 2 tbsp

【Vegan broth】

Organic kelp / 1 palm size

Filtered water / 1 bowl

Organic soy sauce / 1 scoop (approx. 10ml)


Whatever you like leafy greens/1 handful

Pumpkin/a few small pieces

Cucumber / 1 bar

Any favorite mushroom / 1 handful

1. Leafy greens and cucumbers are soaked and set aside.

2. Wash the kelp, put the filtered hydration and slow cook to make the broth.

3. Stir-fry/fry the mushrooms in a non-stick pan, turn off the heat and fry 2 drops of oil 2 times, let the mushrooms wrap in soy sauce, and set aside.

4. The pumpkin is also slightly dry on both sides, waterproof cooking, or steamed and set aside (no seasoning), while the cucumber hangs long slices for later.

5. Blanch the leafy greens with water for later.

6. Cool the cooked soba noodles in cold water, drain and put them all in a large bowl along with other ingredients.

7. Take a small half bowl of broth, add 1 spoonful of soy sauce, boil and drizzle on the noodles to eat.

【13 Chickpea Paste】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas


Chickpeas/a handful

Broccoli or other green vegetables/a few pieces

Carrots or other yellow orange vegetables / a few small pieces

Tomatoes / 1 pc

Warm boiled water / 3 tbsp

1 tsp of quinoa

Minced coconut / 1 small rub

Various vanilla or spices / to taste

Black pepper or pepper crushed / a little

Salt/a small rub

Sushi vinegar / can be omitted

Thai paprika/can be omitted

Mustard oil/can be omitted

1. Put all the ingredients in the blender, add warm boiling water and stir until delicate (pause a few times in between).

2. Put the stirred soup into a bowl, and finally add the cooked quinoa, and those who like spices can sprinkle some rich flavors.

【14 Chickpeas Roasted Winter Melon Ball】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

Chickpeas / 30g

Winter melon / 500g

Red kidney beans / 20g

Seafood mushrooms / 1 piece

Parsley / 1 stick

Ginger / 5g


Raw soy sauce / 5g

Vegetarian oyster sauce / 5 g

Pepper / 1g

1. Soak chickpeas for at least 5 hours (it is recommended to soak them one night earlier, if you can soak them in the refrigerator in the summer), treat the same as the waist beans, soak well and drain, steam for 15 minutes until cooked.

2. Peel the winter melon, use a scoop to dig the winter melon into a ball shape, blanch the water and set aside. Blanch the seafood mushrooms, then cut into about 1.5 to 2 cm pieces, then crush them by hand and set aside, and cut the parsley into sections for later.

3. Relax the water in the pot, put the chickpeas, waist beans, winter melon balls, seafood mushrooms, put them together, add raw soy sauce and vegetarian oil consumption, pepper to adjust the taste, simmer on low heat until the juice is collected, and finally sprinkle with parsley segments, and then serve in the pot.

1. Chickpeas and waist beans must be soaked well, otherwise the steaming is not rotten, if it is recommended to add water in the summer after the refrigerator to soak, otherwise it is easy to sour and deteriorate, even if it is not bad, the color of the bubbles becomes cloudy, it is also about to begin to deteriorate, and the taste will be affected.

2. The ball digger is generally sold in large supermarkets, which is very easy to use.

3. This dish is not amazing, but the different textures of various ingredients are particularly good, and I think it is particularly delicious.

4. When putting water in front, you need to put more, and you need to put it at one time, if you add it halfway, the umami will be destroyed, the amount of water will be less than a lot of ingredients, a little feel like cooking soup, so that after simmering, the umami between various ingredients can be integrated with each other, which is a small skill of freshness.

【15 Turmeric Stir-fried Chickpea Powder】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

Water / 45g

Chickpea powder / 40g

Red bell pepper /appropriate amount

Green peppers / appropriate amount

Beans/to taste

Nutritional yeast / 2 g

Flaxseed powder / 2 g

1/4 tsp of Indian black salt

Turmeric powder / 1/8 tsp

Black pepper/a little

1. Mix the batter material evenly to no graininess.

2. Put the vegetables into a non-stick pot and fry until fragrant, then pour the batter on the vegetables, and when the outer edge of the batter begins to solidify, start stir-frying until the state is relatively dry.

1. You can add your favorite vegetables and cook together with chickpea batter.

【16 Hummus】

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

From the Yu small worms, there is no picture of the little yellow duck to make it together

Chickpeas/to taste

Lemon juice / to taste

Salt/to taste

Black pepper/to taste

Vanilla powder / appropriate amount

1. Chickpeas soak overnight in cold water in advance.

2. Simmer or steam the chickpeas.

3. Add the cooked chickpeas to the cold white, a little lemon juice, a little salt, and beat the smooth sauce with a wall breaker.

4. When enjoying, you can add minced black pepper and vanilla powder to taste (you can also add sauce together).

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

Warm tips: often cook, or find a set of measuring spoons is easier to make a stable taste of the dish

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

, 1 tbsp = 15 ml, 1 tsp = 5 ml.

Finally, I recommend to you a domestic first plant zero chickpea whey protein stick wafer biscuit, adding 10% chickpeas, the first plant-based light food brand in China to apply chickpeas, delicious and healthy.

The world's most popular high-quality plant protein - chickpeas

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