
Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

author:Wang Shi Wang Fist
Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Jue Kuan │ Zhou Jifu │ Zhou Xishun │ Zhou Fengxiang │ Zhou Jianguo │ Wang Dianyun │ Cui Youcai │ Wang Weiguo │ Guo Peiyun │ Yang Tong │ Li Changcai │ Huang Yuanfu │ Wu Qingliang │ Hou Zhanshan │ Hou Jincai │ Hou Cunzhu │ Liu Di │ Zhang Wensheng │ Zhou Wenyu │ Ma Dejin │ Yu Zhanxing │ Liang Runcheng │ Zhang Jiugong │ Zeng Biao │ Liu Yuying │ Lai Ruqing │ Bai Jin │ Qiu Guide │ Chang Yuxian │ Yan Minju │ Wen Shuzhen │ Qiao Juyou │ Wang Chengzhong │ Zhao Mingsheng │ Li Hongbin │ Liu Zhihui │ Pang Long │ Gu Lidong │ Zhang Wei │ Zhang Teng │ Bai Shuhua │ Han Shuhua │ Huo Yu │ Lu Luyuan │ Wang Runlan │ Li Yong │ Han Zhiguo │ Bu Bingquan │ Gao Maoxun │ Peng Zeming │

The spread of shape-meaning fist in Datong is rather intricate, and all of them were learned and introduced by Datong boxers, mainly including the following parts: the Xinyi Fist learned by Zhou Jifu of Datong in the late Qing Dynasty; the Shape-Yi Fist transmitted by Liu Wenhua in the Datong Fengzhen Hall of the Republic of China and Guo Peiyun; the Shape-Meaning Fist transmitted by Li Zhenbang by Guo Peiyun; the Early Shape-Meaning Fist transmitted by Song Shirong in Shanxi during the Republic of China period; the Taigu-shaped Fist transmitted by Hou Zhanshan; the Heart-heart Fist transmitted by modern Liu Di; the Shape-Meaning Fist transmitted by Guo Yunshen in Hebei Province; and the Shape-Meaning Fist transmitted by Bai Xiyuan transmitted by modern Madjin Modern Zhang Xigui introduced Datong's Hun Yuan Shaped Yi Fist; contemporary imported Chepai Bushi Shaped Yi Fist and so on.

Jue Kuan, commonly known as Li Jinlong, birth and death unknown, unknown teacher, is a Shandong native, and the intention passed on is the Shaolin Temple Zhen temple stunt. Mind will also known as hoe head, pictogram meaning, based on the hoe head, initially only a large style, and then gradually evolved into twelve major changes, focusing on the mind, there is "the most poisonous but the mind to put" said, it is monotonous, practical and not still flowery, is the supreme magic method of practicing the mind, intention, force, and qi. Just as in the secret score, Yun: "The mind puts the posture method, it is a Shaolin internal gong fist; the knotted basket palm should be vomited, and the up-and-down body method should be changed at will; the rise and fall of the body should be like lifting the breath, and the sound of 'um' falls like a brick; luck should be smooth as the main point, falling like a pickaxe handle; the night meditation practice is concentrated, like a white ape jumping from a mountain stream." Youyun: "Qi luck will reach Yongquan, and the dantian Kunlun will be transferred." It leads to the middle of the neck to the middle of the body, and after the triad arrives at the Lao Palace. The breath is lifted upward from both feet, and the breath reaches the whole body with exhalation. Rise and suck low, land on the brick breath exhaled. Start left and right and jump in a loop, and the bright wings spread out to soar. The initial practice is thirty-six per hour, and the last month is nine-nine-eighty-one. Every day is like a thousand days, and the work and qi go all over the sky." There is no routine in the mind, and it is mainly a single operator. The strength side is heavy on sticky rolling, and the rise and fall of the opposite side requires the body to roll up. The body is split, the foot is stepped on and landed, the inside is lifted outside, the inside and outside are one, and the flexibility and agility are extremely flexible.

When the monk Juekuan first came to the Zhoujia kiln, he begged all the way over, dressed in rags, and his appearance was not amazing. At that time, the Zhoujiayao people loved martial arts and performed martial arts in the courtyard, and were seen by the Monk Juekuan, and their expressions showed disdain, and the young people who practiced martial arts in the Zhoujiayao successively and Juekuan were thrown to the courtyard. So someone said something to Jue Kuan, which basically means that like you have such a kung fu, you don't need to beg at all, just live in the temple in the village, and usually teach us. Jue Kuan stayed, and at first relied on some young people in the village to take some grain from home to survive, and later after Zhou Jifu's father knew, because the Zhou family was a rich family in the village, he invited Jue Kuan to his home to teach Zhou Jifu martial arts. Gradually, he learned from Juekuan's mouth that Juekuan was a native of Shandong and fled to Shanxi because of the lawsuit. The clothes that Jue Kuan usually wears are called "Hundred Clothes" and weigh 40 pounds. After Jue Kuan lived in the Zhou family, he carefully instructed Zhou Jifu, and the Zhou family also cherished the martial arts of Visual Wide. According to legend, one year the bandits came to the village to rob, after passing through the temple where Jue Kuan lived, the villagers heard the bandits and the monk Jue Kuan talking about it, and the villagers could not understand it, and after saying it, the bandits left the Zhoujia kiln. Later, people said that the monk Juekuan and the bandits were communicating "jianghu black talk". Starting from Zhou Jifu, this intention passed on mainly to the descendants of the Zhou family, Zhou Jifu to his son, the son to his grandson Zhou Jianzhong, and Zhou Jianzhong to his son Zhou Xishun. So far, about six generations have been passed down. There are also outsiders who are not members of the Zhou family who come to learn from Zhou Jifu, but they learn some martial arts from other sects. Zhou Jifu passed on Zhang Jinshan, Peng Xiang and others, and Peng Xiang passed on Wang Ming, Han Fu, Guo Runyuan and others, but he had the heart to pass on the truth less. According to some insiders in Huairen, Zhou Jifu passed on four sets of fists to a person with a foreign surname in his later years, and the name and specific circumstances are unknown.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Zhou Jifu

Zhou Jifu (1889-1979), male, a native of Zhoujiayao Village, Huairen, cousin Zhongxing Ten, known as Zhou Laoshi. Zhou Jifu was born in a solid peasant family, and since childhood, he has loved martial arts, and when he was young, he worshiped the monk Juekuan (commonly known as Li Jinlong) as a teacher, learning to practice light exercises, mind skills, lying on the ground and other boxing techniques. After becoming an adult, he studied eight martial arts such as eight laws and bagua from the iron-headed arhat Zhang Zhan'ao, the famous bagua master Ding Si, and Li Demao, the founder of the eight-law fist, and Zhou Jifu mainly received apprentices and nephews in the village. During the Republic of China, under the recommendation of Li Demao, he went to the Taiyuan GuoshuGuan as a teacher, and tanuki cats on trees, swallows copied water, small grappling hands, pick hands and other commonly used martial arts techniques. Good at eight big guns, the length of the gun is more than one inch, different from the flower gun, is the exclusive marksmanship of Li Demao, the founder of his division Eight Law Fist, born out of the famous Pear Blossom Gun and Qi Jiguang Liuhe Gun Method, pay attention to splitting, indigma, rolling, rolling, winding, fluttering, blocking, blocking eight methods, proverb cloud: "Stabbing and no progress, luck and no side, xian and no rear, the gun is a waist lock, first stabbed hands and feet, sick and sick, too late to pierce." For details of Zhou Jifu's deeds, see the book "Datong Martial Arts in the Republic of China Period".

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Zhou Xishun

Zhou Xishun, born in 1932, male, ancestral home of Huairen Zhoujiayao Village, born thin, one meter six tall, gentle temperament, loyal. He is the nephew of Zhou Jifu, who has been practicing family-heirloom mind-to-heart boxing with his father since childhood, and has worked hard to combine family-passed mind skills with point-and-point acupuncture techniques. Before retiring, he worked at the Baidong Mine of the Datong Mining Bureau.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Zhou Fengxiang

Zhou Fengxiang (1947-2009), male, from Huairen County, served as deputy secretary-general of datong city shape and yi boxing association, and director of Datong Taisheng Martial Arts Museum. Zhou Fengxiang has loved martial arts since childhood, and in 1963, he learned Shaolin boxing with Wang Zhiren, a famous teacher in Northern Yan, and guo Peiyun, a famous teacher in Inner Mongolia, for ten years. After that, he studied at his grandfather Zhou Jifu and learned Yin Gun, Yin Stick, Shaolin Short Fist, Seventy-two Short Punch, Shaolin Platoon True Gong and Mind Liuhe Fist. In 1979, he visited Zhang Changxin, a famous Italian boxer in Shanghai, to learn Italian boxing and achieved considerable skills. From 1984 to 1987, he published dozens of articles in Wulin magazine, which received widespread attention from the martial arts community. In 1987, he was hired as a local sanda coach in Zhangfu County, Fujian Province, for two years.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Zhou Jianguo

Zhou Jianguo, born in 1952, male, a native of Wujiayao Village, Huairen, a member of the Chinese Wushu Association, a sixth-dan Chinese martial arts practitioner, a national first-class social instructor, a martial arts duan evaluator, a national first-class martial arts referee, and a senior instructor of traditional martial arts in Shanxi Province. Since childhood, he has been influenced by the rural style of practicing martial arts and boxing, and likes to dance guns and get sticks. His grandfather was Zhou Jifu, a famous boxer in Datong during the Republic of China. At the age of 7, he studied traditional long boxing with local boxers Li Yourde and Wang Zhiren. In the 1960s, Luo Xifan, a boxer from Luozhuang Village in Shanyin County, studied Bagua Boxing as a teacher. Later, he studied Tai Chi and Da Cheng Quan. Since 2000, he has participated in the World International, National, Provincial and Municipal Wushu Championships for many times, and won more than 160 gold medals. He has served as the executive vice president of the Wushu Association of Tongmei Group, the vice president of the Datong Yang-style Taijiquan Association, the standing committee member of the Datong Shape-YiQuan Association, the deputy secretary-general of the Datong Wushu Association, and the chief judge of the provincial and municipal martial arts competitions for many times. He has won the titles of Wulin Hundred Masters, Golden Medal for Famous Performing Arts, and Advanced Individual in the Promotion of Wudang Martial Arts, and has been included in the Compilation of Contemporary Wulin Heroes Dictionary and Contemporary Wulin Masters Dictionary, and his deeds have been included in the "Huairen Wenshi". The main descendants of Zhou Jianguo: Wang Tuanwei, Guo Yusheng, Yuan Yongkuan, Gao Enyou, Yang Yinhu, Li Yun, Li Riyun, Zhou Guo, Ji Hongwei, Liu Qiuyang, Yuan Yongfu, Wang Qiang, Feng Hongxiang, Hu Jian, Guo Hong, Sun Tao, Sun Meifu, Zi Yuan, Li Xiaogang, Zhao Guilan (female), Guo Fengying (female), Ma Runli (female), Deng Gaizhen (female), Sun Chunsheng, Hou Feng, Zhao Yikun (female), Wu Zhiqiang, Zhang Jianguo, Geng Xuewang, Du Xiaomei (female), Yang Guifang, Ge Runzhi (female), Zhao Qixiang, Wang Yong, etc.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Back row from left: Zhang Jinshan Guo Guizhi Zhao Fuyuan, front row: Wang Dianyun

Wang Dianyun, born in 1949, Datongren, when he was 8 years old, he studied long boxing under Zhang Jinshan (Zhang Youdi) as a teacher, and persevered for more than 60 years, Zhang Jinshan was a disciple of Zhou Jifu.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Cui Youcai

Cui Youcai, born in 1951, male, Zuo Yunren, in 1953 with his father moved to the Baidong Mine of the Mining Bureau, when he was eight or nine years old, Cui Youcai was sent by his father to the mine boxer Tang Wanwu to practice martial arts, three yuan and two pounds of food stamps per month, at that time there were fifty or sixty people learning martial arts at Tang Wanwu, mainly practicing long boxing, until three years later after graduating from primary school. He learned one to five consecutive punches, eight-step knives, 12 types of whips, stick skills, etc. After that, he learned to practice mind with Zhou Xishun and Zhou's father, practiced Dacheng Boxing with Li Youlu, graduated from junior high school and went to the countryside, in the 1970s, he performed a model drama in the Mao Zedong Thought Propaganda Team in the southern suburbs, and participated in various martial arts competitions and performances held by the provincial and municipal international and Tongmei Group for many times, winning 20 gold medals, 5 silver medals and 5 bronze medals. In the early 1980s, he worked as a martial arts instructor at Baidong Mine School, and in 1983, he participated in the city's wushu competition and won the second place in the overall team score, and the student Dai Li participated in the provincial wushu competition on behalf of Datong and won the third place in the self-selected sword, and is now the president of the Tongmei Wushu Association and a senior instructor of traditional martial arts.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Wang Weiguo

Wang Weiguo, born in 1953, male, Han ethnicity, Lingqiu people, began to learn long boxing at the age of 13, from 1972 to 1978 to learn shape and meaning boxing from Huairen Zhou Jifu grandson Zhou Jianzhong, retired with the brother Zhou Jianguo to learn taijiquan, and achieved gratifying results in the World Wushu Competition, the National Wushu Championship, the Wudang International Martial Arts Competition and the Shanxi Provincial Wushu Competition. He once served as the deputy secretary-general and director of the office of the Tongcoal Sports Association, the chairman of the trade union of the Cultural and Sports Development Center of the Tongmei Group, the executive director of the China Coal Mining Sports Association, and now the vice chairman of the Datong Wushu Association and the vice president of the Tongcoal Taijiquan Association. The main descendants are Liu Fuhua, Wang Jihua, Xu Liangfeng, Min Xianggang, Wang Xuemei, Shi Yuliang and so on.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Guo Peiyun

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Guo Peiyun (the person sitting in the front row) took a group photo with his disciples, and Yang Linsheng, Liang Rong, Yang Tong, and Bai Wenting were left in the back row

Guo Peiyun (1900-1978), male, character Tianshun, was born in Fengzhen County, on the border of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Shanxi Province (during the Republic of China, it belonged to Datong, and later belonged to Inner Mongolia). Before liberation, he was a merchant of the richest family, and he took pleasure in learning martial arts and teaching boxing all his life. In his youth, he worshiped under the "Sai Ape" Xin Yuanmen and learned Shaolin Boxing, Tongbei Fist, Eight Fists and various weapons. Later, together with his teacher, he worshiped Liu Dianchen as his teacher. Guo Peiyun started from the "three-body" pile and carried out more than ten years of five elements and twelve forms of cultivation, which deeply understood the essence of Liu Dianchen's kung fu. In the 1930s, the founder of Yiquan, Wang Qianzhai, lived in Guo Peiyun's home, and Guo and Wang talked about literature during the day, practiced martial arts at night, and often exchanged friendly exchanges and exchanges, each learning from each other's strengths. After that, under the guidance of his master Li Zhenbang, Kung Fu gradually reached the point of pure fire. He often communicates skills with his brothers Xue Qian, Hu Yaozhen, Li Yunlong and other kung fu masters, and is unique in footwork and strength, practicing boxing speed like lightning, wind and rain, arms dancing like double dragons stirring the sea, and making sounds like landslides and tsunamis. He likes to make friends with Wulin Haojie, and is close friends with the bagua master Li Wenbiao (Chen Tinghua's disciple), Fu Tingxi (Yang Chengpu's disciple) who is proficient in tai chi, Wu Tunan in Beijing, and Qi Fenglin, a famous master of Tongbei. Participated in the 1957 National Martial Arts Observation Competition, by Wu Zizhen, Li Tianji and other famous masters to a very high degree of evaluation, said that such a teacher of martial arts and strength style as Guo Peiyun is unique in China, the relevant state departments have deliberately filmed their shape and intention boxing practice scenes as a documentary for future generations to learn, but they were interfered with by human factors such as jealousy, and eventually delayed, becoming a major regret in the martial arts community. There are many disciples, such as Yang Tong and Yang Linsheng, and there are many descendants in Datong, such as Li Changcai and Huang Yuanfu.

Yang Tong (1926-2012), male, a native of Fengzhen, Inner Mongolia, studied under Luo Xingwu at the age of 24, specializing in shape and meaning bagua, and was a senior disciple of the Xingwu Martial Arts Society. In 1957, inner Mongolia held the first Naadam Congress, participated in both martial arts and wrestling competitions, and won the second place in more than 500 unclassified wrestlers, and was received by Ulanfu. After the meeting, he met with Guo Peiyun and worshiped Guo as a teacher, and he was able to pass on the true meaning of the form. In the early 1990s, Yang Tong was a frequent traveler to Datong and served as an advisor to the Datong Huada Martial Arts Museum. At the age of 70, videos such as yan-shaped four, eight fists, and seventeen consecutive fists, pure kung fu, such as moving clouds and flowing water, have been widely disseminated on the Internet.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Li Changcai (rear), Wang De (front)

Li Changcai, born in 1944, male, Datongren, likes martial arts since childhood, Chinese martial arts liudan. In 1953, he studied long boxing for his teacher, and at the age of 15, he practiced hard for six years with Xing Manqian in Hebei Province, especially in the air flipping technique and basic skills, and at the age of 17, he studied Buddhist zazen meditation with the Sanyi master of Datong South Temple and the meditation master of Xingguo Temple. At the age of 22, he studied Long Fist, Ten Legs, Eight Fists, Huatan Palm, Tongbei Fist, Luohan Fist and so on. At the age of 29, he met Guo Peiyun, a famous artist of shape and meaning, and was accepted as a closed disciple, and after 9 years of training, he skillfully practiced the internal and external kung fu such as shape and meaning, tai chi, bagua, and tricks taught by Guo Peiyun. At the age of 45, he also studied Taoist internal skills for four years and reached a higher realm. Since the end of the 1970s, the teaching activities of martial arts have begun, and in 1994, the Huada Wuguan was established with self-financing, which was the first martial arts hall in Datong, and the first martial arts school in Datong Was established in the same year, which sent more than 20 martial arts talents to Beijing Sport University, Zhengzhou University, Shanghai University and other colleges and universities, and students Liu Yuping, Zhu Debo, Du Runye, Zhang Qi, etc. were all champions of provincial martial arts competitions. He was a member of the Shanxi Wushu Association and a member of the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial Shape-YiQuan Association, and his personal affairs were included in the "Shanxi Wushu Celebrity Boxing Record".

Li Changcai's main descendants: Li Wenlong (son), Li Hao (sun), Li He (sun). Shape-meaning fist and shape-meaning big guns were passed to Guo Peiqi, Wang Yi, Zhang Xingguo and Zhang Xingzhi of Sheyang, Jiangsu, Liu Zhice of Huairen, Ma Wenzhong of Jingyuan, Ningxia, Datong Guo Chunguang, Wang Xi, and Bai Xueliang; long fist and competitive martial arts were passed to Liu Yuping, Wang De, Li Jian, Li Guowen, Duan Yude, Wu Defeng, Wu Runtao, Xue Rongze, Guo Yanhao, Zuo Boyi, Bai Yangfan, Li Zhengyang, Hu Xuan, Li Cancan, Li Yan, Shen Jinyan, Zhang Yunhui, Liu Zhe, Liu Xin, and so on.

Huang Yuanfu, born in 1947, male, from the southern suburbs of Datong, Chinese martial arts liudan. In 1976, he was transferred from Datong Locomotive Factory to work in The Silaogou Mine of Datong Mining Bureau, and retired in 1998. In 1962, he studied Seven Star Mantis Fist with Wu Sanhu, in 1963 he studied Bagua Palm with He Shoushan, and in 1966, he studied Shaolin Short Fist and Soft and Hard Kung Fu with The Famous Martial Artist Zhou Jifu of Huairen, Thirty-Six Grappling and Seventy-Two Short Punches. After visiting Guo Peiyun as a teacher, he studied shape and meaning boxing and moves, which lasted for ten years, and now he is immersed in the practice and teaching of shape and meaning ancient boxing.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Wu Qingliang

Wu Qingliang (1906-1984), male, Xiaoyiren, began practicing the Shape And Yi Fist taught by Song Shirong in Shanxi in 1919, joined the army in 1925, and later became a senior cavalry officer of Fu Zuoyi's troops, and was scheduled in Houhai, Beijing in 1945. When Beijing was peacefully liberated in 1949, as a member of the 9th Corps (Suiyuan Uprising Unit) that accompanied Fu Zuoyi's uprising, he was placed to work in Datong and served as the deputy manager of Datong Catering Company. Around 1951, he taught his mastery of the Shape-Meaning Fist Technique to his son Wu Shijun, which spread in Datong. The system of Shape-Intention Fist retains some of the practice methods of early Shape-Intention Fist, adhering to the Shanxi Song Dynasty Shape-Intention Fist based on the "Four Classics of Internal Gong", paying attention to the tradition of internal gong root cultivation, there are "eight walking skills" and "eight-law disc fighting" methods, the core practice is "fetal pile", also known as "twelve ant gong", the content of the fist is five elements, twelve shapes, miscellaneous pounding, etc., Wu Shijun's book "The Basic Practice of Early Shape-Intention Fist" is discussed in detail. Wu Qingliang's main descendants: Gao Tingdian, He Zhen, Duan Qiwu, wu shijun (子).

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Takeshi-joon Ishimoto gun retracts the gun

Hou Zhanshan, male, birth and death unknown, Taigu people, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression fled to Datong, lived in the Mining Bureau for a long time, and passed on the shape and meaning fist learned in Taigu to Datong, which is rumored to be a Che Yi Zhai (to be examined), and the shapes practiced are five elements, twelve shapes, advance and retreat chains, four chicken shapes, four dragon shapes, four monkey shapes, and four bear shapes. Hou Zhanshan passed on his son Hou Jincai.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Hou Jincai (left) and his disciple Shi Guojun fist photo

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Hou Jincai (left) and Hou Cunzhu fist shot

Hou Jincai (1921-2001), male, Taigu people, adhering to family learning, passed on the shape of the fist to his son Hou Cunzhu, daughter Hou Xilan, apprentice Shi Guojun and others. This shape and intention fist, retaining many of the early practices of Taigu shape yi quan, has unique features in the fighter, Hou Jincai is eclectic, in addition to the use of the family to pass on the shape of the accident, but also followed the Datong boxing master Liu Wugui to learn other types of boxing equipment, see the book "Shaolin Fist" "Datong Martial Arts Main Martial Arts Equipment" and other sections. According to Hou Cunzhu, many of the children of the Hou family in Taigu were practicing shape-yi boxing, and the famous one was Hou Xiaoxian, who was Hou Cunzhu's third grandfather and a disciple of Che Yizhai, the master of shape-yiquan.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Hou Cunzhu

Hou Cunzhu, born in 1951, male, adhering to the family study in his childhood, practicing hard for decades, especially proficient in family heirloom shape and meaning boxing, long-term teaching boxing in the Datong Mining Bureau, in recent years, Hou Cunzhu often appeared in the city's martial arts arena, showing the shape of the boxing for several consecutive years to win the gold medal, by the experts praise. Because Hou Cunzhu has a low level of education and is low-key, this shape and intention fist is not very widely spread in Datong.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Liu Di

Liu Di, born in 1938, Yang Gaoren, senior teacher. In 1955, he studied under Yue Yunzhong and learned mind boxing. In 1958, he was admitted to Shanxi University, and then learned martial arts from Chen Shengfu, and after graduating from college, he returned to Yanggao to work, bringing back the shape (heart) Yiquan he had learned to Datong and Yanbei regions, and in 1983, when he was the principal of Yanggao County No. 2 Middle School, he accepted Zhang Wensheng as an apprentice. In addition to teaching, he immersed himself in the study of Dai Jia Xinyi Fist, and had a certain attainment, which had a certain influence in the Yanggao martial arts world. His deeds were included in the "Shanxi Martial Arts Celebrity Fist Record".

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Zhang Wensheng

Zhang Wensheng (1953-2010), male, from Yanggao County, began to learn martial arts at the age of 11, successively studied plum blossoms, red fists, iron plate gold steel, shape and meaning boxing from Wang Ronghua, Hengshan Li Daochang, Liu Di and other boxing techniques, since 1974, he has participated in the provincial martial arts coach study class, the Shanxi Provincial Shape and Intention Boxing Research Association backbone training class, and has received guidance from Yang Zhenduo, Zhao Yongchang, Li Guichang and other boxers. In 1979, he participated in the Taigu Wushu Exchange And won the Encouragement Award, and in 1980, he participated in the Taiyuan Wushu Exchange and won the Excellence Award. And won the first place in the Yanbei region and Datong Wushu Competition for many times, Zhang Wensheng served as a martial arts instructor of Yanggao County Junior Sports School for more than 20 years, training many outstanding martial arts athletes for Yanggao, some students entered the provincial sports school, and some were admitted to the university physical education department.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Zhou Wenyu

Zhou Wenyu, born in 1942, male, born in the Coal Yukou Mine of Datong Coal Group, in his early years he studied traditional boxing with Wang Zhiren, a boxer at the mine, and in 1958, he went to Beiyue Hengshan to worship Li Yuandao as a teacher to practice Taoist gongfa and qimen dunjia. In 1960, he went to Mount Emei in Sichuan province with a handwritten recommendation letter from Li Yuandao, and formally worshiped Qian Yantai as a teacher and practiced shape and intention boxing. Qian's legend mainly includes Emei Thirteen Pile Gong, Shape Intention Gate Inner Gong Heart Method, Five Elements Fist, Twelve Shapes, Four Punches, Miscellaneous Punches, etc. After three years of natural disasters, the problem of food and clothing was difficult to solve, and Zhou Wenyu returned to Datong to make a living for himself. At the time of parting, Qian Yantang specially instructed that what he had learned should not be easily passed on to others, and asked him to practice hard, and he could only be apprenticed after the age of 60. After returning to Datong zhou, he always abided by the teacher's training, and it was difficult for him to see his form and meaning boxing skills without being friends. He only rose to prominence in the 1973 Datong Wushu Competition and won the Performance Excellence Award. After that, I don't entertain myself, and I don't show my martial arts. For decades, there has been no formal apprenticeship, and there are also boxers and martial arts enthusiasts who come to study, always adhering to the promise to their master Qian Yantaitang and keeping their mouths shut. After the age of 60, he could not meet the right person for a while, of course, there were other reasons, and gradually dispelled the idea of discipleship, and the Rumored Hebei Guo Yunshen Shape Intention Fist was not widely spread in Datong, and only a few people received its sporadic guidance.

Ma Dejin's biography of the Bai Xi Yuan faction of the shape of the boxing heroic genealogy and inheritance genealogy list, heroic genealogy please refer to the book "Yin Wu Lian Huan Fist" section.

Datong Martial Arts History │ Datong Martial Arts Character History (20) │ Shape Meaning - Juekuan Zhou Jifu and other 50 people

Yu Zhanxing

Yu Zhanxing, born in 1968, male, ancestral home of Yuzhuang Village, Dacao Town, Ningjin County, Dezhou, Shandong, since childhood Xiwu, from 1983 began to learn the basic skills of martial arts with local boxers, ten times to bounce legs, Shaolin boxing and so on. In May 2002, he came to Datong to do business, and met Ma Dejin, the first machine factory in Baotou City, teaching boxing in Datong City, and then successively followed Ma Dejin between Datong and Baotou to learn the baipai shaped yi quan wu xing quan, the twelve shaped fist fixed posture eight piles, the tangen step, the eight style fist, the liuhe fist, the eight character gong, the eight character continuous fist, the compound tiger shape, the five elements and twelve dalian ring, the chicken shape, the chicken shape, the chicken shape four, the dragon shape eight posture, the five birds fighting wisdom and other routines and interpretation of the shape of the meaning of the fist. At the beginning of October 2017, at the behest of his master, he went to Laizhou City (formerly Ye County, Shandong) to find roots and visit friends. During this period, he was warmly received and guided by his uncle Jia Shunshan, Liu Ruichang and his disciple Yang Lin. In 2003, he studied Ruyi Boxing at Zhangjiakou with Wang Shiying. In 2006, because he went to Hohhot to seek development, he also studied traditional martial arts under the guidance of Li Shusen, a famous mantis boxer of the Ren clan in Hohhot, and continued to study traditional martial arts.

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Liang Runcheng

Liang Runcheng, born in 1966, male, ancestral home of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. Since childhood, he has loved martial arts. He practiced Qi's Lianquan with the local boxer Wei Guoqing, and then came to Datong City due to work transfer, and practiced the national standard Taijiquan with Zhang Shantong, and at the same time practiced shape and intention boxing with Li Junqing. Since 1996, he has been practicing shape and intention boxing with Wang Yuquan. And many times in the provincial and municipal martial arts competitions to achieve excellent results.

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Wang Xiaoping shaped the three-body style of Yi Fist

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Wang Xiaoping shaped the whip

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Ma Dejin instructed Wu Baoyu to break the fist

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Yin Tingyuan practiced the twelve-shaped dragon form

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Zhang Jiugong

Zhang Jiugong, born in 1951, male Shanxi Datongren, bachelor degree, Chinese martial arts seven dan, was the vice chairman of the Datong Wushu Association, is now the chairman of the Municipal Shape Yiquan Association, the chief coach of the Municipal Red Scarf Children's Wushu Training Center. He has loved martial arts since childhood, and in the early 1960s, he learned the Meihuaquan series of martial arts under the name of Jia Huchen. At the end of the 1960s, he began to serve as a martial arts instructor in Datong City, and from teaching for more than 40 years, Tao Li spread all over the land of the Three Jins and cultivated a large number of martial arts elites. Since the early 1970s, he has been engaged in refereeing work at or above the provincial level, and was invited to do refereeing work at the 2009 Hong Kong International Wushu Competition. Long-term martial arts coaching work, organically participated in various national martial arts training classes, came into contact with more martial arts masters, and successively followed the encounter with Zhang Wenguang of Beiti, Chen Shengfu of Shanxi University, Cai Hongxiang of Shanghai Sports Academy, and Zhang Xigui of Shanxi Provincial Sports Team, and gained a lot of gains, and had some understanding of the true meaning of martial arts such as tai chi, shape meaning, and bagua. Later, he studied shape and intention boxing with the famous artists Li Sanyuan, Zhang Shutian, Zhao Yongchang and others who specialized in shape and intention boxing. At the end of the 1990s, he systematically followed Zhang Xigui to learn the Hunyuanmen series of martial arts. Since the 1970s, he has led teams to participate in various martial arts competitions at or above the provincial level, and individuals have also emerged in competitions, winning dozens of gold medals. In the Shanxi Provincial Wushu Competition held in Yuci in 1979, the nine whips won the first place in the equipment. In 1982, he defeated the professional team at the Provincial Sixth Games, winning the first prize in marksmanship and the first place in pushers. Since 1999, he has been passionate about martial arts activities and organized the first Datong Traditional Wushu Championship. Since then, six consecutive city-wide traditional martial arts competitions have been organized, and more than 80 mass martial arts activity counseling stations have been set up in Datong. It has made outstanding contributions to the popularization and development of martial arts activities in Datong City. He has been rated as an advanced individual and advanced sports worker in mass sports by the relevant departments of provinces and cities for many times, and has been awarded the second-class merit model award by the Municipal Federation. His martial arts deeds were reported by Datong Daily, Datong Evening News and Datong TV. The descendants of Zhang Jiugong mainly include:

Bai Jin Zhang Wei Yue Jingui Li Haijing Zeng Biao Zhang Teng Chen Xuguang Zhang Xinli Sun Bo Chen Zhiguo Pang Long Ma Jianzhong Han Shuhua Jianshan Lei Fenglong Cai Yunjing Han Zhiguo Zhang Yue Qiao Juyou Gu Fushun Yang Shunxi Wang Guisheng Meng Yongqiang Wang Shoufu Bai Shuhua Pei Zhongxiao Qi Baozhong Li Mingjie Wang Lihua Dong Hua Yang Yong Lihong Liu Jianyong Hao Lixia Ma Dongmei Wu Huanchun Liu Zhihui Zhang Yinhong Zhihui Zhang Long Wang Bo Guo Jisheng Chen Xudong Cao Yan Zhao Mingsheng Qin Xiuying Chen Xuwei Ren Yanbin Li Hongbin He Yu Zhang Haiping History Mei Geng Sen Jin Li Wang Chengzhong Kong Shuqin Lu Luyuan Yan Mingju Qiu Guide Shi Xuemin Lai Ruqing Zhou Cunman Liu Tao Ge Peipei Nie Chunxi Li Yong Deng Jianjun Chen Xiuying Zhang Jinghong Guo Weidong Li Jianhua Zhang Wenyu Wenzhen Zhang Ruian Zhang Tinggui Yan Chenghe Liu Yuying Tong Rihong Wang Hongmei Han Le Huo Yu Liu Qiang Wang Jinfu Zang Yunfei Gu Lidong Wen Fengying Chen Riqiang Hou Jianhua Xia Zhongyi Yang Risheng Guo Xiaohong Shi Zhanguo Yu Xiulan Gu Fengqing Wang Zhenqiu Wei Junshan Yuan Jingping Jiao Guiping Han Zhe Han Jing Fu Wei Tian Zhanhua You Gelong Wang Xu Wang Jinhong Liu Yanan Zheng Yanan Zheng Yao Liu Qianlong Li Yujin Ma Chao Bai Haonan Lu Rong Yan Wei Pei Zhiliang Guan Xuebin Zhang Guojun Fu Xiaopeng Su Zhanquan Hu Yanjun Wei Anbang Gao Yuhong Deng Jianguo Wu Xiaohui Ye Pengxiang Zhang Yuanlin Wang Jianping Wang Ming Liu Kang Qin Kai

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Zeng Biao

Zeng Biao, born in 1957, male, Datongren, is currently the honorary chairman of the Municipal Wushu Association, the vice chairman and secretary general of the Municipal Shape Yiquan Association, and the vice president of the Jia Meihuaquan Association. He was the deputy secretary-general of the Datong Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the director of the Datong Municipal Work Safety Supervision and Administration Bureau and the secretary of the party group. Since childhood, he has loved martial arts, and in the early 1970s, he used Zhang Jiugong as a teacher to practice long fist, shape and meaning fist and various instruments. After middle age, he studied tai chi, Yi quan and other health exercises with other famous teachers, and benefited a lot. As the descendant of Jia's Plum Blossom Fist, Shape Yi Fist and Yi Fist Health Preservation Technique, he has worked hard for decades and has gained unique results. In particular, in the establishment of the Municipal Wushu Association, the Shape And Intention Boxing Association, the holding of the city's martial arts training, performance, exchange, friendship and other large-scale activities, he has made suggestions and suggestions, contributed funds, played a positive and important role, and made certain contributions to promoting the development of martial arts in Datong City and the spread of martial arts fitness sports.

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Liu Yuying

Liu Yuying, born in 1943, female, Datongren, Chinese martial arts liudan, good at soft equipment. He studied Shape Yi Quan and Bagua Quan with Zhang Jiugong and was guided by Zhang Xigui many times. He is especially good at miscellaneous soft equipment, and his nine-section whip and Bagua palm have won the championship of the elderly group in the 7th Hong Kong International Wushu Festival, the 1st Shanxi (Datong) International Health Tai Chi Invitational Tournament and Traditional Wushu Competition World Wushu Alliance China Regional Wulin Conference, and the "China Hunyuan Wushu Cup" Traditional Wushu Invitational Tournament.

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Come as clear as clear

Lai Ruqing, born in 1954, male, Chinese martial arts six dan, Datong Steel Mill School primary education senior physical education teacher, in 1973 with Zhang Jiugong to learn martial arts, practice long fist, nine whips, three sticks, gun skills and other martial arts content, in 1975 began to teach traditional martial arts in Datong Normal Affiliated Primary School, urban seven schools, steel mill school, many times participated in provincial and municipal martial arts competitions and won good results. In the same year, he practiced hard qigong with Yang Fengxi of Taiyuan, won the Outstanding Performance Award in the 1976 Datong Wushu Competition, the Outstanding Referee Award in the 1999 Municipal Traditional Wushu Competition, the Contribution Award in the Provincial Wushu Excavation and Finishing Work in 1985, and the Outstanding Referee Award in the 1986 and 2006 Provincial Games Competitions.

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Bai Jin, born in 1956, male, Datongren, in the 1970s, under the guidance of Zhang Jiugong, learned to practice long boxing, shape meaning, Bagua and other boxing weapons, persevered for more than 50 years, and assisted his division to organize large-scale martial arts activities in the city for many times, contributing to the strength. He is currently the deputy secretary-general of Datong City Shape Yiquan Association and the deputy secretary-general of Jia's Meihuaquan Research Association.

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Qiu Guide

Qiu Guide, born in 1958, male, Guangling people, president of Guangling County Chen-style Taijiquan Association, martial arts second-level social sports counselor. Since childhood, he has loved martial arts, practiced Tongjian Quan at the age of 14, learned Chen-style Taijiquan and Shape Yiquan from Zhang Jiugong in 1985, won the first prize in provincial and municipal martial arts competitions more than ten times, trained and developed more than 300 Taijiquan members in Guangling in the past ten years, and held Taiji national fitness and various public welfare publicity activities 35 times.

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Chang Yuxian

Chang Yuxian, born in 1958, female, is currently the president of the Red Scarf Children's Martial Arts Training Branch of the Datong Wushu Association, who has loved martial arts since childhood, and studied martial arts with Zhang Jiugong in 1983, mainly practicing shape, bagua and eighteen weapons, of which he is especially good at various miscellaneous soft instruments. The drill's large knife, whip, nine-section whip, crescent shovel, etc. have participated in international, provincial and municipal competitions for many times and won the first place many times.

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Yan Minju

Yan Minju, born in 1962, male, Datongren, learned long fist, flip, shape and meaning boxing and various martial arts equipment from Zhang Jiugong from a young age, and participated in the filming process of the TV series "Yang Jiajian" filmed by Shanxi Provincial Television station in 1985. He has participated in martial arts competitions at all levels for many times, and won the first place in traditional taijiquan, traditional Yang's taijiquan, Yang's taiji sword, and traditional taijiquan. He is currently the deputy secretary-general of Datong Yang's Taiji Association, a national martial arts first-class referee, a Chinese martial arts duan examiner and instructor, and a Chinese wushu wushu wudan.

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Wen Shuzhen

Wen Shuzhen, born in 1964, female, Datongren, Chinese martial arts six-dan, dan system evaluator, national first-class martial arts referee, municipal shape Yiquan Association Datong Park counseling station director, Datong Wushu Association Red Scarf Children's Martial Arts Training Branch Vice President. From a young age, xiwu, studying everywhere, at the age of 30, he officially worshiped the martial arts master Zhang Jiugong as a teacher, systematically learned the long fist, shape and meaning fist and bagua palm, and also mastered a variety of martial arts equipment, especially guns and swords, got the true transmission, over the years with the master to participate in martial arts competitions at all levels, fist, sword, gun won the championship many times, in 2013 China-Korea martial arts exchange meeting and the master's training won the Crystal Cup Special Award.

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Joe Ju has

Qiao Juyou, born in 1965, male, Yanggaoren, senior martial arts instructor, national referee, is currently the principal of Yanggao County Major Sports School. National advanced workers in youth sports work, national outstanding first-class referees, advanced individuals in amateur training in Shanxi Province, outstanding referees in Shanxi Province, young talents in Datong City, won the first class of individual merit in Datong City, once for the second class, and the martial arts team trained was awarded the third class of Datong City Collective. He has served as a referee of the national wushu competition more than a dozen times, and has served as the vice president and chief judge of the provincial wushu competition more than thirty times. For many years, he has served as the chief judge of the Datong Wushu Competition. The trained team member Shi Wenqi was sent to shanghai university of sport, and has won the Asian Indoor Sanda Championship Championship, the national championship champion, the athlete of the athlete level, and the training team member Shi Jing won the national wushu (school) championship swordplay championship, a first-class athlete. Zhao Gang, a member of the training team, won the fifth place in the national youth martial arts championships, the sixth place in the pair training, more than a dozen gold medals in the provincial games, and a first-class athlete. In the early 1980s, he studied martial arts with the famous martial arts master Zhang Jiugong, and participated in various martial arts competitions in the whole country and the province for many times, and obtained excellent results. He has been employed as the coach of the Wushu Team of Donghae City, South Korea, the coach of the Wushu Team of Shanxi Province, and the head coach of the Wushu Training Team of Datong City (for more than 10 years).

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Wang Chengzhong

Wang Chengzhong, born in 1966, male, Guangling people. Since childhood, he studied under Zhang Jiugong and learned soft and hard instruments such as long fist, shape and meaning fist, big and small Hong fist, knife and gun stick. In July 2018, he participated in the China Datong Hengshan International Taijiquan Forum with the help of the famous international movie star Jackie Chan and won the gold medal in the provincial and municipal martial arts competitions for many times, and in May 2019, he participated in the exhibition and performance of famous old boxers. He is currently the president of the Guangling County Shape Yi Quan Association in Datong City, an intermediate instructor of traditional martial arts in the Shanxi Wushu Association, and a second-level instructor of social sports in the General Administration of Sports.

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Zhao Mingsheng

Zhao Mingsheng, born in 1967, male, Zunhua, Hebei, Chinese martial arts wudan, frail and sick when he was young, at the age of 11, he followed his fellow boxers to learn martial arts, and his health gradually improved. In 1984, he moved to Datong City with his parents, studied martial arts with Zhang Jiugong in 1986, and formally studied with him in 1987, learning long fist, shape meaning fist and Bagua palm. He has participated in many martial arts competitions at all levels and won excellent results. In 1990, he learned Yang-style taijiquan with Geng Ying, and received careful guidance from Yang Zhenduo. In 1991, he began to assist Master Zhang Jiugong in carrying out martial arts teaching in Datong Park, Shanhua Temple Square, Municipal Children's Palace, Red Scarf Art Troupe and other places, and trained hundreds of students, who won medals in martial arts competitions at all levels. Since 1991, he has participated in dozens of national, provincial and municipal martial arts competitions and served as referees.

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Li Hongbin

Li Hongbin, born in 1973, male, datong Xinrong District people, since childhood love martial arts, in 1985 in Datong Park with Pang Erguo to learn the basic skills of martial arts and boxing routines, and then zhang Jiugong as a teacher, practice long fist, eight fist, arm fist and Luohan fist and knife, gun and stick and other equipment martial arts content, many times participated in provincial and municipal martial arts competitions, won excellent results. During this period, he assisted the master in carrying out martial arts teaching work at various tutoring stations and actively participated in the organization of martial arts activities.

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Old photo: Wang Zhanbin (left) Li Hongbin (right)

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Liu Zhihui

Liu Zhihui, born in 1970, male, Xingtai, Hebei Province, since childhood love martial arts, with the local boxers to learn long boxing, after coming to Datong in 1990, to Zhang Jiugong for the teacher to further study the art of boxing, kung fu day forward, Liu Zhihui engaged in construction engineering work, keen on martial arts public welfare undertakings.

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Pang Long

Pang Long, born in 1986, male, Datongren, national martial arts second-level athlete, national second-level referee, since childhood with Zhang Jiugong to learn martial arts, mastered the long fist, shape and meaning fist and martial arts equipment, and in the national, provincial and municipal competitions have achieved excellent results many times. He has been engaged in martial arts coaching for many years, and has trained many outstanding students, and won the first place in the 2003 National Shape and Intention Boxing Elite Invitational Tournament, the second place in the Traditional Five Elements Boxing in the 22nd Traditional Martial Arts Championship in 2004, and the fourth place in the Prescribed Shape and Intention Boxing.

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Gu Lidong, born in 1980, male, Datongren, in 2008, he studied with Zhang Jiugong to learn the inner family boxing techniques such as Shape Intention Fist, Bagua Palm, Shape Intention Whip. Won the gold medal in the whiplash youth group of the 2010 International Tai Chi Invitational Competition, and participated in various performance activities organized by the Datong Wushu Association for many times.

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Zhang Wei

Zhang Wei, born in 1986, began to learn martial arts with his father Zhang Jiugong at the age of 5, laying a solid foundation in martial arts. Later, he was admitted to the Department of Ethnic Traditional Physical Education of Shanxi Normal University to study martial arts, and graduated as an undergraduate. He is currently the vice chairman of Datong City Shape YiQuan Association and a director of Datong Sports Federation. Chinese Wushu Liudan, national first-level martial arts referee, social first-level instructor, martial arts intermediate coach, martial arts duan system evaluator and instructor, national second-level athlete. He has participated in provincial, national and even international martial arts competitions for many times, and his performances of pictograms, gun skills, whips, sword skills, and shape and intention fists have won dozens of gold medals and medals. In 2013, he participated in the Sino-Korean martial arts exchange and won the Contribution Award. He has been invited to work as a referee of the Shanxi Traditional Martial Arts Championship and the referee of the municipal competition for many times, and has been rated as an excellent referee, an excellent coach and an excellent athlete for many times.

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Zhang Teng

Zhang Teng, born in 2001, female, Chinese Wushu Sidan, national second-class athlete, currently studying in the Wushu Department of Tianjin University of Physical Education. At the age of 5, he began to learn martial arts with his father Zhang Jiugong, received strict training, practiced strong kung fu, and participated in the province's national and even international martial arts competitions for many times to achieve excellent results, winning dozens of medals of various kinds. Among them: the 2008 National Traditional Martial Arts Championships Women's Group Eight Magic Boxing first place, Tan Leg first place. In 2009, she won the first place in the women's knife art of the 26th Shanxi Provincial Traditional Wushu Championship, the first place in the women's group knife skills of the 28th Shanxi Provincial Traditional Wushu Championship in 2013, the first place in the women's eight flip hands, the first place in the 29th Traditional Wushu Competition of Shanxi Province in 2015, and the first place in the women's group of the 2018 Shanxi Traditional Wushu Competition.

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Bai Shuhua

Bai Shuhua, born in 1963, female, Datongren, served as the vice principal of the 39 primary schools in the urban area, and is now retired. Since childhood, he has been practicing martial arts with Zhang Jiugong for more than ten years, and can be used for knives, guns, clubs, axes, hooks and forks, and is good at stick skills and nine whips. He has represented Shanxi Province in the National Minority Games held in Hohhot and Urumqi and won performance awards. He has served as a referee in various martial arts competitions held in Datong City for many times.

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Han Shuhua

Han Shuhua, born in 1962, female, Datongren, middle school mathematics teacher, is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Shape Yiquan Association. At the age of 6, he began to learn martial arts with Zhang Jiugong, and was good at long fist, gun skills, knife skills, and nine-section whip projects, and had represented Datong in the Shanxi Provincial Martial Arts Competition for many times, and won the third place in the long fist competition.

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Huo Yu

Huo Yu, born in 1971, Datongren, learned traditional martial arts under Zhang Jiugong in 1983, is good at shape and meaning boxing, long fist, and is now the captain of the patrol team of the Datong Municipal Public Security Bureau, who has honed his will and cultivated his character through practicing martial arts.

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Lu Luyuan

Lu Luyuan, born in 1967, male, Linhai, Zhejiang, engaged in commercial management in Datong, loved martial arts since childhood, in 1990 to Zhang Jiugong as a teacher, learned Long Fist, Tai Chi, Shape Yi, etc., often followed the master out to participate in martial arts exhibitions and public welfare activities, actively participated in the organization of the first six traditional martial arts competitions in Datong City, and is now a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Shape Yi Quan Association.

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Wang Runlan

Wang Runlan, born in 1968, female, Datongren, national martial arts second-level referee, Datong City Shape And YiQuan Association Standing Committee, in 1988 to Zhang Jiugong as a teacher to learn shape meaning, long fist, etc., many times participated in provincial and municipal martial arts competitions (championships), won the first place in boxing, short equipment.

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Li Yong

Li Yong, born in 1968, male, Datongren, in 1983 to Zhang Jiugong as a teacher, insisted on training for 35 years, through learning internal and external boxing, have enlightened business and life, for many years enthusiastic about the traditional martial arts public welfare undertakings. He enlisted in the army in 1986 and served as the acting platoon leader of the provincial party committee and the provincial government guard company. From 1990 to 1995, he worked at Datong Department Store and served as the secretary of the regiment branch. Later, he served as the general manager of Dongzheng Food Industry Co., Ltd., and now runs Yushengxiang (a famous trademark in Shanxi Province) tea house.

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Han Zhiguo

Han Zhiguo, born in 1965, male, Datongren, from the age of 5 to follow his uncle Zhang Jiugong to learn to practice traditional martial arts, and received strict training, in 1977 followed the master to Inner Mongolia to participate in the national martial arts competition, and then participated in the provincial and municipal martial arts competitions for many times to achieve excellent results, to assist the master to run a martial arts counseling station. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Association of Shape-Shaped Yiquan and the deputy director of the Municipal Cost Supervision and Review Bureau.

Contemporary imports of Chepai Brinell-shaped fist

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Cloth is wide

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Bu Bingquan

Bu Bingquan, born in 1945, male, from Taigu. Chinese martial arts baduan. Graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages of Shandong University in 1969, worked in rural areas and enterprises, served in the Taigu County Economic and Trade Commission before retirement, is the ninth son of bu Xuekuan, a famous figure of shape and meaning boxing, known as "Nine Masters", he learned martial arts from an early age, adhering to court training, and studying the three fists of the inner family. His works include "The Sutra of Washing the Pulp", "Mandarin Duck Foot Fighting Enemy Skills", "Bu Xue Kuan Chronology", "Taigu Shape Yi Fist", etc., and published hundreds of thousands of words of martial arts treatises, which are well-known in martial arts and are known as "scholar-type martial arts masters". In 2002 and 2007, he was awarded the "Contribution Award" by the Provincial Shape Yiquan Association twice, and was invited to Japan twice to give martial arts lectures, and in 2012, he was identified as the representative inheritor of the provincial intangible cultural heritage of Shape Yi Quan, and in 2017, he was awarded the title of "Top Ten Martial Arts Masters in Shanxi Province" by the Shanxi Wushu Association. Bu Bingquan is enthusiastic about social and sports activities and has been employed as a guest or arbitrator in martial arts competitions at all levels. He was a member of the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Wushu Association, an advisor to the Shanxi Provincial Shape-YiQuan Association, and the vice chairman of the Jinzhong Wushu Association. He is currently an advisor to the Chinese Shape-YiQuan Festival, an expert advisory member of the Shanxi Provincial Shape-YiQuan Association, and the president of the Jinzhong Buxuekuan Research Association.

In 1966, under the recommendation of Chen Shengfu, a famous martial artist in Shanxi Province, Datong boxing master Wu Shijun, together with Yue Jianfeng, visited Mr. Bu Xuekuan and concentrated on studying for two weeks to learn the Five Elements of Bu's Shaped Yi Fist. Hou Yue Jianfeng and Wu Shijun both became famous disciples under Bu Xuekuan. Because Wu Shijun also practiced plum blossoms, eight methods, Chen style tai chi, tong arm, shape and meaning and other skills, and later focused his main energy on the "Chinese Martial Arts Display Project" and the promotion of the martial arts duan position system for a long time, only the Bu shi yi fist was passed on to a few disciples under the disciples. In 2008, Liu Xiangyong, Sun Yongshu, and other young boxers of Lingqiu studied Chepai Bu's Shape Yi Quan as their teacher, and passed on what they had learned to their disciples or students. Later, in the provincial and municipal martial arts competitions and martial arts exhibitions, it is often seen that Bu Bingquan's disciples and disciples show Bu's shape and intention fist.

(10) Other forms of intentional fist

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Group photo of all directors of Shanxi Provincial Shape and Yiquan Research Association (1982.9)

Front row from left: Cheng Denghua Zhao Yongchang Wang Jinquan Li Guichang Chen Shengfu Wang Ying Zhang Shutian Zhang Xigui, back row from left: Liu Yufu Li Qingyuan Bi Qinghai Li Xiuning Gao Jianzhong Shi Huiyi Zhang Genzhao Guo Taishan Miao Shulin Du Zhenyuan

In addition to the main branches of the above circulation, the Datong Railway Boxing Master Gao Maoxun learned the shape meaning of Hebei Li Cunyi. But Gao Maoxun is low-key, does not show mountain dew, excellent kung fu, and only hears his name. Datong boxers Shi Huiyi, Du Fu, Pang Ertai, Wang Yuquan, etc. humbly learned from foreign boxers when they participated in the provincial shape and intention boxing training or went out to participate in competitions. Datong boxer Peng Zeming (born in 1956) studied Che Pai Yi Quan with Yuncheng boxing master Ji Qun, who was Li Sanyuan's disciple. There are also some martial arts students in sports colleges who have learned the comprehensive shape and meaning boxing, five elements, twelve shapes and other shapes and meaning fist routines and shape meaning boxing system routines during their studies at the school.

(The above text and pictures come from Wang Zhanbin's book "History of Datong Martial Arts", published by China Literature and History Publishing House)

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