
Does neurasthenia just affect sleep? No, what problems will be caused by these 4 hazards of neurasthenia? How to solve the problem of neurasthenia?

author:Family Doctor Famous Doctor Online

With the acceleration of the pace of life, there are more and more people with neurasthenia, mainly mental and physical function debilitation symptoms, mental fatigue and mental excitement, accompanied by mental tension, trouble and headache, as well as sleep disorders. Neurasthenia lacks certain specificity, commonly seen in other neurologies such as somatization disorders and anxiety disorders and depression, etc., if neurasthenia has not been effectively treated, it can bring unexpected harm to the body.

Does neurasthenia just affect sleep? No, what problems will be caused by these 4 hazards of neurasthenia? How to solve the problem of neurasthenia?

<h1 style="text-align: left;"What problems does > nervous breakdown cause? </h1>

1. High mental tension

There are many types of neurasthenia, the spirit is in a state of high tension, the sense of self is reduced, the nerves become sensitive and neurotic, and psychological conflicts are prone to occur.

2. Memory loss

Patients with neurasthenia are prone to memory loss, always remembering things that make people worried and anxious, although they do not remember themselves, but always appear invisibly in their minds. However, the inability to remember important things about work and study can easily lead to conflict and emotional anxiety in patients.

3. Headache

Patients with neurasthenia are prone to anxiety symptoms, which lead to severe headaches, especially temporal pain, and the head always feels heavy or sleepy. When severe psychological conflicts and anxieties occur, symptoms of headache discomfort are exacerbated.

Does neurasthenia just affect sleep? No, what problems will be caused by these 4 hazards of neurasthenia? How to solve the problem of neurasthenia?

4. Sleep problems

Patients with neurasthenia are prone to headache discomfort, memory impairment, mood abnormalities and unstable sleep, accompanied by palpitations, chest tightness and loss of appetite. In addition, after the blood flow rate of people with high blood pressure and high blood lipids, chest pain, tinnitus, and panic suddenly increases, the ability of blood vessels to contract cannot keep up, which aggravates their symptoms.

<h1 style="text-align: left;"How do > solve neurasthenia problems? </h1>

1. Get enough sleep

Patients with neurasthenia need to adjust their work and work and rest, and sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a day. Prolonged lack of sleep can easily cause neurological problems and even lead to neurasthenia. Before 23:00, you must enter a deep sleep state, and have a 30-minute lunch break at noon, which can effectively alleviate the symptoms of neurasthenia.

Does neurasthenia just affect sleep? No, what problems will be caused by these 4 hazards of neurasthenia? How to solve the problem of neurasthenia?

2. Avoid eating foods that cause nervous excitement

Strong tea, strong coffee and spicy and irritating foods can excite the central nervous system, affect people's sleep, and even aggravate neurasthenia.

3. Eat more nutritious and calming foods

Usually, you can eat more white fungus millet celery, bitter melon and spinach, etc., which can nourish the mind and soothe the nerves, and can also improve the function of the nervous system, provide more neuronal nutrition for the body, and then alleviate the symptoms of neurasthenia.

4. Maintain moderate exercise

Usually participate in aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging or practicing yoga, etc., which can improve mental state, improve spirit, and facilitate physical strength and energy recovery.

Does neurasthenia just affect sleep? No, what problems will be caused by these 4 hazards of neurasthenia? How to solve the problem of neurasthenia?


Neurasthenic patients need to do a good job of self-regulation, mental pressure is too much is one of the main causes of neurasthenia, usually communicate and talk to friends and relatives, but also through exercise to release pressure. Appropriate treatment with brain biofeedback can improve the training of brain wave state, facilitate memory recovery, but also improve neurasthenia, alleviate anxiety and insomnia and other symptoms. Cultivate a broad mind, can not be because of small things and worry, can not be too calculating, keep going with the flow, so that life is simpler and happier. Eat less or no fatty flatulence foods to avoid causing flatulence in the intestinal cavity, which in turn affects sleep. Provide a proper sleeping environment, soak your feet or bathe in hot water before going to bed, and listen to light music appropriately to hypnotize.

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Family doctor online special article, unauthorized reproduction


1. "Neurasthenia", Department of Neurology Chu Qingcun, 2019-10-27

2. "Self-regulation of neurasthenia, these 6 methods, return your mental health", Emotional Station, 2020-07-31