
Tencent Musicians Original List Released in June A small onion won the championship with the new song "All is Drama"

A few days ago, the results of the Tencent Musicians' Original List in June were announced, and a small onion "breaking stereotypes" of the work "All is Drama" was a blockbuster, and the top 1 throne of the list was airborne. In addition, on the Top5 list, K Shaozhuang, Ding Shibei, Street Office GDC, and Zhang Yifan also have wonderful works and interpretations. In the list comment area, many fans said: "Some songs are too good to listen to."

Tencent Musicians Original List Released in June A small onion won the championship with the new song "All is Drama"

Adhering to the principle of objectivity and truth, the Tencent Musicians Original Monthly List comprehensively considers the monthly results of the top 10 works on the weekly list of the month and the authoritative data of the three major products of Tencent Music Entertainment Group, QQ Music, Kugou Music and Kuwo Music. After multiple assessments and screenings, a small onion of the Xiqu X pop avant-garde team won the championship with its stunning new work "All is Drama". From the China Academy of Drama, with more than ten years of opera skills, with a heart of inheritance, with the work to create "Xiqu X pop" five-person team a small onion, in the song "All is Drama", with high and low, depressing notes and tones to directly hook people's hearts, "from the pen walking dragon snake ink dye Danqing, leave half a blank piece of paper, partial not to do the ordinary" also said the meaning of the song - to be in this chaotic world, the heart is happy and clear.

Tencent Musicians Original List Released in June A small onion won the championship with the new song "All is Drama"

A shallot

In addition to the surprise and emotion brought by the champion song "All is Drama", the other four works on the list in this issue have also won the love of fans with their brilliant style.

Tencent Musicians Original List Released in June A small onion won the championship with the new song "All is Drama"

The runner-up song "Before Growing Up" in this issue is from the third series of Tencent musicians' "Force Project 2019" - "Walking Ballads". K Shaozhuang, a post-94 original musician from Shandong, specializes in songwriting and arrangement, recording, mixing and other work, in this "Before Growing Up", folk songs and pop elements are skillfully combined, and the listener seems to return to his youthful childhood, looking back at the campus, classrooms, and paths buried in the path between sincere lyrics. Young dreams and thoughts, now reluctant panic, even if we can no longer find a traveling paper airplane, now we have a sincere face that does not need to be replaced by others.

Tencent Musicians Original List Released in June A small onion won the championship with the new song "All is Drama"

K Shaozhuang

Also from the third series of Tencent musicians " Force Project 2019 " - a song in "Walking Song" "Finger Mountain Forest" also won the third place in this issue's list with its good arrangement and lyrics. Ding Shibei sang in "Pointing to the Mountain Forest": "You bury the past in the soil, I refer to the mountain forest, the clouds return", as if to tell the fans: May you see the stars in the sky no matter whether you are in the downtown, or live in the wilderness, pointing to the direction of the mountain forest, you can see the stars in the sky.

Tencent Musicians Original List Released in June A small onion won the championship with the new song "All is Drama"

Ding Shibei

Following "Chunjiao and Zhiming", the rap team from Guangzhou, Street Office GDC, and the new generation of independent female voice Ouyang Yaoying once again collaborated on the Cantonese single "Leave", and the rap of Street Office GDC echoed with Ouyang Yaoying's silver bell-like soprano, depicting the process of "dismantling" the feelings between urban men and women.

Tencent Musicians Original List Released in June A small onion won the championship with the new song "All is Drama"

Street Office GDC

Folk singer-songwriter Zhang Yifan's new work "That Must Be Related to You" also rushed into the top 5 of this list. Gentle vocal lines, moving melodies, at the moment the notes are turned on, can remove impetuous anxiety for the listener. "In a moment through the crowd, in front of the window where the sun shines obliquely", the lyrics are delicate and vivid, allowing us to immediately immerse ourselves in the musical story created by Zhang Yifan - we are all night returnees in this city, my world, must be related to you.

Tencent Musicians Original List Released in June A small onion won the championship with the new song "All is Drama"

Zhang Yifan

It is reported that the Tencent Musicians Original List is an authoritative list of original music released by the Tencent Musician Platform every week, and has received the attention of many original musicians and the love of music fans since its launch. Some netizens said that they have gained a lot of fresh and good songs through the original list, and they have also met more potential original musicians. For original musicians, being selected into the Tencent Musicians Original List can give them more resources and opportunities: the "Star of the Month" of the monthly chart will not only receive the opening poster promotion of the three major platforms, but also have the opportunity to participate in tencent musician star training camps, national tours and digital album releases.

Behind the Tencent Musicians Original List, there is also a powerful support platform - Tencent Musicians Open Platform ( At present, Tencent's open platform for musicians is constantly upgrading and improving various functions, in addition to realizing one-click synchronization of works to the six major platforms of TME, providing musicians with hundreds of millions of exposures, it also provides one-stop management background, musician index, customized online copyright signing, online single signing and other functions. At the same time, the Tencent Musician Open Platform has also added a new entry category - institutional settlement, record companies, labels, studios, combinations, etc. can choose to enter Tencent musicians as "institutions", and then carry out daily operation and management of works in batches.

A few days ago, the Tencent Musician Open Platform added a new function for songwriters to upload and trade songwriters, mainly to solve the pain points of most songwriters who do not have a first-hand work trading channel, improve the copyright income of songwriters, and avoid being deprived of copyright rights and interests by bad agents. Following the support for musicians and institutions to settle in, Tencent Musicians has become the first open platform for musicians in China to support songwriting transactions.

It is reported that Tencent musicians "Force Plan 2019" has officially launched the call for collection. Relying on the Tencent Musicians Open Platform, the "Force Project 2019" comprehensively upgrades the collection method of works, not only collecting original music works for all genres, but also updating them year-round, so that fans can have good songs anytime and anywhere. In addition to the "Force Compilation Album" released every month, there are also super projects with the help of star producers, and original musicians can upload their works to the Tencent Musician Open Platform anytime and anywhere, that is, they have the opportunity to participate in subsequent full-chain activities and get continuously upgraded resources.

Tencent Musicians Original List Released in June A small onion won the championship with the new song "All is Drama"

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