
She only acted in one play in her life and chose to withdraw from the circle, and now her assets exceed 100 million, donating hundreds of hope primary schools

author:Male talent less grinding

Life in the world, do not make a good discussion, do not leave a good career, all day full of warm clothes, do not care, how to distinguish from animals. - Su Rui

Compared with the past TV series, the current TV series have been greatly improved in terms of costumes and picture quality, but people have always felt that the past TV series are more classic. In particular, "Journey to the West", although it has been remade many times, in everyone's mind, it is still the first "Journey to the West" is the most classic. Each character in the play has its own distinct characteristics, and although some characters do not appear in the camera, they can make the audience firmly remember it. For example, the Chang'e fairy in "Journey to the West", there are not many shots of her in the whole play, but in the audience's mind, as soon as Chang'e is mentioned, the Chang'e she plays immediately comes to mind.

She only acted in one play in her life and chose to withdraw from the circle, and now her assets exceed 100 million, donating hundreds of hope primary schools

The actor who plays Chang'e is called Qiu Peining, and through the TV series "Journey to the West", she debuted on the screen. A dance in the Wonderland of Yaochi made the audience deeply remember her figure. Her good face and flexible dance posture vividly presented Chang'e in front of everyone. In order to restore the original work as much as possible, the director of "Journey to the West" was also very careful when selecting actors. The reason for choosing Qiu Peining to play Chang'e Fairy is also a decision made after combining all aspects of conditions.

She only acted in one play in her life and chose to withdraw from the circle, and now her assets exceed 100 million, donating hundreds of hope primary schools

As a fairy in the Moon Palace, Chang'e definitely has an otherworldly beauty on her body, and Qiu Peining has this temperament. Qiu Peining was born into a military family and has been receiving a stricter education since he was very young. Whether it is words or deeds or demeanor, they all come according to the rules. It is precisely because Qiu Peining grew up in this environment that she also reflects a feeling different from ordinary people. In addition, Qiu Peining looks beautiful, from small to large, full of classical beauty, every word and deed reflects her demeanor.

She only acted in one play in her life and chose to withdraw from the circle, and now her assets exceed 100 million, donating hundreds of hope primary schools

The Chang'e fairy in "Journey to the West" is very good at dancing, and Qiu Peining is also very good at dancing, and she loves dancing very much. Many parents will always kill their children's hobby when they know that their children like to dance, believing that the most important thing for children to do is to study well. But when she was a child, Qiu Peining loved to dance, and her family did not stop her, but on the contrary, they were very supportive of her, and even intended to cultivate her into a professional dancer.

She only acted in one play in her life and chose to withdraw from the circle, and now her assets exceed 100 million, donating hundreds of hope primary schools

With the support of his family, coupled with his own love, combined with unremitting efforts, Qiu Peining was admitted to the dance major of the Art Department of the Central Institute for Nationalities, and Qiu Peining at this time never thought that one day in the future, he would be selected by director Yang Jie to play the role of Chang'e Fairy.

At that time, she served as a field reporter in the crew because of her extraordinary temperament, which quickly attracted the attention of Yang Jie, and felt that she was excellent in all aspects, so she handed over the role of Chang'e to her hand. Qiu Peining did not disappoint the director, and successfully shaped the role of Chang'e to perfection, becoming a generation of classics, so that many of the later remakes could not surpass it. After appearing on the screen, Qiu Peining used his strength to let everyone remember himself, and at the same time attracted the attention of many people.

She only acted in one play in her life and chose to withdraw from the circle, and now her assets exceed 100 million, donating hundreds of hope primary schools

What makes many people wonder is that in addition to "Journey to the West", Qiu Peining has never appeared in other movies and TV series. The reason is that after successfully shaping the role of Chang'e Fairy, Qiu Peining did not choose to stay in the show business circle, but chose to set foot in the business world.

From childhood to adulthood, she will do what she wants to do with her best efforts, and there is nothing worth remembering about things that she is not interested in. Compared with acting, she prefers to engage in business, so Qiu Peining has only starred in the play "Journey to the West" in her life. Although there is only this one play, it is enough for generations of people to remember her appearance and remember the Chang'e fairy she played.

She only acted in one play in her life and chose to withdraw from the circle, and now her assets exceed 100 million, donating hundreds of hope primary schools

Qiu Peining believes that her life should be different, and she can always quickly make an accurate positioning for herself. In the early days of her career, Qiu Peining has been living in the midst of the sighs of the crowd, and people feel that she should not give up her great star path. But Qiu Peining never regretted his decision. Still like when I was a child, I try to do it when I identify one thing, and living myself is the most important thing.

She only acted in one play in her life and chose to withdraw from the circle, and now her assets exceed 100 million, donating hundreds of hope primary schools

Today, under the unremitting efforts of Qiu Pening, her net worth has already exceeded 100 million, and she has become a successful business owner. The success of his career made Qiu Peining think of doing charity, and his cumulative donation amount has reached more than 60 million yuan. In order to make it less difficult for children in poor mountainous areas to go to school, she has been committed to building Hope Primary School, and so far 107 primary schools have been built, and more than 150,000 students have been helped by Qiu Pening.

She only acted in one play in her life and chose to withdraw from the circle, and now her assets exceed 100 million, donating hundreds of hope primary schools

brief summary

Qiu Peining has brought her own life out of her own color, not only leaving her own amazing mark in the film and television industry, but also keeping her career in order, exerting kindness, donating to Hope Primary School, so that everyone can feel that she is not only beautiful on the outside, but also beautiful on the inside. When people discuss Qiu Peining, they will also praise her and win a good discussion. Whether it is their own business or other people's evaluation of themselves, this is the life that a person should have the most.

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