
New starting point, new link, new horizon, Konka TV New Media Base 3·8 festival officially launched

author:New Youth Technology

When it comes to the popular forms of social communication in recent years, live broadcasting is one of them. Especially under the influence of the epidemic, live broadcasting has the characteristics of user time growth, high communication efficiency and strong interactivity, which is the most obvious advantage of live broadcast marketing compared with other marketing methods. Based on the huge traffic behind the live broadcast and the huge user scale and potential consumption capacity brought by the traffic, major enterprises have opened a new track of live broadcast marketing, and Konka has long been aware of this trend, laying out live marketing in advance, and opening a wave of new trends of live broadcast with goods.

New starting point, new link, new horizon, Konka TV New Media Base 3·8 festival officially launched

Thanks to the successful practice in live marketing, Konka began to prepare for the construction of a new media base in an intensive manner, hoping to stimulate new possibilities for brand development with digital marketing. On the occasion of the March 8th Festival, Konka TV New Media Base officially launched, opening a new starting point for social media marketing, opening a new link for commercial digital marketing, and reshaping a new vision of live broadcasting of enterprise scenes in the color TV industry after the epidemic.

To seize traffic, live marketing is imperative

With the rise and fall of live marketing in the past two years, Konka is well versed in scene-based live broadcasting and celebrity goods have become a new growth pole for brand marketing transformation, and gradually form a new traffic monetization system. Especially affected by the epidemic, brand marketing has gradually changed from offline to online, and opening high-quality live streaming promotions has become the new normal.

New starting point, new link, new horizon, Konka TV New Media Base 3·8 festival officially launched

At present, the main consumer groups in the home appliance industry are gradually moving closer to the younger generation. Live marketing, in the final analysis, is the culture of young people, and its starting point is to take into account the fast consumption standards of young people. It directly satisfies the pleasure and sense of achievement of young people's consumption, allowing consumers to preemptively place orders after clearly understanding the product and enhancing the brand's favorability, which is in line with the minds of young people. In addition, the current traffic stars, Internet celebrities, etc. have joined the ranks of live streaming with goods, opening up brand linkage communication, and further activating the online marketing potential.

With the upgrading of consumer groups and consumption upgrades, it is foreseeable that in the post-epidemic era, live marketing will be a key part of brand commercial marketing and enhancing brand recognition.

Konka TV New Media Base officially started broadcasting, laying out a new marketing track in advance

If you want to stand out in the marketing competition in the industry and occupy a leading position, you must enter the state in advance, rub your fists, and gain insight into the minds of consumers. Konka has long been deeply involved in the market, good at grasping market trends and marketing trends, this time it also seized the new traffic entrance of live marketing, and began the construction of a new media live broadcast base early.

New starting point, new link, new horizon, Konka TV New Media Base 3·8 festival officially launched

The official opening and successful practice of Konka TV New Media Base on March 8 is an important measure for Konka to accelerate the transformation of enterprises to digital and scenario-based marketing, narrow the distance between brands, product experience officers and consumers, and shape a warm brand image, which will help brands win more discourse rights in the industry market.

In live marketing, people's understanding of the product will change to a certain extent. In order to attract more audiences, Konka has also carefully designed the live broadcast scene, with experience as the content, live broadcast as the form, integrating technology into life, and exerting the effect of "moisturizing and silent", so as to convey accurate brand and product information to potential users and convey a more warm brand concept.

It is reported that in addition to meeting the demand for daily online live streaming of Konka TV, the follow-up base will gradually realize more functions with market changes, and better solve the most critical "human cargo yard" problem of live streaming with goods, in order to create greater commercial value.

To do "technology with temperature", Konka is committed to creating a differentiated 3·8 section

Coinciding with the 3.8 festival, Konka TV takes "I, just shine colorful" as the theme of the festival, focusing on female users, excavating and meeting the quality shopping needs of people at different levels, promoting digital marketing upgrades through new media bases, and allowing more female users to deeply understand the brand culture and technological strength of Konka Group. The elaborate multiple gifts and interesting interactions have also brought people a lot of suspense and surprises.

New starting point, new link, new horizon, Konka TV New Media Base 3·8 festival officially launched

In order to seize the 3.8 traffic highland and achieve strong brand exposure, Konka planned in advance from the aspects of products and operations, on the one hand, it concentrated on investigating market demand and selecting suitable products for promotion; on the other hand, it also made comprehensive preparations for the operation of the event. On the day of the event on March 8, Chang Dong, co-vice president of Konka Group and president of Konka Electronic Technology, and Young actors Zheng Shuhuan and Xu Siqi, who attended as product experience officers, entered the live broadcast room together, opened the live broadcast with goods, and extracted koi benefits, which not only enhanced the user's goodwill, but also successfully stimulated the user's enthusiasm for participation, which can be described as a new attempt by Konka in the refined operation of users.

Opportunities are always favored by those who are prepared, and only by winning in the present can we have the opportunity to win the future. The launch of Konka TV New Media Base is a new attempt by Konka on the new marketing track, conforming to the mainstream trend of current social communication, which will help it better create differentiated scene marketing, form brand labels in the hearts of more consumers, and achieve greater brand marketing value.

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