
20 sugar-free tea drink reviews, these 3 are the most amazing

author:The tea industry is revived

Whether you drink bottled sugar-free tea or not, it is undeniable that the spring of sugar-free tea drinking has come.

In the past, it was difficult to find a sugar-free pure tea drink at a convenience store, but now all larger convenience stores can find at least two tea drinks.

For ordinary people, buying bottled tea is roughly for 3 reasons: 1, 0 sugar, 0 calories and 0 fat, the pursuit of healthy life; 2, the taste is refreshing and greasy, tea drinks can be quickly and easily drunk tea; 3, the rise of the national tide, the revival of Chinese culture, the increase in tea drinking enthusiasts, that is, cultural needs.

20 sugar-free tea drink reviews, these 3 are the most amazing

However, for people in the tea industry, tea drinks are probably "tea" that will never be drunk if they have no choice but to drink. Are tea drinks really so bad? Are there any tea drinks that amaze tea drinkers?

We bought 15 teas from the market and evaluated them from the perspective of tea drinkers. In addition to the small partners in the editorial department, there are also 2 professional tea people who participate in the evaluation.

Contestants appear

We have purchased 15 teas from the market and divided them into three groups according to the tea category: green tea, black tea, and oolong tea, which are:

Green tea group

Kirin raw tea green tea drink

Itoen strong green tea

Master Kong cold brewed green tea

Chari King Japanese Green Tea

Oriental leaf green tea

Make tea alpine green tea

20 sugar-free tea drink reviews, these 3 are the most amazing

Oolong tea set

Itoen strong tea

Oriental leaf oolong tea

Tea King Taiwanese Oolong Tea

Suntory Oolong Tea

Let the tea alpine oolong

Deji frozen top oolong

Black tea set

Oriental leaf black tea

Lipton honey red

Make tea black tea

20 sugar-free tea drink reviews, these 3 are the most amazing

The evaluation dimensions are: aroma, taste, aftertaste


Green tea is Chinese favorite tea, in the eyes of tea lovers, green tea is good or not depends on whether it is fresh and sweet, and whether it is astringent.

Kirin raw tea green tea drink: there is green tea aroma, and fried green tea taste is different, Japanese sencha taste, rich taste, rich three-dimensional, bean aroma, freshness, high freshness, slightly astringent.

Itoen strong green tea: light aroma, strong sense of oral convergence, astringency stays for a long time, suitable for eating hot pot to dissolve greasy, like a green tea brewed overnight.

Master Kong cold brew green tea: Perhaps the extraction method is different, there is a sweet aroma, the taste is sweet, and the tea taste is light. The little buddy said it tasted like boiled corn whiskers.

20 sugar-free tea drink reviews, these 3 are the most amazing

Chaliwang Japanese Green Tea: Similar to Master Kong's cold brew tea, the taste is peaceful and the tea taste is very light.

Oriental leaf green tea: has a clear fragrance, mellow taste, slightly astringent.

Let tea alpine green tea: The most prominent point of let tea is that the tea polyphenol content of this tea is as high as 660mg/kg, which is the highest of all green teas. The taste is fresher and the astringency is more obvious, but it is lower than it is ito-en's strong green tea.

20 sugar-free tea drink reviews, these 3 are the most amazing

Green Tea Group Recommendation: Kirin Raw Tea Green Tea Drink

Net content: 525ml | Price: 12.8 yuan

In addition to its high appearance, the most powerful part of Qilin raw tea lies in the uniqueness of the taste, using the technology of first finely crushing the tea leaves and then extracting them at low temperatures, so the tea soup is mixed with very small tea fragments inside. The freshness and sweetness of Kirin raw tea even exceeds that of direct brewing, which is worth recommending.

20 sugar-free tea drink reviews, these 3 are the most amazing

Oolong tea was first introduced as a canned tea drink. Japan's Itoen introduced canned oolong tea and canned green tea in 1981 and 1985, and by 1996, the earliest 500 ml PET plastic bottle green tea drink was launched, and the Japanese tea drinking habits changed. In Japan, oolong tea is a representative of fat loss and degreasing; in the world of traditional Chinese drinking, oolong tea is the most abundant variety and taste of a type of tea. Oolong tea can be roughly divided into two categories: fragrant type and strong aroma type, and the aroma fullness is the focus of tasting oolong tea.

Itoen strong tea: Strong tea still maintains a high concentration and astringency, bitter taste is obvious, the aroma is flat, and the small partner says that it seems to be a low-grade tea that is too heavy in baking.

Oriental Leaf Oolong Tea: This oolong tea is a fragrance type, the tea taste is relatively peaceful, good to enter, and the astringency is low.

20 sugar-free tea drink reviews, these 3 are the most amazing

Tea King Taiwanese Oolong Tea: The roasting degree of tea is between oriental leaves and Suntory, the thickness is appropriate, and the tea taste is more coordinated.

Suntory Oolong Tea: The packaging indicates the addition of special grade tea leaves, and the taste retains the mellowness of the tea leaves while also having a certain freshness. The aroma is intense, slightly astringent and the aftertaste is obvious.

Let the tea alpine oolong: fragrant oolong tea, relatively refreshing, slightly astringent, low aroma.

Deji frozen top Oolong: This taste is more unique, the entrance has the taste of barley tea and the woody aroma of tea fermentation, slightly astringent, bitter taste is relatively light.

Oolong tea group recommendation: Oriental leaf oolong tea

Net content: 525ml | Price: 5 yuan

There was a big disagreement in the oolong tea group review group, but in the end, the oriental leaf oolong tea scored relatively stable in taste, texture and aroma, and it was also the least astringent in these oolong tea drinks, which was the choice that could not be wrong at any time.

Sweet and fragrant black tea is currently the most drunk tea in the world. The traditional black tea review requires that the black tea soup is bright red, the taste is mellow and sweet, and it is better to be fresh.

Oriental Leaf Black Tea: Compared with the oriental leaf oolong and green tea, black tea is the strongest one in its own series, with a sweet taste.

Lipton Honey Red: This tea is blended with Taiwanese and Sri Lankan black teas, but overall the tea taste is relatively light.

Make Tea Daily Black Tea: Surprise! The taste retains the unique sweetness and thickness of Dianhong, the aroma is a faint honey fragrance and sweet potato aroma, the tea soup is full, and the taste of brewed tea is very close.

20 sugar-free tea drink reviews, these 3 are the most amazing

Black Tea Group Recommendation: Let Tea

Net content: 500ml | Price: 6 yuan

Among the smaller numbers of black teas on the market, the black tea of Jean Tea won unanimous praise from the judging panel for its taste closest to real tea. The only downside is that the packaging style can also be improved.

Because we did not look closely at the outer packaging, we also mistakenly bought 3 bottles of sugar/low-sugar tea, such as Yuanqi Forest Tea, although the packaging says "sugar-free", in fact, with "erythritol" instead of sucrose, still maintaining sweetness. Drinking too many sugar-free drinks, a sip of sweet tea down, there will be a natural sense of balance is broken. For most tea drinkers, sugared tea drinking is a relatively dark existence, cautious, cautious.

20 sugar-free tea drink reviews, these 3 are the most amazing

If you want to confirm whether the tea drink you buy is really sugar-free, you can look at the ingredient list, the ingredient list of pure tea tea drinks, the ingredients are generally very simple, tea + vitamin C + sodium bicarbonate is the standard formula. A true sugar-free tea that not only does not add any sugar or sweeteners, but also does not add tea powder or flavor.

vitamin C

VC has an antioxidant effect, adding VC can prevent the oxidation of tea polyphenols from discoloration and keep the tea soup clear.

sodium bicarbonate

That is, baking soda, used to balance the pH of tea drinks. The trace amount of bubbles produced by baking soda can enhance the taste of the tea and make the tea dense and moist to drink.

On the outer packaging of bottled tea, there are often two details, one is the content of tea polyphenols, and the other is the raw material of tea.

Tea polyphenols

Tea polyphenols are the main functional substances of tea drinking, which have antioxidant, bacteriostatic and other effects, but the taste will be more astringent. Among the many tea drinks, the polyphenol content of the 3 drinks of tea is the best, and green tea has reached the highest 660ml/kg.

Tea raw materials

There are 3 kinds of tea flavor raw materials, one is tea extract, one is tea concentrate, and the other is tea powder. From the perspective of the degree of excellence of taste, tea extract > tea concentrate > instant tea powder

From iced black tea to sugar-free tea, consumer tastes are iterating

The reduction of sugar has become an inevitable trend in the development of the entire beverage industry. Although the tea market is still in the "iced black tea period", that is, most of them are still sweet tea products, but more and more low-sugar, sugar-free, sugar-substitute tea products are becoming more and more popular.

In 2011, Nongfu Spring launched "Oriental Leaves", which is the first sugar-free tea that many people come into contact with, but it was once selected by netizens as "the most difficult drink in the country TOP5". Today, the oriental leaves are growing at a double-digit rate every year, becoming a representative of sugar-free tea drinks.

20 sugar-free tea drink reviews, these 3 are the most amazing

The product has not changed, but the taste of the consumer has changed.

In the past in the era of material scarcity, whether it is drinks or food, consumers need high sugar, heavy taste things to satisfy appetite, and with the gradual enrichment of substances, high oil and high sugar caused by health problems are becoming more and more prominent, consumers will have more rational and healthy considerations when choosing tastes, and light foods and drinks will gradually usher in their own era. The original dull and tasteless, now become fresh and natural just right.

Tea beverages should not be at the lowest end of the tea industry's despised chain, in fact, from ordering tea to brewing tea, every change in tea is in line with the pulse of the current era, because with changes, tea is always with you and me. Sugar-free tea drinks, from taste, technology and scene have a more flexible space than traditional tea, may become a new channel for young people to contact the true taste of real tea.