
What is good for eating kidney supplements in autumn and winter? Chinese medicine gives you a "chestnut"

author:China Youth Network

When you think of street food, the image that comes to mind might look like this:

What is good for eating kidney supplements in autumn and winter? Chinese medicine gives you a "chestnut"

If you ask which of these is a good kidney supplement, it is estimated that most people can't guess it. Some people even think that street stalls are food without nutrition.

What is good for eating kidney supplements in autumn and winter? Chinese medicine gives you a "chestnut"

It is the autumn and winter "street celebrity" - sugar fried chestnuts. Not only is it delicious, but this chestnut also has a unique nutritional value.

"Life Times" (search for "LT0385" in WeChat to follow) interviews experts to analyze the healthy eating of chestnuts for you.

Experts interviewed

Cao Jianchun, chief physician of Oriental Hospital, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine

Chinese Registered Dietitian Ma Yueqing

Hu Xiaolan, chairman of the Nutrition Society of Huangshi City, Hubei Province

National Senior Culinary Technician Zhao Liang

Northern chestnut tonic kidney, southern chestnut spleen

What is good for eating kidney supplements in autumn and winter? Chinese medicine gives you a "chestnut"

Chinese medicine believes that winter is the main order of kidney qi, at this time the body's qi and blood begin to converge, and the essence needs to be stored, and it is particularly appropriate to eat chestnut supplements at this time.

Chestnut taste sweet and warm, into the kidneys, spleen, stomach three meridians, has the effect of tonifying the kidneys, strengthening the muscles, replenishing the spleen and benefiting the stomach. It can be used as both food and medicine.

Chestnuts are divided into north and south

Efficacy varies from cooking to cooking

Why add sugar to fried chestnuts?

What is good for eating kidney supplements in autumn and winter? Chinese medicine gives you a "chestnut"

The streets of autumn and winter, the oily sugar-fried chestnut and its mouth-watering aroma have conquered countless foodies. Many people wonder, why should chestnuts be fried with sugar?



When the sugar is heated to a high temperature above the melting point, it can undergo a browning reaction, dehydration to form caramel and degradation to produce volatile aldehydes, ketones, etc., bringing pleasant color and flavor.

These scents are mixed with chestnut scents that can float far away and make people smell more appetizing.



The sugar is adhesionable, and the sautéed sand can be adhered to the outside of the chestnut, so that the chestnut is heated evenly.

Sugar produces brown-black melanoids and caramel substances during heating, making the surface of sugar-fried chestnuts dark brown oil brighter and more attractive in color.



Sugar fried chestnuts taste soft and sweet, many people mistakenly think that it is the reason for adding sugar, in fact, the outer skin of the chestnut is very thick, and it is difficult for the sugar used to fry the chestnut to penetrate into the chestnut kernel.

However, after the sugar is melted, a thin film can be formed on the chestnut shell, which can effectively slow down the evaporation of water in the chestnut and make the chestnuts soft and sweet.

Although the sugar roasted chestnuts are delicious, there are also unscrupulous traders who add industrial paraffin oil, sodium saccharin, cyclamate, etc. to the casserole of the roasted chestnuts in order to make the chestnuts look bright and attractive. When you buy, you can identify it according to the following methods:

What is good for eating kidney supplements in autumn and winter? Chinese medicine gives you a "chestnut"

People who are more sensitive to taste can easily distinguish which fried chestnuts have saccharin in them and which ones are not.

Chestnuts fried with saccharin are sweet at first, but there is no aftertaste, and you can taste bitterness when you taste them carefully.

When buying chestnuts, you can bring a few paper towels and rub the shell of the chestnuts first.

If you find oil stains on it, it means that the chestnut may have added paraffin oil (some people add vegetable oil when frying chestnuts, but the amount is relatively small).

When buying chestnuts, don't blindly pursue the white or golden color of the flesh, because it may be chemically treated.

If you find some browning in the middle of the flesh after frying or cooking, you don't need to worry, this is caused by the "browning reaction" of the enzymes contained in the chestnuts, as long as the taste does not change, it is harmless to the human body and can be eaten with confidence.

Chestnuts are a perfect match for these ingredients

What is good for eating kidney supplements in autumn and winter? Chinese medicine gives you a "chestnut"

The aroma of sugar-fried chestnuts makes people's appetites burst. In fact, in addition to frying, roasting and boiling alone, chestnuts also have many good cooking partners.

Chestnuts + chicken

Chestnut chicken is one of the most classic home-cooked dishes, chestnuts increase the sweetness of the chicken, chicken meat adds to the freshness of chestnuts.

Nutritionally, chestnuts are rich in carbohydrates and dietary fiber, B vitamins and various minerals are also good, and chicken is rich in high-quality protein, so the two are also complementary in nutrition.

Chestnuts + grains

Whether it is cooking porridge or steaming rice, adding some chestnuts will greatly enhance the taste and nutrition, such as eight treasure porridge, chestnut millet porridge, chestnut rice and so on.

Although biologically speaking, chestnuts are nuts, but from the nutritional point of view, chestnuts are low in fat and high starch, and it is more appropriate to treat them as "whole grains".

Chestnut glycemic index is lower than white rice, very suitable for replacing white rice, white steamed buns, noodles and other staple foods, the nutritional value is higher than that of ordinary grains.

Chestnuts + shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake chestnut is a traditional dish in the Hui cuisine.

Shiitake mushrooms are delicious and fragrant, rich in vitamin D and shiitake mushroom polysaccharides, chestnuts are sweet and soft, golden in color, rich in dietary fiber and a variety of minerals.

Both in terms of taste and nutrition are very good partners. Before making this dish, the chestnuts need to be steamed in advance.

Buy chestnuts, don't just pick a big one

What is good for eating kidney supplements in autumn and winter? Chinese medicine gives you a "chestnut"

In addition to sugar fried chestnuts, you can also buy some fresh chestnuts, boiling porridge, cooking, soup are good.

It should be reminded that due to the shell protection, some poor quality may also be mixed in good chestnuts, which need to be carefully identified.

The shell is hard

First pinch the chestnut with your hand, a good chestnut, the shell is hard, will not be squeezed by the hand and will not be depressed into it.

Flattened body

Chestnuts with round sides and flattened sides are often exposed to sunlight during the growth process and will taste sweeter.

No sound

Put the chestnuts to your ears and shake them, if you can't hear the sound, it means fresher. Conversely, it indicates that the placement time is too long.


The complexion is dark brown

Good chestnuts are dark brown in color and bright in color. In addition, the surface of the high-quality chestnuts is free of insect eyes, smooth and clean.

Finally, we need to remind everyone that 10 chestnuts are equivalent to the calories of a small bowl of rice, and if the sugar roasted chestnuts are infused with a small amount of sugar and grease, the calories will be higher. It is recommended to eat 7 to 8 capsules a day, if it is used as a snack, the intake of staple foods can be appropriately reduced during meals.

Source: Life Times