
Reuters reported that Hou Zhihui seized the gold with a negative map, and the Chinese embassy pushed and refuted: Don't call yourself a fair media, shameless

Source: World Wide Web

【Global Network Report】Western media are "careful thinking"? China's Hou Zhihui won the gold medal in the women's weightlifting 49 kg category at the Tokyo Olympic Games on the 24th, which is also the first gold medal in the weightlifting event of the Olympic Games. However, when Reuters reported the news, it picked a picture of Hou Zhihui with a very unnatural expression, which caused netizens to question, and the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka also pushed and criticized the move as "shameless".

Reuters reported that Hou Zhihui seized the gold with a negative map, and the Chinese embassy pushed and refuted: Don't call yourself a fair media, shameless

As shown in the picture, the picture in the Reuters tweet selected a picture of Hou Zhihui when she was working hard, and the expression looked extremely unnatural. Some netizens quickly noticed this under the tweet and questioned: "Don't you have any other photos to report on this?" ”↓

Reuters reported that Hou Zhihui seized the gold with a negative map, and the Chinese embassy pushed and refuted: Don't call yourself a fair media, shameless

"You really should have a better editor, or Reuters would have deliberately made Chinese look 'uncomfortable' to serve certain agendas." ↓

Reuters reported that Hou Zhihui seized the gold with a negative map, and the Chinese embassy pushed and refuted: Don't call yourself a fair media, shameless

The Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka also dismissed Reuters' approach on Twitter. The embassy tweeted: "Of all the photos of the competition, Reuters chose such a picture, which can only reflect their ugliness. Don't put politics and ideology above sport, and don't call yourself an impartial media organization. shameless. Respect the Olympic spirit. ”

Reuters reported that Hou Zhihui seized the gold with a negative map, and the Chinese embassy pushed and refuted: Don't call yourself a fair media, shameless

It is not the first time that the Western media has been careful in photos. On 5 May, the BBC headlined "The Five Eyes Alliance: When New Zealand Is Reluctant to Criticize Beijing, Is the Western Intelligence Coalition About to Collapse?" In a commentary article entitled " , four countries in the "Five Eyes Alliance," an intelligence alliance composed of Britain, the United States, Australia, Canada, and the New Zealand, accused China of xinjiang-related, Hong Kong-related, Taiwan-related, and South China Sea issues, but New Zealand chose not to participate in "confrontation with China." In the report, the BBC specially accompanied the photos of New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. ↓

Reuters reported that Hou Zhihui seized the gold with a negative map, and the Chinese embassy pushed and refuted: Don't call yourself a fair media, shameless

In this photo, Ardern's long hair looks quite messy in the wind, and his expression looks dignified and gloomy and worried. In contrast, Morrison on the side is smiling and smiling, looking proud and confident.

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