
Chinese Medicine: What is the source of a woman's disease?

author:Health and wellness classroom

The three health killers facing modern women. Let's talk about the most common cold cults.

"The First Health Killer: Cold Evil"

Chinese medicine believes that women's bodies are most afraid of qi and blood coagulation, because women's uterine and other physiological systems, must rely on the warmth of blood, once encountered cold and evil attack, the lack of righteous qi of the people's blood will be stagnant, so that there will be a threat to women, especially in the physiological period, after the stagnation of qi and blood, it will be difficult to discharge, which will produce adverse consequences.

This is why many gynecological formulas in Chinese medicine use warm medicines such as dried ginger and mugwort leaves, and now women have a very high chance of being cold, and many women do not know how cold and evil enter their bodies silently.

Cold evil usually enters the modern female body from the following channels.

Eat out of the cold evil: from the perspective of yin and yang, women are yin, physique is born with three points of cold evil, it is reasonable to say that women should eat some food to supplement yang, at least do not eat food that damages yang, but women prefer to come in reverse, what do women love to eat the most?

Women love fruit the most, and they love to drink milk. Cold drinks in ancient times are also unimaginable, now hate can not carry ice cubes, grunt a drink into the stomach, the body is still sweating, a lump of cold air directly into the spleen and stomach, I do not say you all understand, so the model created is called "internal cold and external heat".

Chinese Medicine: What is the source of a woman's disease?

To use a popular analogy, it's like you're sending the cold evil directly over the defensive line on the surface of your body and dropping it into the interior of your body. This also has a greater impact on women's bodies, because this will directly lead to damage to the qi and blood of the warm and nourishing palace, and this damage will accumulate day by day, and various diseases will be formed, cold, painful, coagulated, and so on.

Now many women think that eating more fruits can supplement various nutrients, but also whitening and weight loss.

Because of the crazy eating of fruit, their acne is more and more, their stomach is getting colder, their constipation is getting worse and worse, and the yang of the body is becoming more and more insufficient.

They completely forgot the experience of their ancestors: "Five grains for nourishment, five fruits for help, five vegetables for filling, five animals for benefit."

Milk is also cold, the world's food therapy originator of the Tang Dynasty famous old Chinese medicine Meng Yi has long been in his book "Dietary Therapy Materia Medica" recorded the nature of milk, the great cold, used to treat fever.

Li Shizhen also thinks that milk is very cold. Cold food is a relatively large bias of food, not suitable for long-term eating, suitable for long-term eating are peaceful cold and hot food, such as grains.

Chinese Medicine: What is the source of a woman's disease?

How many women complain about why there is endless phlegm all day long, but they do not think that cold milk and fat and thick milk are one of the sources of women's phlegm wetness. In addition to eating fruit milk, the cold evil that comes out of eating also includes eating various antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and Western medicines, as well as eating heat and detoxification medicines or drinking herbal tea as soon as they are on fire.

The cold evil that comes out: But the most easily affected is the female comrades, because the female comrades wear less in the summer, and some people also expose their waists, so that the cold is most likely to hurt their bodies.

Exposed shoulders will get periarthritis, exposed waist will hurt the fire of the door, which will lead to kidney yang deficiency later, open navel let the cold drive straight in, such as through the no man's land, this navel can be very important where the god que is located, absolutely can not be affected by wind and cold, most of the women who expose the navel have uterine cold, and will later have premature ovarian failure and will not be able to have children.

Chinese Medicine: What is the source of a woman's disease?

Blowing out the cold evil: modern society, that is, the last few decades has completely changed this situation, first of all, the emergence of air conditioning, creating a microclimate pattern that has not appeared in the past hundreds of thousands of years, what kind of pattern?

The first thirty minutes were outdoors or the sun was scorching, and the last thirty minutes were in the office, which was a cold and shivering air conditioning environment. Then go out sweating and come back shivering.

Air conditioning can also make many women get a variety of skin diseases.

Because the wind of the air conditioner is a false thief wind, it will wind and cold the beam table, block your pores, so that the moisture of the body cannot be vented, so it is held on the skin, forming a variety of urticaria and eczema.

Many women think that they are on fire and go to take cold medicine, and the result is worse and worse. In fact, as long as this skin disease goes out of the air-conditioned room and basks in more sun, it will be better. Give evil qi a way out, open the pores, and let the disease be completely vented with the help of the sun. Some women are not well maintained because of confinement, so that the cold evil takes advantage of the void.

Postpartum is the weakest time of the body, prenatal should be cool, postpartum should be warm, many women completely disregard these, even do not sit confinement, toss everywhere, eat fruit milk plus blow air conditioning and even go swimming, let the cold directly from the loose bone joints drilled into, middle-aged and elderly pain.

Chinese Medicine: What is the source of a woman's disease?

"The Second Health Killer: Blood Stasis"

Here's a look at the second biggest health killer facing modern women: bruising.

Chinese medicine theory believes that whether a woman's qi and blood are full and whether the blood veins are unobstructed is very critical for women's health, women are more likely to produce bruises than men, because women are born with insufficient yang qi and do not like exercise. If the blood is warm, it will work, and if it is cold, it will be condensed.

Qi is the promoter of blood, qi is the handsome of blood, insufficient qi can not promote the operation of blood, the operation of blood will be hindered by stasis, slowly will form blood stasis, blood stasis will hinder the production of new blood, so under the action of blood stasis, women will soon be old and yellow.

When a woman reaches the age of thirty, she must learn to activate the blood and dissolve the stasis, not just spend a lot of money on various cosmetics, whitewash the peace, and the internal tone is king.

The various spots that women hate the most are caused by bruising. But what causes blood stasis? Women must understand this. Cold can lead to blood stasis, which is consequential, and by virtue of this, a woman's blood stasis is a lot, because as mentioned earlier, the chance of women being cold now is too much.

Qi deficiency can lead to blood stasis, because Qi cannot promote the movement of blood, and the blood will stagnate.

Gas stagnation will also lead to blood stasis, gas stagnation is that the gas is not vain, not virtual, but the gas blockage in a piece does not run, just like the intersection traffic jam, this side of the car people anxiously delayed to see the trace of the car, not less cars, but traffic jams.

If the qi is blocked, the natural blood will also be blocked. Blood deficiency can also lead to blood stasis, just like a river has less water flow, all kinds of sediment and stones can not be washed away by the river, and eventually it will form a silt blockage.

Heat evil will also lead to blood stasis, heat to the extreme will damage the jin liquid, jin liquid without nature can not flow, just like a river, the river water is about to dry up, the boat can only run aground.

Chinese Medicine: What is the source of a woman's disease?

In addition, the irregularity of the current diet will also lead to blood veins are not smooth, such as women drinking cold drinks during menstruation, which will lead to sudden abnormalities in the operation of blood veins, because Chinese medicine believes that blood is cold and coagulated, and now due to westernization of diet, so this situation is more. If the blood veins are not smooth for a long time, it will cause the formation of blood stasis in the body.

There are also some blood stasis formations, due to trauma, such as having had a car accident, falling over the heel, some due to artificial abortion, some are not drained when giving birth to stasis, in short, the stasis formed in this way is also more.

Chinese medicine believes that if there is blood stasis in the human body, it will cause various medical evidence. For example, some parts of the body are always painful, some feel that people are getting paler, some are menstruating less and less, and so on, in short, it affects the health status.

Chinese Medicine: What is the source of a woman's disease?

"The Third Health Killer: Liver Discomfort"

Let's focus on the third biggest health killer for women: liver discomfort. The source of a woman's disease is not cold and evil, not bruising, but liver qi.

Why? Because women take the liver as their innate, because the liver has a direct relationship with emotions, and emotions are the source of all diseases. As long as we understand the truth of health maintenance, cold evil can be completely avoided, and blood stasis can also be dissolved, but it is this emotion that women cannot control even if they know that it is the source of all diseases.

Nine out of ten women are uncomfortable, and one is walking on the road of liver discomfort. Because there are too many reasons for women's liver discomfort.

Some women are born with liver qi is not comfortable, because when the mother is pregnant with her, the liver is not comfortable, some women have lived in a tense and depressed family since childhood, and when they grow up, they will naturally feel uncomfortable, some women are not comfortable because of the academic pressure, and they are not comfortable with the liver qi after entering the society after adulthood.

Some women are trapped by love all their lives and are uncomfortable, emotionally women are more dependent than men and can't open, some women pin everything on men, the world is uncertain, men change their hearts and cheat, women will be deeply hit, stagnant, lose confidence in love and life, and can't walk out of the shadows for many years or even a lifetime.

Liver qi discomfort can cause many symptoms and diseases:

Bitter mouth: Especially in the morning, many women feel a bitter taste in their mouths.

The throat has a sense of blockage: I always feel that the throat is like a bayberry core, I can't spit it out, I can't swallow it, this is called "plum core qi".

Dizziness: Some women are often dizzy, some are dizzy all day, some are suddenly dizzy, and some people will feel headaches.

Poor appetite: The liver belongs to the wood, the spleen belongs to the soil, and the muke soil "liver wood reverses the spleen soil", so the liver qi discomfort will cause various spleen and stomach problems, such as no appetite, stomach bloating, stomach pain, etc.

Irritability: People with uncomfortable liver qi are often irritable, easy to get angry, and easy to sulk.

Easy to vomit: because the "liver wood reverses the spleen soil", resulting in stomach qi upward reversal, always feel that there is qi in the stomach to the top, will burp, acid water and even vomit.

Chest tightness: Feeling chest tightness, even palpitations, and being diagnosed with heart problems. I think that people with heart problems, as long as the tongue is pointed, should first loosen the liver and rationalize the qi, so that the heart problem can be resolved.

Rib swelling: There is always a feeling of swelling and pain inside the ribs.

Insomnia and dreams: In my opinion, there are two main reasons for insomnia: one is blood deficiency, and the other is liver discomfort. Dreaming is also a manifestation of liver discomfort Such people will continue to dream as soon as they fall asleep.

Cold hands and feet: Many people know that the reasons for cold hands and feet are yang deficiency, blood deficiency and blood stasis, but people have little understanding of the cold hands and feet caused by liver qi condensation. If the hands and feet are cold and meet the previous symptoms, consider whether there is a liver qi depression. Then stick to moxibustion.

The above are the basis for your diagnosis of liver qi depression, if at least one or two of them match, and the tongue shape is still pointed, you can basically judge that it is a liver qi depression.

In fact, even if you don't look at these symptoms, women can still know what to expect. Whether your mood is comfortable, what bad things you have encountered, whose anger you have suffered, whether your heart is on fire, whether the work pressure is very great... These things are clearer to yourself than anyone else, so the diagnostic criteria for true liver qi are in your own heart.

Women's thyroid nodules, hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, plum nuclei, breast hyperplasia, breast nodules, breast cancer, gastritis gastric ulcer stomach cancer, hepatitis and liver cancer gallstone cholecystitis, anxiety, depression, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, infertility, etc. are all diseases caused by liver qi discomfort.

The desire is too big, the ability is not enough, and I can't let go of it, so the liver qi is uncomfortable. In fact, it is easy to crack the problem of liver qi discomfort, you just need to remove any of the three conditions that meet the liver qi discomfort.

Moxibustion can help women properly deal with the problems caused by liver qi discomfort:

Portal acupuncture: located on the flank of the abdomen of the human body, when the 11th rib free end is below.

Zhangmen Acupoint is a large acupoint on the liver meridian, and it is also a collection point for the spleen, "Dirty Zhangmen"; that is to say, Zhangmen Acupoint can not only go to the liver fire, but also strengthen the spleen and regulate the five internal organs.

Chinese Medicine: What is the source of a woman's disease?

Ququan acupuncture: flex the knee, when the medial side of the knee is above the striated head, and the anterior edge of the hemitemis and hemimembrane muscle stop is depressed.

A depression above the medial rhabdomy lines of the knee. It is a knee pad, can also be flattened, and suitable for a variety of liver deficiency diseases. Knead more and get more profit.

Chinese Medicine: What is the source of a woman's disease?

Three-yin intercourse point: use the method of bone homogeneity to go up 3 inches above the tip of the inner ankle, your fingers, 4 finger widths wide, pressing a bone for the tibia, this hole is located in the posterior edge of the tibia near the bone edge depression.

Sanyin intercourse is the intersection of three meridians of the liver, spleen and kidneys, and one acupuncture point cures the three meridians, which is very good for nourishing the liver, spleen and kidneys.

Chinese Medicine: What is the source of a woman's disease?

Intercogneutic acupuncture: between the 1st and 2nd toes, behind the webbed edge of the toe, the red-white fleshy area.

The inter-row acupuncture point is a fire cave, the liver belongs to the wood, the wood is fire, if someone has a liver fire, it will be moxibustion between the lines of the liver fire, which is called "actually diarrhea its son". The interline acupuncture point is a acupuncture point that is discouraged.

Chinese Medicine: What is the source of a woman's disease?

Tai Chong Acupoint: Located on the dorsal side of the foot, in the metatarsal junction of the first and second toes.

Tai Chong Acupoint is also the great acupoint of the human body. It can replenish blood qi when there is weakness of qi; reduce blood pressure and refresh when dizzy and bloated; increase temperature when the body is cold; diarrhea and sleep when the anger is rushed off; and conditioning when menstruation is irregular. In short, it counts as the life gate on the liver meridian, so it is often rubbed for two minutes every day, which will be great.

Chinese Medicine: What is the source of a woman's disease?

Recommendation: Liver meridian to moxibustion 2 to 3 acupuncture points per day, from top to bottom, each acupuncture point 15 minutes time, the beginning can be about 10 minutes, expensive in the firm, the main blood vein of the liver, long-term adherence to nourishing blood veins, liver blood!

Warm tips: The health and wellness graphic information shared by this platform, especially when it comes to dietary therapy, drugs, formulas, acupuncture techniques, etc., is only for your reference and learning, and is not used as a basis for medical diagnosis and treatment. If necessary, please use under the guidance of a doctor, and do not use it casually for non-professionals! If there is any intrusion, please contact us to delete, thank you!