
Everyone is an adult, some embarrassment, there is no need to debunk the 010203 want to know more professional, fun, practical psychological knowledge, welcome to the upper right corner click [Attention], [Pan Psychology Classroom] focus on pushing psychology selections for you Oh! ↓↓↓ Click "Learn More" to see if you are a person with high emotional intelligence?

author:Beijing eats and drinks


Someone said:

"Seeing the embarrassment and embarrassment of others and not debunking it is the most basic emotional intelligence in a person."

Girlfriend Xiaohua said that she once cried in the company's bathroom because of her heart, and she did not expect to meet a colleague to go to the toilet.

His eyes were red and he was still in tears, and the other person greeted her and said nothing, as if he hadn't seen it.

Xiaohua said she was grateful to her colleagues for not exposing her and giving her enough decency.

Everyone is an adult, some embarrassment, there is no need to debunk the 010203 want to know more professional, fun, practical psychological knowledge, welcome to the upper right corner click [Attention], [Pan Psychology Classroom] focus on pushing psychology selections for you Oh! ↓↓↓ Click "Learn More" to see if you are a person with high emotional intelligence?

Chekhov said that to be cultured is not to eat without spilling soup, but not to look at others when they sprinkle soup.

Not speaking privately, not revealing people's shortness, seeing through it and not saying it broken, seeing through it without exposing it, and not making people feel embarrassed, this is the most basic compassion of being a human being.


Jay Chou was a mentor in the fourth season of "The Voice of China", and in one episode came a 16-year-old Thai-Chinese girl named Langaram.

The two sang a song "A Thousand Miles Away" together.

Everyone is an adult, some embarrassment, there is no need to debunk the 010203 want to know more professional, fun, practical psychological knowledge, welcome to the upper right corner click [Attention], [Pan Psychology Classroom] focus on pushing psychology selections for you Oh! ↓↓↓ Click "Learn More" to see if you are a person with high emotional intelligence?

Because of the tone, Langaram sang a little hard, and she barely managed to keep herself up.

When it was almost time for the climax, the tone suddenly increased, and it seemed that it was about to break the tone.

Jay Chou took over and sang the next sentence extremely quickly and naturally, and all of a sudden, Langaram's voice became obviously comfortable.

For an instant, all the embarrassment, embarrassment, noise, and chaos that would occur on the scene would not happen.

Jay Chou used his keen attention and firm and generous tenderness to resolve an embarrassing embarrassment that was about to happen for a little girl who had just entered the music world.

Everyone is an adult, some embarrassment, there is no need to debunk the 010203 want to know more professional, fun, practical psychological knowledge, welcome to the upper right corner click [Attention], [Pan Psychology Classroom] focus on pushing psychology selections for you Oh! ↓↓↓ Click "Learn More" to see if you are a person with high emotional intelligence?

Afterwards, Jay Chou neither commented on the matter nor talked about it in front of the media, so he let it pass silently.

Quietly break the siege for others, let alone take the siege of others as some kind of skill worth showing off, rhetoric, but on the basis of not harming the dignity of others;

Skillfully resolving embarrassment and giving others just the right amount of help is not only kindness, but also a valuable quality of being a person.


People's hearts are mutual, and treating others with generosity, leaving room for others, is also saving their own character.

Everyone is an adult, some embarrassment, there is no need to debunk the 010203 want to know more professional, fun, practical psychological knowledge, welcome to the upper right corner click [Attention], [Pan Psychology Classroom] focus on pushing psychology selections for you Oh! ↓↓↓ Click "Learn More" to see if you are a person with high emotional intelligence?

When Li Jian was a judge in the singing program, a contestant named Hao Yaqing said with some embarrassment: "I am an activity singer." ”

Li Jian asked, "What is an event singer?" ”

Haring replied that it was the singer who sang when the building opened and the ribbon was cut.

After hearing this, Li Jian hurriedly said, "Oh, it's similar to us." ”

Everyone is an adult, some embarrassment, there is no need to debunk the 010203 want to know more professional, fun, practical psychological knowledge, welcome to the upper right corner click [Attention], [Pan Psychology Classroom] focus on pushing psychology selections for you Oh! ↓↓↓ Click "Learn More" to see if you are a person with high emotional intelligence?

Almost? For player Hao Yaqing, it is actually a lot worse.

But in Li Jian's view, they are all singers, people who give people happiness through sound, and they will also have similar commercial performance activities, which is indeed similar.

Li Jian's words are amiable and heart-warming, although it is only a small act, showing neither sympathy nor irony;

But it pulls themselves and the players to a level, smooths the inferiority in the hearts of the players, and makes people feel goodwill and sincerity.

True emotional intelligence, in fact, is silent, which will not only resolve the embarrassment of others, but also do not show off their own merits.

Everyone is an adult, some embarrassment, there is no need to debunk the 010203 want to know more professional, fun, practical psychological knowledge, welcome to the upper right corner click [Attention], [Pan Psychology Classroom] focus on pushing psychology selections for you Oh! ↓↓↓ Click "Learn More" to see if you are a person with high emotional intelligence?

Understanding people well, pushing oneself and others thoughtfully, and sincere from the heart. This kind of good thought that goes straight to the soft place of the heart is the best cultivation of a person.

The highest state of emotional intelligence is to make people comfortable. The most direct embodiment of emotional intelligence is not to embarrass people.

Writer Owen May said that a person who can start from the perspective of others and understand the psychological activities of others never has to worry about his future.

People who strive to be kind to others, one day, they will also be treated gently by others.

May you, with a good heart, be the one who does not embarrass others. Your kindness and upbringing will one day sprinkle a bright light on your future.

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