
Highlight the drive of scientific and technological innovation and lead the construction of Zhengzhou National Innovation Highland - visit sun Jiangong, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhengdong New District and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhongyuan Science and Technology City

author:Zhengzhou Daily
Highlight the drive of scientific and technological innovation and lead the construction of Zhengzhou National Innovation Highland - visit sun Jiangong, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhengdong New District and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhongyuan Science and Technology City
Highlight the drive of scientific and technological innovation and lead the construction of Zhengzhou National Innovation Highland - visit sun Jiangong, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhengdong New District and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhongyuan Science and Technology City
Highlight the drive of scientific and technological innovation and lead the construction of Zhengzhou National Innovation Highland - visit sun Jiangong, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhengdong New District and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhongyuan Science and Technology City

"The 12th Municipal Party Congress scientifically depicted a grand blueprint for the next five years of the city, especially around the 'National Innovation Highland' for systematic planning and deployment. As the main bearer of Zhengzhou's 'Dongqiang' strategy and the construction of Zhongyuan Science and Technology City, we feel a heavy responsibility and a glorious mission. Sun Jiangong, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhengdong New District and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhongyuan Science and Technology City, said that Zhengdong New District will highlight the drive of scientific and technological innovation, lead the construction of Zhengzhou National Innovation Highland, and strive to take the lead in accelerating the construction of Zhengzhou's modern national central city.

Zhengdong New District will highlight the "four grippers":

Comprehensively accelerate the construction of the Central Plains Science and Technology City, and create an innovation highland and a talent highland. Gather innovative talents, integrate and do a good job in talent services "one thing", build a first-class policy system, broaden the channels for the introduction of talents, continue to promote the "Digital Yucai Plan", set up Overseas Talent Workstations in the United Kingdom and Germany, accelerate the construction of the Zhengzhou Haichuang Center of the European and American Returned Scholars Association; integrate innovation elements, deeply promote the integration and development with the Provincial Academy of Sciences, vigorously introduce and undertake domestic and foreign high-energy innovation platform institutions, and accelerate the construction of innovation platforms such as Songshan Laboratory; cultivate science and technology innovation industry clusters, focusing on digital industry, The two leading industries of life sciences vigorously cultivate subdivided industries such as autonomous driving, intelligent robots, and Kunpeng ecology, aim at "head" enterprises, science and technology enterprises, large institutes, leading teams, etc., and accelerate the construction of a strategic and overall emerging industry system; build an innovation ecology, promote the closed loop of talent services "one thing", the landing of "one chapter" of approval services, the coverage of "one door" of social services, the "one-stop" supply of element guarantees, and the "integration" linkage of work promotion to build a first-class innovation ecology.

Comprehensively deepen reform and institutional opening up, and create an open highland. Continue to expand the space for open cooperation, relying on platform advantages such as the Free Trade Zone and the Offshore Innovation Center of the Central Plains Science and Technology City, actively deepen economic and trade cooperation with countries and cities along the "Belt and Road"; accelerate the construction of international platform carriers, give full play to the role of Luxembourg Visa Center as the fulcrum, accelerate the construction of foreign exchange platforms such as European centers, and strive for more large-scale international forums, conferences and exhibitions and other people-to-people exchange activities; continue to deepen the reform of "one network communication office, one network unified management", optimize and improve "land is signed, land is started", "carry bags to settle in, Carrying bags and other innovative mechanisms to create a first-class business environment.

Accelerate the transformation and development, and build an international financial center and consumption center. Adhere to the project as king, accelerate the construction of the five core sectors, create new support points and growth points for economic development; comprehensively promote the reengineering of financial advantages, continue to enlarge the highly concentrated advantages of traditional financial institutions, vigorously develop science and technology finance, supply chain finance, inclusive finance, and green finance, and build a national regional financial center; actively build an international consumption center, give full play to the advantages of high-speed rail hubs, promote the rapid agglomeration and realization of people, logistics, and capital flows, and accelerate the upgrading of CBD business circles, high-speed rail station business circles, and agricultural east road business circles To achieve the interactive integration of hubs, cities and industries.

Accelerate the transformation of urban development mode and build a modern and international new urban area. Innovate the concept of urban development, adhere to the intensive and compact development direction, promote the transformation of urban development from epitaxial expansion to connotation improvement; accelerate the construction of resilient cities, run the safety concept through all aspects of the entire process of urban planning, construction and management, advance the layout of new infrastructure construction such as 5G, comprehensively improve the ability to resist risks and the level of infrastructure modernization; coordinate urban and rural development, accelerate the construction of beautiful rural boutique demonstration villages in the area north of the Lianhuo Expressway, and promote the transformation of rural facilities, the shaping of rural style and governance innovation as a whole. Drive the whole countryside to be more ecological and livable; do practical service for the people, focusing on "one old, one small and one young", accelerate the construction of old-age services and inclusive preschool education service system, and continuously enhance the sense of acquisition and satisfaction of the masses.

Reporter Qin Yanfeng

Source: Zhengzhou Daily

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