
Yang Tianzhen: "Only strength will not betray yourself"

author:South of May

Do not doubt the value of competence,

Ability can always play a role in value.

--Yang Tianzhen

Yang Tianzhen, the first impression is probably like this: very ordinary, in addition to the figure of 160 pounds. Got to know her a little bit and found out she was an agent. If you understand further, it turns out that she is not simple, one hand founded Yixin Entertainment, fan bingbing into a "I don't marry the rich, I am the rich" Fan Ye, the other hand, zhang Yuqi into a "I see men have a bad vision, but I dare to love and hate the domineering royal sister."

In the recent hit "My Agent and Me", she was caught on fire again. She is rumored to hold 800 marketing numbers, praise a large wave of phenomenon-level stars such as Red Luhan, Li Xian, Ouyang Nana, etc., master half of the entertainment industry, as an agent with rich resumes, what kind of story does her development path have?

Author: South Lane


Yang Tianzhen's real name is Yang Siwei, and he named himself Naïve. The definition of "innocence" in Baidu Encyclopedia is as follows: "Character that is not bound by etiquette; simple in heart, sincere in temperament, without any contrivance and hypocrisy." True innocence is not easily confused by false appearances, synonymous with immaturity, but to wash away the lead and maintain a naïve character after experiencing wind and rain. The meaning of her name is probably the same, as she said in her Weibo signature, "She knows everything, but she is still naïve."

Yang Tianzhen: "Only strength will not betray yourself"

Her story must start from self-confidence, if there is no self-confidence, the concept of Yang Tianzhen will not be established at all.

During the military training in the university, the department will produce a choral program, and there will be a temporary lack of a conductor. There was no shortage of professional players in the class, but just when others hesitated, Yang Tianzhen had already raised his hands high. However, when it came to training, the students found that the girl was not accurate, singing out of tune, standing in the conductor's position, like a joke.

What makes her so bad and so confident?

Yang Tianzhen replied: "I really don't, but I see that no one raised his hand, and I feel a little cold, so I lifted it." "Straight-forward and dignified, her self-confidence carries exaggerated and playful rationality.

Since then, confidence and hard work have become her motto.

At the age of 17, because of his excellent grades, he got a place to be sent to Peking University, but because of the problem of guarantee, he mistakenly entered the directing department of the Communication University of China. However, in her junior year, she decided that she had no creative talent, so she decided to take another path.

That year, Wang Jinghua, China's first broker, ran away from Huayi to set up his own portal. Yang Tianzhen, who is not professionally right, actually heard Wang Jinghua's mobile phone number, sent a text message straight to the point, Hua Jie, hello, I especially want to work with you, no one knows how she got hua jie's mobile phone number, and no one knows how she made an appointment with Hua Jie, and how a meal made her nod, in short, 21-year-old Yang Tianzhen officially embarked on the career path of the agent.


The first artist she took was called Kong Wei, there was no fame, Yang Tianzhen was naturally unwilling, in an activity with Fan Bingbing on the same stage, she ignored the obstruction of the staff, forcibly pushed the cake to Kong Wei's birthday, and the next day "Kong Wei's beauty overwhelmed Fan Bingbing" The news headlines were overwhelming.

Yang Tianzhen: "Only strength will not betray yourself"

Fan Bingbing, who was red to purple at that time, was made into a foil for four- and five-line small stars by her. Fan Bingbing remembered her from then on, when Fan Bingbing ran away to set up a personal studio, he personally invited Yang Tianzhen to join, although Fan Bingbing at that time was very red, but black and red, when people mentioned her, the reflection was do face, bei bag this kind of negativity. So Yang Tianzhen faced Fan Bingbing's black materials, and the first thing he did was not to escape, but to find another way.

When filming "Esquire", Fan Bingbing boldly tried the boy style, and relied on a sentence of "I don't marry the tycoon, because I am the tycoon!" "Let Fan Bingbing become popular again." Less than 21 years old, he became the general director and producer of satellite TV programs, and entered Fan Bingbing Studio at the age of 23 as a publicity director.

Yang Tianzhen: "Only strength will not betray yourself"

In addition, Yang Tianzhen is also a very business-minded person. At the age of 19, her parents gave Yang Tianzhen 180,000 yuan to study abroad, but she used it to borrow money to buy a house, and after three years, it rose to 500,000 yuan, making a net profit of 320,000. Seizing the opportunity, she did not save the half a million, but after the down payment of 900,000 yuan to buy a house, she went to the bank to borrow 1 million yuan to cash out 600,000 yuan, and used the 600,000 yuan to buy a third house with the usual money. At the age of 29, he used his own money to create Yixin Entertainment, signed lu han, Zhang Yixing and other top traffic, because of his keen sense of smell and super marketing ability of the industry, he controlled half of the entertainment industry.

With his own fame getting bigger and bigger, Yang Tianzhen's desire is also getting bigger and bigger, at the age of 35, Yang Tianzhen resigned from the agent, Yang Tianzhen cut stomach, Yang Tianzhen diabetes and other hot search terms have been on the list of Weibo, when all netizens are eating melon to see the hilarity, Yang Tianzhen got a master's degree from Peking University, and then announced his second entrepreneurship: the creation of plus-size women's clothing brand plusmall.


She has said many times in interviews:

"One of the things I'm going to do in the next few years is come up with a plus-size womenswear brand. From childhood to adulthood, I have found that there are many beautiful clothes in this world, that is, there is no size, and many plus-size girls, the daily wear is sweatshirts, T-shirts, jeans. Beautiful skirts have designed clothes, and on large girls, they can actually be well reflected in their bodies. ”

She also said:

"Visual brands are originally based on collocation to form a sense of the whole, there are too many beautiful clothes for small size girls in this world, and I want to only make clothes designed for plus size girls, showing their confidence and beauty." 」

And a few years later, she really did.

Yang Tianzhen: "Only strength will not betray yourself"

After the establishment of plus-size women's wear brand plusmall, she began to enter the live broadcast with goods, the live debut in just four hours, the turnover exceeded seven million, and her store in just over eight months, the number of fans soared to 300,000, sales are also extremely impressive, perhaps there has never been any open hanging life, everything is cause and effect, today's Yang Tianzhen is shining, inseparable from her hard work and efforts along the way.


Yang Tianzhen is really not thin, but she is really confident.

Song Jia also said that Yang Tianzhen was the most confident woman she had ever seen.

In the program "My Agent and Me", Yang Tianzhen said to Qiao Xin, who was four yards smaller than himself: "I also have this dress." She wore Chanel earrings and Gucci's coat, claiming that obesity could not stop the right to pursue beauty, and Yang's naïve confidence was from the inside out.

Many of her big stars in the stadium are supporting roles. Once took Song Jia to an event, Song Jia she wore the big red cloak of Versace, Yang Tianzhen looked at it and liked it, and bought it with the public relations on the spot. By the end of the interview, Yang Tianzhen had already slipped into the cloak.

Even with the star who is first-class in stature, she still regards herself as the protagonist, Song Jia just debuted to walk the red carpet insecurity, Yang Tianzhen accompanied her, was stopped by the security guard, she immediately took out a golden shawl, shouted: "You don't touch me, I tell you, I'm a guest, you don't touch me." The security guard was suppressed on the spot, and as soon as Song Jia turned back, Yang Tianzhen sat next to her, and the figure standing on the cusp of the storm was bound to bear controversy and doubt from all sides.

She has never been subject to her body, no bit of idol baggage, and her photo momentum is not lost, open big show double chin, plain face to shoot short videos, do stomach contraction surgery with great fanfare, look at the entire fashion circle, and can not find a second dress blogger like Yang Tianzhen.

Yang Tianzhen: "Only strength will not betray yourself"

She dared to wear a gorgeous leopard print, incarnating as the lady of the village, but also dared to wear a puffy skirt, pouting and selling cuteness, and occasionally showing off a wave of Versailles, with a Hermès around the waist to emphasize the waistline.

For her, clothes are just weapons, nothing to do with the figure, and truly believe that they can convey confidence and beauty.


Yang Tianzhen is a woman who writes her desire on her face, and she absolutely does not allow her time to have half a free time, so she only sleeps four or five hours a day, and the rest of the time is filled with the critical hit of work.

She did not hesitate to cut her stomach in order to work, and the operation resumed work non-stop after only one week, like an emotionless workplace machine. She made no secret of her ambition to make money, but money was never the master of her life, only a tool to please herself occasionally.

Many people think that making money is only for life, and the extra effort will only be in vain, but she does not think so, Yang Tianzhen knows very well what she wants, she once said that she wants to become the most powerful agent in China.

Therefore, she stepped into the torrent of the entertainment industry without hesitation, and at the age of 35, she still had the courage to start a new journey from scratch.

She was as sober as ever and never betrayed herself. There is no doubt that she did.

She commented on herself: "Yang Tianzhen's out of the circle lies in her scarcity. "The confident Yang Tianzhen is still constantly fighting with the world.

Welcome to pay attention to the public account "South of May"

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