
Elder Teng's nonsense is Zhang Zhujun

author:The boss talked about the Republic of China 8

The ICRC was founded by the Swiss Dunant in 1863, when China was fighting the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the final battle in Nanjing after the two Opium Wars. For thousands of years, this ancient land of China has buried an unknown number of white bones, and on the battlefield, the wounded officers and soldiers on both sides of the enemy and us have been rescued, which in the eyes of Chinese is simply unbelievable, even more pedantic than the half-defeated Song Xianggong.

Elder Teng's nonsense is Zhang Zhujun

The earliest understanding of this organization was during the Sino-Japanese War, when the Japanese Red Cross Society came to the battlefield and rescued soldiers from both sides, saying that they established the Red Cross organization in 1877, and officially joined the International Red Cross Society 10 years later. The Qing army did not know, so it even treated the Red Cross members as enemies to be harmed, and was ridiculed, and people of insight wrote in the "Declaration":

"The Red Cross is the symbol of national civilization, and in today's countries of the world, apart from barbarism, all the enlightened states have heeded the Xingshui, and those who have not yet been revived are only China and Korea."

Elder Teng's nonsense is Zhang Zhujun

In 1904, before the Russo-Japanese War began, Japan sent ships to take away its own overseas Chinese and foreigners from other countries, and when the fight broke out, Sheng Xuanhuai and other Qing government officials also wanted to send ships to Lushun to pick up their own refugees, but they were rejected by the troops stationed in Russia, claiming that the consequences were at their own risk. At that time, private charity was mainly handled by the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce, which became rich first, and Shen Dunhe was particularly keen on the affairs of the Red Cross.

He approached the British missionary Timothy Lee and told the representatives of Britain, France, Germany, and the United States in China to jointly establish a Shanghai Red Cross Society on March 10 in the name of the American Branch in China. By May, 200,000 taels had been raised, and the Guangxu Emperor had issued 100,000 taels in his personal name, announcing that he would be exempt from the cost of telegrams, ships, and trains.

Elder Teng's nonsense is Zhang Zhujun
Elder Teng's nonsense is Zhang Zhujun

On 29 May, the National Committee of the Red Cross officially approved the Red Cross of nations, so today is the day of its establishment.

According to statistics, in the past year, the Red Cross Society of the Nations has set up a field hospital in Niuzhuang, Yingkou, treating about 30,000 wounded, only 331 people died of serious injuries, repatriating 20,000 refugees, and transporting 130,000 people out of danger. After the war, the Qing court took back the northeast occupied by the Russians for 3 years, and after tasting the sweetness, it did not want the Red Cross to run the private sector, and in February 1910, Sheng Xuanhuai was appointed as the first president of the Chinese Red Cross Society.

Elder Teng's nonsense is Zhang Zhujun
Elder Teng's nonsense is Zhang Zhujun

When the Wuchang Uprising broke out, Zhang Zhujun urgently contacted the Shanghai revolutionaries and gentry, and on October 18, 1911, initiated the establishment of the China Red Cross Society, which was headed by Wu Tingfang, Song Yaoru, Yu Qiaqing, Li Pingshu, etc., who served as the president of the association, led 69 male members and 54 female members to form an ambulance team and traveled to Wuhan by boat. Shen Dunhe also could not sit still, and on the 24th, 700 people took the oath meeting, organized into three medical teams, and also rushed to the battlefield.

Interestingly, while the two sides marched forward, while arguing, Zhang Zhujun took the lead in attacking, and on the 26th, he published an open letter in the "Minli Bao", believing that Shen Dunhe had deceived the world and stolen his name, why have the accounts of the Red Cross Society of All Nations not been made public so far? You returned the 20,000 yuan we sent back from Guangdong. On the 28th, Shen Dunhe responded in the "Declaration", which means that all countries are gentry offices rather than official offices, the accounts are clear, hospitals and schools have been built, and shi Ziying, the general director of accounting, has always presided over it.

Here, let's first make it clear that the Red Cross of all nations is neutral and both sides are saved, the Great Qing Red Cross Sheng Xuanhuai is the government's, it is impossible to save the rebellious revolutionaries, the Crimson Cross is mainly the alliance, under the banner, in fact, to save their own people, for example, in this controversy, Zhang Zhujun is for the darkness of Chen Cang, who is on her ship, all the revolutionary leaders from Hong Kong and Shanghai rushed to command the battle, Song Jiaoren, Zhu Jiahua, Chen Guofu and more than 100 other people.

Elder Teng's nonsense is Zhang Zhujun

This Zhang Zhujun, known as China's Nightingale, has set many records in modern times: the first female student, the first female doctor, built the first women's hospital, and never married. In 1911, she saved Huang Xing three times: the first time, after the Huanghuagang Uprising, she and her girlfriend Xu Zonghan transported Huang Xing to Hong Kong, and before the operation, she urged her girlfriend to sign as a family member; after the operation, she urged her girlfriend to add him.

The second time, it was two sons who came to Shanghai, there was no way, Wuchang was leaderless, in order to buy time, Huang Xing had to arrive, this is not, it was she who pulled the two sons and a large number of party members. In the three towns, Zhang Zhujun braved the rain of bullets and bullets, almost hung up several times, and saved countless wounded, which in Chinese history, there was such a woman, of course, the Red Cross of all nations is not bad at all, not much to say, salute it.

Elder Teng's nonsense is Zhang Zhujun

The third time, Hanyang fell, and it was she who took Huang Xing and others out, went to Wuchang to take a boat, and returned to Shanghai. The Geneva headquarters gave high praise to the performance of the Red Cross Society of China, Sun Yat-sen and Yuan Shikai also highly recognized, in 1912, the Red Cross Society of China filed a case to become a legal society, the official background of Lu Haihuan became the president, Shen Dunhe was the vice president, Zhang Zhujun retired in a low profile.

In the modernization enlightenment, the pioneers of the south attached importance to three things: one was to see a doctor and build a western hospital; the second was to build a school and spread science; and the third was to study the law and build a country with the law. Think what you are right, what I am wrong, fight around, do not move, start a war, are all the next strategy, are all calves, are special some villains to take the position.