
Enjoy good drama at home, netizens directly call "addiction" - the 2021 Spring Festival opera evening is wonderful

Enjoy good drama at home, netizens directly call "addiction" - the 2021 Spring Festival opera evening is wonderful

"2021 Spring Festival Opera Gala" hosts Ma Yue, Zhang Zhe, Ren Luyu, Dong Yi

Enjoy good drama at home, netizens directly call "addiction" - the 2021 Spring Festival opera evening is wonderful

Overture "Singing the New Era"

Enjoy good drama at home, netizens directly call "addiction" - the 2021 Spring Festival opera evening is wonderful

The newly created drama "Heroes of the Crowd" program group provided pictures

Enjoy good drama at home, netizens directly call "addiction" - the 2021 Spring Festival opera evening is wonderful

Peking Opera "Da Deng Dian"

Enjoy good drama at home, netizens directly call "addiction" - the 2021 Spring Festival opera evening is wonderful

Cantonese Han Opera "White Gate Willow"

Enjoy good drama at home, netizens directly call "addiction" - the 2021 Spring Festival opera evening is wonderful

Peking Opera "Splendid Daughter" program group courtesy of the picture

Enjoy good drama at home, netizens directly call "addiction" - the 2021 Spring Festival opera evening is wonderful

Peking Opera "Sister Jiang"

Enjoy good drama at home, netizens directly call "addiction" - the 2021 Spring Festival opera evening is wonderful

Instrumental Concerto "On the Golden Mountain of Beijing" Program Group Courtesy of the Group

Enjoy good drama at home, netizens directly call "addiction" - the 2021 Spring Festival opera evening is wonderful

The opera song "Spring"

Enjoy good drama at home, netizens directly call "addiction" - the 2021 Spring Festival opera evening is wonderful

The opera sitcom "Visiting the Temple Fair" is provided by the program group

Beijing, 13 Feb (Xinhua) -- On February 13, Xinhua Daily Telegraph published an article entitled "2021 Spring Festival Opera Gala: Returning to the "Theater Space" and Carrying Forward the Spirit of the Times... Stay at home to enjoy a good play, netizens directly called the "addiction" report.

On the first day of the first lunar month, theater fans and friends ushered in a rich opera feast, and the 2021 Spring Festival Opera Gala of China Central Radio and Television Station met with the audience as scheduled. The evening will bring together the essence of opera, display the style of famous artists, pay attention to the organic combination of tradition and the times, and the traditional repertoire and newly created repertoire are frequent and wonderful.

(Subtitle) Spring Festival Opera Gala Returns to "Theater Space"

It has accompanied opera fans and friends through the Spring Festival Opera Gala for more than 30 years, breaking the original studio recording mode and returning to the "theater space" to be closer to the opera art itself.

"Xiqu is a 'theater art', and enjoying wonderful opera performances in the theater is the most traditional way to watch performances." Zhang Zhe, the general director of the 2021 Spring Festival Opera Gala, said in an exclusive interview with reporters that the recording venue was selected to record the century-old history of opera at the Beijing Chang'an Grand Theatre, which witnessed many wonderful performances by famous opera artists in the past.

The newly created opera song "Singing a New Era", which is a fusion of five genres of Peking Opera, Cantonese Opera, Qin Opera, Yue Opera and Dian Opera, kicked off the Spring Festival Opera Gala. Zhang Zhe introduced: "The difference between different dramas in terms of language expression and drama singing voice is very large. At the beginning of the creation, in order to integrate these several dramas into a song, the creative team made great efforts, changed their drafts several times, and finally presented this song with the characteristics of each drama and a unified style of "Singing the New Era". ”

The martial arts program "Heroes of the Crowd" integrates the martial arts skills and skills of peking opera, Wu opera, Shao opera and other dramas, such as changing faces, spitting fire, kicking eyes and so on familiar to the audience. Zhang Zhe said: "Martial arts actors usually have fewer opportunities to perform alone on the stage, and this spring opera evening hopes to give them a chance to display in a concentrated manner, so that the martial arts actors can use the hard work and sweat offstage to exchange for the exquisite skills on the stage, so that more audiences can see and feel the charm of martial arts!" ”

Peking Opera, Hebei Wuzi and Qin Xiang's "Dadeng Dian", Sichuan opera "He Liangxiao", and Ji opera "Yingchun Zan" create a happy and peaceful, reunion and festive New Year atmosphere; Guangdong Han opera "Baimen Liu", Cantonese opera "Seventh day of July Changsheng Hall", Hebei Wuzi "Kou Zhun Back Boots" and other plays show the unique artistic characteristics of opera and highlight the eternal charm of Chinese culture across time and space.

The wonderful choreography made many netizens call "enjoyable" and "it feels worthwhile to hear different opera dramas and famous sections at one time".

(Subtitle) Peking Opera "Splendid Daughter" brings the story of poverty alleviation to the stage

"In 2020, we will make great historic achievements in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and achieve a decisive victory in the decisive battle against poverty. We specially selected the program of Acura Poverty Alleviation frontline touching stories, which was a highlight of the evening. Zhang Zhe introduced that the Peking Opera program "Splendid Daughter" is based on Shi Liping, the inheritor of Guizhou Intangible Cultural Heritage Miao Embroidery, and starred Hou Danmei, president of Guizhou Peking Opera House. This new screenplay brings the true storyline to the opera stage, and in the intertwining of the fate of small people and the process of the big times, it is reflected in the impact of individual efforts on the development of the hometown in the process of poverty alleviation. The program also has a unique new meaning in the costume, selecting embroidered costumes with Miao characteristics; while retaining the traditional singing voice of Peking Opera, the singing voice integrates the local Miao songs, which have distinct regional characteristics, and the stage is full of beauty.

Peking Opera, Sichuan Opera, and Guizhou Lantern Opera co-performed "Sister Jiang" relive the spirit of Hongyan and feel the indomitable revolutionary will and generous and heroic heroism of the Communists; the Peking opera "Sha Jiabang", Meido's "Twelve Sickles", and the commentary drama "Daino" reproduce the era of blood and fire, and the deep affection of the Communist Party of China and the broad masses of the people. The combination of classic singing and innovative forms makes people look back on the magnificent years of the founding of the party in the interweaving of time and space.

The musical instrument ensemble "On the Golden Mountain of Beijing" brought by the performers from the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions expressed the feelings of the sons and daughters of China who are concerned about the motherland and yearn for Beijing; as an important link connecting the family relations between the two sides of the Strait, the song and opera staged the "Three Family Blessings" about the mutual love and mutual assistance between neighbors.

The audience said that on the basis of the traditional "new year, watch the big drama", they sought innovation and change, and closely followed the major themes in the theme, "the annual opera feast, always high standard".

(Subtitle) Integration and innovation are revitalized, and novel forms attract young audiences

"All along, everyone may feel that the audience of opera is mainly middle-aged and elderly audiences. In fact, in recent years, more and more young people have begun to pay attention to traditional culture and opera art. For example, The famous Peking Opera artist Wang Peiyu is also well known among young audiences who like modern art forms such as pop music, street dance, and hip hop. Zhang Zhe introduced that this year not only invited Wang Peiyu, a famous Peking Opera artist who is popular among young audiences, Shan Yangping, a famous Yue opera artist, to participate in the performance, but also in the arrangement of the program, formal innovation is also the top priority of the Spring Festival Opera Gala.

The newly created song "Spring", presented by young Peking opera master Ding Xiaojun and ballet dancers Ao Dingwen and Wang Zhanfeng, integrates the classic national essence with ballet art, and welcomes the arrival of spring in the exchange and interaction of influential art forms at home and abroad.

The newly created opera sitcom "Visiting the Temple Fair" invites Xu Di, He Saifei and other famous artists to perform cross-border performances, in the changing time and space of tradition and modernity, classic and popular, to show the folk customs and folk customs and the laughter and joy of the New Year festival. "I hope that through the popularity and influence of several cross-border masters, more audiences will be attracted to watch and pay attention to opera." Zhang Zhe said.

In addition, the party opened up the big screen, small screen, frequency, through the TV screen, mobile phone terminal, radio end, joint station new media and vibrato, Kuaishou and other social platforms, with a novel way to make the Spring Festival opera party closer to the audience, increase the attention and participation of netizens.

Many netizens "liked" for the first time, saying that "the Spring Festival opera party was amazing". Some netizens commented: "This year's Opera Spring Festival Gala is really a hundred flowers blooming, and it is also a great blessing in life to be able to 'walk' all over the world and enjoy the good drama without leaving home." (End)

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