
Anshan Liu Siyan played the wounded in "Changjin Lake"

author:Nine factions view the world

It is reported that the movie "Changjin Lake", which is being screened, has a total box office of 1.2 billion yuan in 4 days of release, and this main theme war blockbuster has broken the single-day box office record of the War Film in the National Day of Chinese Film History, the record of the premiere day of the National Day film of the Chinese Film History, and many other film history records. At the same time as the "Chosin Lake" was screened, Liu Siyan from Haicheng told the behind-the-scenes story of his participation in the filming of "Chosin Lake" as a special actor.

Liu Siyan, 34, president of the Haicheng Volunteer Service Association, lost his right arm in an unexpected car accident at the age of 14. After his physical recovery, he actively devoted himself to the public welfare cause of helping the disabled. A few years later, his story of public welfare was not only known to the disabled in Haicheng, but his name was gradually known by well-known disability assistance platforms such as "Bird's Nest Network". Later, he was invited to become one of the leaders of the "Bird's Nest Special Actor Casting Studio", helping film and television companies to screen and recommend disabled people to participate in the filming of film and television works, and he himself has participated in films such as "Eight Hundred" and "King Kong Chuan".

Liu Siyan said that on December 23 last year, he and more than 20 special actors from all over the country received a notice from the crew to participate in the filming of the movie "Chosin Lake". Set against the backdrop of a battle in the Chosin Lake area during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the film tells the touching story of a company of volunteers who held their positions in extremely harsh conditions and bravely killed the enemy and made important contributions to the victory of the Chosin Lake Campaign. The filming scene was a large abandoned factory area, and Liu Siyan said that they mainly played the wounded. "The specially cut volunteer costumes are written with our names and are tailored to us. Then the makeup artist put on makeup, blackened, added blood, and pasted the wounds in turn. After a few hours of makeup, we looked like we had just experienced a hail of bullets. ”

Around 8 a.m., all the actors entered the filming scene. Liu Siyan and the special actors walked into the "battlefield hospital" where rows of nursing beds were placed. Inside there were wooden infusion racks, infusion bottles with glass hanging from them, and tin pots on several iron stoves that boiled hot water and emitted wisps of white gas. Female soldiers in medical attire sort out first-aid kits next to them. The director arranged for special actors to play different wounded, some half-lying infusions, some being helped in by nurses, and some lying on stretchers... "All departments prepare, prepare, start!" As the director's voice landed on the ground, the still picture seemed to be unsealed, the medical soldiers ran, the wounded struggled in pain, and one stretcher after another was carried in from outside the door, and the bloodied soldiers were some missing a leg, some were missing an arm, and they were supported by the medical soldiers and lay on the bed.

Liu Siyan said that a group of shots was repeated many times, but the actors were meticulous each time. Although the volunteer costumes worn by the actors were cotton clothes, the northern winter was dry and cold, even if there was no wind, they still felt that the exposed hands and ears were as cold as if they were immersed in ice, not to mention that many volunteers were still wearing single clothes when they fought in the war. Although the time involved in the filming was only two days, Liu Siyan was full of emotions: "Although we are filming, we can also feel the fierceness of the war and the hardship of the combat environment." It was through their flesh and blood and incomparably powerful spiritual strength that the sacrificed warriors resisted the enemy's advanced weapons and equipment, in exchange for our happy life today. Through this filming experience, I have a deeper understanding of this history, and also make me more respectful of the sacrificed revolutionary martyrs, love our motherland more from the bottom of my heart, and cherish the happy life now! ”

Tian Chang, chief reporter of all media

【Source: Qianshan Evening News】

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