
Chinese actresses debuted in the US dollar currency, and the vision of how many women finally became a reality

author:Teacher Zeng Minmin

Recently, the Federal Mint announced a major plan: starting in 2022, the heads of outstanding American women from different fields, ethnicities, and diverse backgrounds will be used as a motif, and in the list that has been determined, a Chinese actress with her name is Huang Liushuang.

The prosperity and bitterness of Hollywood's top actresses in the last century

In the last century, Huang Liushuang's name was a disgrace to most Chinese people, because the Chinese characters she played in the film were ugly, humble and negative, and she was even banned by Song Meiling.

Chinese actresses debuted in the US dollar currency, and the vision of how many women finally became a reality

Huang Liushuang as Mongolian slave girl (source network)

In addition to race, the identity of women actually brings greater obstacles to her.

At that time, "feminism" was still an overly avant-garde concept, the resources of the film and television industry were occupied by men, few actresses could participate in the role according to their own wishes, and everything was arranged by the established - they were never planners and decision makers, only passive participants.

Not to mention the Asian female Yellow Willow Cream, even a big local star like Catherine Hepburn is powerless to fight against the mainstream consciousness of society. In that era of male domination of show business, Catherine insisted on choosing the script according to her own principles, and the result could only be that she began to be isolated and alienated by the show business world.

Chinese actresses debuted in the US dollar currency, and the vision of how many women finally became a reality

Catherine Hepburn (Source Network)

No matter how good you are, as long as you are a woman, nothing can change.

Huang Liushuang knew this well, so she decisively gave up the hard-won foundation in Hollywood and went to Europe to restart her acting career.

The unfamiliar stage did not dim the brilliance of this woman, and Huang Liushuang proved her strength with several works. She starred in "Chinatown Bustling Dream" released in Europe and became a hot topic at the time, covering almost all corners of the UK.

To this end, Huang Liushuang was fortunate to be given the opportunity to attend the royal banquet.

She was later invited back to Hollywood, and although her achievements in Europe gave her a little more background, she still could not completely break the shackles brought by gender. She is still available for negative roles such as villain leaders and Qinglou women, and even in the Chinese-set movie "The Grand Hotel", she is not allowed to appear in the film's actor promotion list as the second character.

This is not the sinister intention of the crew, but this deliberate neglect of female actors, which was very common in the film and television industry at that time, and the mainstream concept once thought that there was nothing wrong with it.

Even twenty years later, when the producers of "Roman Holiday" were promoting, they tried to hide the presence of Audrey Hepburn from the poster.

Chinese actresses debuted in the US dollar currency, and the vision of how many women finally became a reality

Stills of Roman Holiday (source network)

Sexism was not unique in the show business world, in fact, at that time, all corners of the American workplace were full of restrictions on women.

Formal liberation of women in the workplace

In the United States at the beginning of the last century, although women were given the right to compete with men in the corporate workplace, they were not truly fair in substance.

Many companies hire women, but they don't consider placing them in core positions, or even hiring them, just to pander to "political correctness."

From the beginning, the company did not really accept and trust female employees.

Therefore, when promoting and selecting, female employees are often habitually ignored by employers, and their upward channels are basically blocked.

Later, through the long-term efforts of feminist representatives such as Betty Friedan, people were able to change the stereotype of women who are "only suitable for being housewives" and re-recognize and rethink their existence in the workplace.

Chinese actresses debuted in the US dollar currency, and the vision of how many women finally became a reality

Betty Friedan (Source Network)

Some employers try to use and promote them, and find that the value they create for the company is not lower than that of men, and their thinking is even more meticulous than that of most men in the formulation of some decisions in the company.

With the stage to play, female employees began to show amazing talents, so their careers underwent a qualitative change, with the qualification to compete with male colleagues for senior positions in the company.

It's a message that when a precedent for women as executives emerges, it triggers a series of reactions in the workplace that spur other women's motivation.

Chinese actresses debuted in the US dollar currency, and the vision of how many women finally became a reality

According to a social survey conducted by Harvard Business School, the daughter of a working mother who enters the workplace as an adult has a better workplace performance and is more able to assume the responsibility of management supervision, so she can earn a higher income than the average man.

In 1996, only 10 percent of executives were women.

By the 21st century, that percentage had expanded to 20 percent.

But the data is still only an external appearance, and female executives have to face far more difficulties than men in actual work and life.

Betsy Holden is vice president of planning and new products at food giant Kraft, but that doesn't completely eliminate the trouble that gender causes her.

Chinese actresses debuted in the US dollar currency, and the vision of how many women finally became a reality

Kraft Corporation (Source Network)

Not long ago, her boss thought about replacing her, and the reason given was simple:

"No one can hold this position with two children."

But Betsy Holden knows that the boss has two children of his own, and the root cause lies in his prejudice against women.

Former Wall Street Journal columnist Joann Lublin has published his new book, Working Moms, which provides an in-depth analysis of women's struggles between the workplace and the family.

Working mothers have a special attribute imposed on them by history, resulting in them having little support from their spouses and families, even if they are competent for their jobs.

Chinese actresses debuted in the US dollar currency, and the vision of how many women finally became a reality

In the workplace, the boss is also worried that they have to take care of the family and cannot put more energy into work, so they instinctively wary of them.

Employers are more concerned about whether female candidates intend to marry in the near future, whether they are going to have children, and whether they plan to have a second child than salary and ability.

To avoid this, Howard Smith called for an amendment to Chapter VII of the Civil Rights Act, dealing with equal employment opportunities, in 1964, advocating the addition of a clause after the prohibition of discrimination on race, colour, and ethnicity: sex discrimination.

The proposal was passed by a high vote, so we can now see that interviewers who ask female job seekers any marital or private life questions can be suspected of breaking the law and facing the consequences of litigation.

Chinese actresses debuted in the US dollar currency, and the vision of how many women finally became a reality

This is another big step forward, but to completely eliminate gender discrimination in the workplace, a mechanical system alone is not enough. Because it can only change people's superficial behavior after all, it cannot change people's subjective thoughts, so it seems a bit "formal liberation".

To completely change this phenomenon, the root cause still needs to start from the ideology, and this needs to be guided by correct and long-term education.

Advanced and open education is the soil for employment equity

Education in the United States has always been known for being fair, inclusive and open, and many advanced thinking concepts come from the cultivation and guidance of schools.

Eliot, the twenty-first president of Harvard University, once said:

"The hope of mankind depends on the thinking of those intellectual pioneers who may think of things that are years beyond the average person, generations or even centuries ahead."

Feminist leader Betty Friedan graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, which produced 110 Nobel laureates, and Smith College, which produced two first ladies.

Chinese actresses debuted in the US dollar currency, and the vision of how many women finally became a reality

University of California, Berkeley (Source Network)

Most of the other accomplished feminist representatives also have excellent college resumes.

Therefore, we can think that education is the lamp of civilization, which can promote the improvement of thinking and cognition, and give people unparalleled social impetus and creativity.

What is even more gratifying is that young students have greater ideological plasticity than their predecessors, they are more receptive to open, equal and advanced ideas, and after the correct guidance of education, they can bring a new look to the whole society.

Chinese actresses debuted in the US dollar currency, and the vision of how many women finally became a reality

The intellectual pioneers in the mouth of the president of Harvard University often have a good educational and cultural background.

Thus it is clear that:

Female employees born after the 1980s enjoy more decent and intimate care from society than those born before the 1970s.

For example, their careers can be supported by their families, they can enjoy employer's allowances, "paid holidays" in addition to maternity and marriage leave, flexible leave and work systems, and longer and more flexible "personal time" than male colleagues.

Chinese actresses debuted in the US dollar currency, and the vision of how many women finally became a reality

This kind of care has nothing to do with the law and system, has a strong spontaneity, and is approved by the parties from the heart.

According to relevant data, more than 60% of women in the United States have worked outside the country, and their presence has begun to spread throughout academia, law, business and even politics.

Women no longer fear losing their jobs because of marriage and childbearing problems, and men no longer stereotype that women should take care of their families, compete fairly, and work for their own future – the biggest vision of women in the past has gradually become a reality today.

Now, Huang Liushuang will appear in the dollar currency as a Chinese female avatar, which is a good trend, and perhaps in the near future, we will also be fortunate to see the first female president of the United States.