
Luo Dayou 'Yuanxiang' multi-channel lossless music album

author:Listen to music for a long time

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Album Chinese title: Hara

Singer: Luo Dayou

Issue date: September 26, 1991

Region: Hong Kong, Taiwan

Language: Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese

Album introduction

In September 1991, Luo Dayou published his fifth album and his first Taiwanese album, "Yuanxiang".

When I first listened to "Yuanxiang", I could still vaguely feel Luo Dayou's musical style, showing the charm of the lyrics on an almost fixed tone. Following the "train" of music, walking into "Yuanxiang 1", in the mournful groan, the faint thoughts are the ancestors who ventured to move out; and then returned to the modern "Everyone is not surprised", the critical meaning is still strong, but compared with Lin's strong, clear, and rhythmic vocal, Luo Dayou seems to be singing a little incompetently. The whole album is roughly through a tone of compassion or criticism, setting off the intertwined historical situations of ancient and modern times, and then adding rich instruments and gorgeous arrangements to present Luo Dayou's thinking about his hometown.

If you are "the first" to listen to "Yuanxiang", you may be very moved, but if you have also listened to another work of the music factory, "Queen's Road East", the impression of "Yuanxiang" is probably greatly reduced, because there are four songs that are completely copies of the "Emperor" film, and people can't help but doubt the sincerity of Luo Dayou's creation.


Album tracks

01 Train (Taiwanese)

02 Yuanxiang 1 (Taiwanese)

03 Everyone is not surprised (Luo Dayou & Lin Qiang) (Taiwanese)

04 Mother

05 Youth Dance 2000 (Chorus & Taiwanese)

06 Yuanxiang 2 (Taiwanese)

07 Yin (Taiwanese)

08 From You, From Me from Him (Luo Dayou & Zhao Chuan & Li Zongsheng & Zhou Huajian)

09 The Love of Leading Nguyen (Feng Fei Fei) (Taiwanese)

10 Unrest

11 Akako (Doll)

12 Long March (Taiwanese)

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