
Can I return unopened medicines? The relevant department replied

author:Yangtze River Daily

Changjiang Daily - Changjiang Network November 2 news (reporter Li Aihua intern Zhang Baowen) bought a box of anti-inflammatory drugs in the pharmacy, the next day the medicine was sent back to the pharmacy intact, wanted to change another anti-inflammatory drug, but was rejected by the pharmacy. The medicine has not been unsealed, why can't it be returned? Recently, a citizen left a message on the Wuhan city message board of the Yangtze River Network for consultation. The relevant departments replied in a timely manner: The practice of pharmacies complies with the law, except for quality reasons, once the drug is sold, it cannot be returned or exchanged.

Can I return unopened medicines? The relevant department replied

(The picture shows a screenshot of the Wuhan City Message Board of the Yangtze River Network.) )

Mr. Hu, a citizen, said that at 18:00 on October 27, he bought anti-inflammatory drugs at a pharmacy near the Aoxin College on Luoshi Road in Hongshan District, and the pharmacy staff recommended a box of drugs called Yanli anti-capsules, which cost more than 20 yuan. Mr. Hu checked the information after returning home and felt that this medicine was not very suitable. The next morning, Mr. Hu came to the pharmacy again and proposed to change a box of amoxicillin, but was rejected by the pharmacy and told that it could not be returned.

Mr. Hu believes that the purchased drugs are well packaged, unopened, and the shopping receipts are also retained, and the time in the hand is not long, so why is the drugs not returned? Mr. Hu believes that the pharmacy's approach is equivalent to the "overlord clause" and is very unfair to consumers.

Can I return unopened medicines? The relevant department replied

After receiving the complaint, the Hongshan District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau immediately investigated and disposed of it, and after verification by the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Cosmetics Supervision and Administration Department of the Bureau, the problem reflected by Mr. Hu was true. Law enforcement officers preached to Mr. Hu the knowledge of relevant laws and regulations of drugs, informing pharmacies that not returning and exchanging drugs is not a "overlord clause", drugs are special commodities, in order to ensure that every box of drugs in the hands of patients has a legal source, and drugs without quality problems cannot be returned or exchanged.

The reporter learned that according to article 16 of the current "Drug Administration Law", drug trading enterprises must operate drugs in accordance with the "Drug Business Quality Management Specification" formulated by the drug supervision and administration department under the State Council in accordance with this legal system, and in accordance with Article 173 of the "Drug Business Quality Management Standard", except for drug quality reasons, once the drug is sold, it cannot be returned or exchanged.

On October 30, the reporter contacted Mr. Hu, who said that the relevant departments contacted him in time to communicate, publicize the regulations, and express their understanding of the pharmacy's practices.

【Editor: Dai Rong】