
Rural people call it "Medicine King", also known as trilobaste, or has anti-cancer effects, do you understand? "Three-leaf green", also known as golden thread hanging gourd "three-leaf green", has anti-cancer effects? "It is a three-point poison of medicine", we must correctly look at the treatment of cancer by triloba green to standardize, and be vigilant against home remedies to harm people

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

Mr. Xu, 48, was diagnosed with cancer last month and underwent surgery at the hospital, but his body was weak after the operation, and doctors said there may be a risk of metastasis and could not be careless. Mr. Xu is very afraid, asking everywhere for cancer remedies, coincidentally, someone in his hometown told Mr. Xu that there is a weed called "three-leaf green" in the countryside, which has a miraculous effect on the treatment of tumors and can help fight cancer. Mr. Xu had never heard of it, did not know whether to try it or not, and was very contradictory for a while.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "three-leaf green" is also known as gold thread hanging gourd</h1>

Clover green is also called golden thread hanging gourd, snake appendage, stone mouse, its formal scientific name is trifoliary cliff climbing vine, three-leaf green whole grass can be medicated, the best effect is the root and fruit of trifoliary green.

Trifolium green mainly grows in Hunan and Zhejiang. Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong and other southern regions, because the origin is not the same, so the shape of the growth of clover green in various places also has certain differences.

Rural people call it "Medicine King", also known as trilobaste, or has anti-cancer effects, do you understand? "Three-leaf green", also known as golden thread hanging gourd "three-leaf green", has anti-cancer effects? "It is a three-point poison of medicine", we must correctly look at the treatment of cancer by triloba green to standardize, and be vigilant against home remedies to harm people

The medicinal value of trifolium is very high, in some rural areas in the south, it is a commonly used folk herbal medicine, trifoliary green is cool, slightly bitter, has the effect of clearing heat, detoxification and blood circulation, in addition to anti-inflammatory pain and phlegm removal. It can mainly be used to treat pneumonia, hepatitis, tonsillitis, chronic pharyngitis, gastritis and lymph nodes.

Therefore, clover is a traditional Chinese medicine, and its clinical application is also aimed at some common diseases. However, with the advancement of medical science and technology, the current relevant research has found that trilobaste has a certain anti-cancer effect.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "trilobite" have anti-cancer effects? </h1>

Related studies have found that trilobite has a better effect on inhibiting respiratory tumor diseases. Studies believe that total flavonoids are one of the main anti-tumor effect substances of trifolia, and the effect on lung cancer is very good. For example, in Ninghua, Fujian, there are patients with advanced lung cancer, the relevant doctors diagnosed that the survival period of patients is less than three months, after taking triloba cyanosis treatment, the patient's various tumor indicators have declined, and the fluid in the chest cavity has also declined and absorbed, after which, the patient's survival period has been extended for four and a half years, after which, the patient died because of the recurrence caused by stopping taking triloba green for half a year.

Although the anti-cancer effect of trifolium has been confirmed, the actual yield is very low due to the lack of wild resources of trifolium. In addition, the conditions for artificial cultivation of clover are very strict, which further leads to the artificial cultivation of clover is still in the stage of exploration. Therefore, in the comprehensive situation, there are very few high-quality trifolium greens on the market at present.

Moreover, from the perspective of clinical application, since the application case of trifolium anti-cancer is not universal, the mechanism of its anti-cancer needs to be further studied. Therefore, the anti-cancer effect and effect of trilobite green need to add more cases to make a breakthrough in the effect and mechanism.

Rural people call it "Medicine King", also known as trilobaste, or has anti-cancer effects, do you understand? "Three-leaf green", also known as golden thread hanging gourd "three-leaf green", has anti-cancer effects? "It is a three-point poison of medicine", we must correctly look at the treatment of cancer by triloba green to standardize, and be vigilant against home remedies to harm people

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "is a three-point poison of medicine", we must correctly look at trifolium</h1>

Although Trifolia has the effect of traditional Chinese medicine, the drug is three points of toxicity and is not recommended for patients to take blindly. It was previously reported that in 2019, three people in Chenzhou, Hunan Province, were poisoned by eating clover green raw. It turned out that they had heard that clover could treat lymphadenopathy, so they bought it themselves and ate it. Who knew that just after eating for a few hours, there were symptoms of poisoning such as tingling, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

After rescue and treatment, the patient is out of danger. Doctors said that clover green has a stimulating effect on the stomach and intestines, so if you take it indiscriminately, it is easy to cause poisoning. In daily life, it is not allowed to take without authorization, but must be diagnosed by a doctor and used according to the doctor's instructions to ensure safety.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > treatment of cancer should be standardized, and vigilance against home remedies harming people</h1>

Clinically, the treatment of cancer must be standardized, follow the doctor's advice and guidance, especially not to take some folk remedies indiscriminately.

However, in the era of mixed information, because many patients are eager to treat diseases, it is easy to believe in some folk remedies. However, in the clinical and therapeutic field, especially for the serious disease of cancer, we must pay more attention to standardized treatment, and there can be no ideological bias of "dead horse as a living horse doctor". Because many folk remedies are only empirically valid in individual cases and are not universal, some folk remedies are not necessarily effective for all patients.

Rural people call it "Medicine King", also known as trilobaste, or has anti-cancer effects, do you understand? "Three-leaf green", also known as golden thread hanging gourd "three-leaf green", has anti-cancer effects? "It is a three-point poison of medicine", we must correctly look at the treatment of cancer by triloba green to standardize, and be vigilant against home remedies to harm people

In addition, there are some folk remedies that are themselves deceptive, such as centipede poison anti-cancer, toad anti-cancer, etc., which not only have no therapeutic effect, but also take it indiscriminately, it will be harmful to the body.

Therefore, anti-cancer should not only be standardized, but also cautious about other diseases. Only by following the guidance of doctors is the scientific attitude of disease prevention and treatment. #Breeze Project ##Rumor Zero Plan ##39健康超能团 #


[1] "Common weeds in rural areas are called "medicine kings", are they really cancer busters? 》. Popular Science China, 2019.8.30

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