
Causes and treatment of koi white spot disease

author:Rural life xiao Zhao

The fish pond is relatively easy to build, and all kinds of hands-on DIY can be. I thought that after the fish pond was built, I could safely raise fish by putting in koi. However, after breeding koi, it was found that the cultivation of koi carp is not so simple, it is not as easy as koi with white spots, and when the white spots are serious, the koi may die. Let's talk about the reasons for the white spots of koi and the treatment methods.

Causes and treatment of koi white spot disease

Causes of koi white spots: The pathogen of koi white spot disease is caused by melon worms invading the skin or gills of the fish. The small melon worm is a type of ciliate insect in the genus Protozoa. Microscopic examination of adult worms has a large horseshoe-shaped nucleus. Juveniles have only round, oval or rod-shaped nuclei. The insect body is soft and malleable, and its morphology is changeable. This disease is one of the most common multiple diseases in koi, and its pathogenesis is characterized by rapid infection, widespread epidemic and great harm.

Causes and treatment of koi white spot disease

Symptoms of white spot disease: Koi will be covered with small white spots after getting this disease, and even the body surface will be covered with a white film, in the early stage of the disease, the sick fish will rub hard objects with the body, hoping to remove the nasty pathogens on the body. If we look closely, we can also see the white-spotted larvae that are dotting and adsorbed on the fish, resulting in emaciation, slow movement, and dull surface of the koi.

Causes and treatment of koi white spot disease

Edit the prevention method of white spot disease: small melon worms are generally brought into the fish pond by new fish, so we must thoroughly kill insects and sterilize after buying new koi before they can be put into the fish pond. Also, when the pool water is very dirty and the resistance of the fish body declines, the small melon worms will multiply in large quantities, so it is necessary to pay great attention to the purification of the pool water. Generally occurs from December to June, when the water temperature is 14-25 ° C, it is the most suitable temperature for the propagation of small melon insects, then remember to regularly kill insects in the fish pond.

Causes and treatment of koi white spot disease

The treatment of white spot disease: 1. Heating up, mild symptoms, you can fish up and put it into warm water of 30 ~ 32 ° C, because white spot worms cannot grow in this water temperature. 2. Salt, with 10% salt water mixed with 1000 kg of water for medicinal bath, for 3 consecutive days, you can be cured.

Causes and treatment of koi white spot disease

Drugs for the treatment of white spot disease: 1. Malachite green has a good effect on white spot disease, but malachite green is now a prohibited drug, and ornamental fish can be considered as appropriate. 2. Red potion can also treat koi white spot disease. However, it should be noted that the red potion should be appropriate, and the water can be adjusted to a slight red, rather less than more, and soak twice a day for 8 minutes each time. 3. Potassium permanganate also has a therapeutic effect on white spot disease. Use potassium permanganate to mix into burgundy water to soak the diseased fish to kill insects, but the soaking time should not be too long, to control within five minutes, so that continuous treatment of white spot disease for several days can also be cured.

Causes and treatment of koi white spot disease

It is a drug three points of poison, the quality of white spot disease we priority to heat up and then salt, if there is really no way we finally consider drug treatment.