
Zeng Gege starred in the brain-burning spy drama "Set Up" for the first time to challenge the villain role

All the hit dramas in 2018, the modern revolutionary theme TV series "Set Up" stood out from a number of TV series with the same theme, and was loved by the audience and praised. In the play, Xiao Lin, played by young actor Zeng Gege, has received a lot of attention and discussion, which is her first time as a female rebel, and with her good acting skills, she has perfectly mastered the role, successfully playing a female agent who arrests and persecutes communists, which has been recognized by the audience.

Zeng Gege starred in the brain-burning spy drama "Set Up" for the first time to challenge the villain role

The modern revolutionary TV series "Set Up" is starred by Young Actors such as He Minghan, Zhao Xinyi, and Zeng Gege, and the plot is full of doubts and superb. Among them, various forces such as the Japanese and pseudo-secret service organs represented by Xiao Lin, the underground Communist Party members represented by WenBo, and the gangs represented by the Axe Gang appeared on the scene, and the disputes continued.

Zeng Gege starred in the brain-burning spy drama "Set Up" for the first time to challenge the villain role

In the play, Xiao Lin, a Japanese pseudo-agent played by Zeng Gege, has black hair and red lips, sharp eyebrows, and soft and cold hands, which perfectly shapes the image of a cold-blooded female agent who brutalized Communists during the War of Resistance. As the captain of the Shanghai Special Agent Action Team, she and the male protagonist He Minghan were rivals with each other, and staged a thrilling mediation and conflict, and the clean and neat fight between the two in the play also won the praise of the audience.

In addition to the serious and cold side, she in the play also has a rare warm and persistent side, and her feelings for her boss Hu Shizhong are firm and persistent, which adds a warm color to this character and makes the character image more three-dimensional.

Zeng Gege starred in the brain-burning spy drama "Set Up" for the first time to challenge the villain role

Judging from her previous works, she has always been a youthful and lively screen image in front of the camera, whether it is Zhu Liqi in "Ten Mile Life" or a female student in "Shake the Mountain", most of them play well-behaved, kind and brave roles. She believes that actors are a profession that constantly breaks through and grows, and playing the same type of role for a long time will not only make the audience feel aesthetic fatigue, but also not conducive to the improvement of their acting skills. Playing the villain role this time is also an attempt for her to boldly break through and challenge herself.

Zeng Gege starred in the brain-burning spy drama "Set Up" for the first time to challenge the villain role

As an actor, what is shown to the audience is the role, and the vivid role is the direct way to gain the recognition of the audience. She has an abundant love for the role, in the face of complex and multi-faceted roles, she often takes the initiative to meet the challenge, and the plasticity of the actor is vividly displayed in her. She lives up to every role, strictly spurs herself, does her best to interpret the spirit and flesh of the role, and constantly dedicates better roles to the audience.

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