
Huangyi Central Primary School: "Homework Management" has been upgraded to help teachers' professional ability reach a new level

author:Shangguan News

In the morning, after Mr. Xie of the third (3rd) class of the First Central Primary School in Huangpu District finished his math class, he opened the "Homework Management" mini program in the WeChat of his mobile phone and entered the math homework planned for today. She noticed that today's three (3) class Language homework has taken 30 minutes to complete, on the basis of ensuring the quality of academics, Teacher Xie adjusted the homework method, adjusted the AB two book exercise books that all students had to do in the past, adjusted to be flexibly selected by students, layered to do, and the time was controlled in 15 to 20 minutes.

Huangyi Central Primary School: "Homework Management" has been upgraded to help teachers' professional ability reach a new level

Photography: Cai Weishuai

At the beginning of the new semester, the in-school homework management of the First Central Primary School in Huangpu District was fully upgraded to a new network management platform.

Huangyi Central Primary School: "Homework Management" has been upgraded to help teachers' professional ability reach a new level

Teachers of various disciplines can see the total amount of homework in their classes on the day through mobile phones or networks every day, and then adjust their homework arrangements appropriately. Not only that, teachers, class teachers, and leaders in charge of other disciplines can also synchronously see the total amount of homework of each class of students, obtain the latest data and information in a timely manner, communicate and coordinate online or offline, strictly control the total amount of homework, and ensure that the lower grades do not leave written homework, and the middle and upper grades do not leave written homework for more than 60 minutes. To this end, the platform also set up a "red warning line", once the total amount of students' written homework exceeds 60 minutes, the school-level management will intervene in time to remind and adjust the irregularities.

In the past, although the paper version of the "Homework Coordination Record Table" can also achieve the function of homework overall management, it is inconvenient in circulation, and there is a problem of lagging overall planning, and there will still be a phenomenon of "language teachers only assign language homework, and mathematics teachers only arrange mathematical homework". After upgrading to a new network management platform, not only can each teacher see the total amount of daily homework in the class in time, but also the school teaching office can form a comprehensive overview and in-depth analysis of the homework arrangement of each grade, each discipline and each teacher, so as to achieve a high-quality homework management model.

Huangyi Central Primary School: "Homework Management" has been upgraded to help teachers' professional ability reach a new level

Behind the "reduction" of the operation is the "improvement of quality". When teachers of various disciplines in the school report homework on the platform, they can first select the type of homework, including written, oral, inquiry, practice, art, etc., and then mark the homework attributes, not only flexible homework, hierarchical homework, but also involve long-term homework, interdisciplinary homework, etc. Since the use of the platform for 3 weeks, the teacher's awareness of homework coordination has been enhanced, and the technical content of "reducing the burden" for students has been improved.

Teacher Zeng of the fourth grade told reporters that in the past, his homework was often based on experience, lacking the awareness of controlling the students' "total amount of homework", and the form of homework was relatively single, often based on written practice. Now the registration and filing project of the operation platform includes the content, type, discipline, duration, whether it is flexible, hierarchical, interdisciplinary and other content, providing ideas for its own arrangement of diversified homework.

Huangyi Central Primary School: "Homework Management" has been upgraded to help teachers' professional ability reach a new level

In fact, this is exactly what Zhang Ye, principal of the First Central Primary School in Huangpu District, wants to see, she regards homework management as a starting point to help teachers "practice internal skills", she said: "We hope to use the information platform to help teachers develop professionally." Teachers are expected to move from assigning homework to designing homework, experiencing professional self-analysis, self-growth, and finally forming their own teaching propositions. ”

Huangyi Central Primary School: "Homework Management" has been upgraded to help teachers' professional ability reach a new level

In order to "effectively implement the 'five management' and 'double reduction' policy teaching work" conference spirit, the school on the one hand to grasp the overall planning of homework, on the other hand, on the basis of the original to further optimize the homework design, in the connotation of "double reduction" to make full efforts. On September 15, the school held a meeting to promote the use of the homework management platform, and the principal Zhang Ye once again explained to the teachers the original intention of implementing this initiative: the "reduction" of homework is only to solve the shallow problem, and the "quality improvement" behind it is the core and the key to grasping the solution.

Lu Xiaowei, vice principal in charge of teaching, introduced that compared with the previous paper version of the "Homework Coordination Record Form", the homework management platform has even reduced the workload of teachers, and teachers can easily read the traces of homework arrangement and reflect on the way homework is arranged. The platform can also form weekly and monthly homework analysis reports based on the big data entered by teachers every day, carry out visual analysis of data, objectively present the number and type of homework arrangements in various disciplines, etc., and provide each teaching and research group and teaching office to further optimize the follow-up homework arrangements and continuously improve the efficiency of homework.

Huangyi Central Primary School: "Homework Management" has been upgraded to help teachers' professional ability reach a new level

It is understood that the school is building a comprehensive management platform to comprehensively improve the quality of student growth in Huangyi Central Primary School, and homework management is only one of them. The school will further collect teachers' suggestions, actively improve the homework overall management platform, realize the rapid reporting of daily homework in various disciplines, observe and analyze the overall homework of the class, and promote the optimization and innovation of homework through data analysis. At the same time, more subject teachers are also encouraged to expand and enrich their long-term homework and sports rhythm homework.

Huangyi Central Primary School: "Homework Management" has been upgraded to help teachers' professional ability reach a new level

Next, the homework management platform will also be open to other schools in the school district, hoping that more teachers can strengthen their homework design capabilities and improve their professional level.

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