
The story of a physical doll restorer

author:Tannin diary

Many baby friends have more than one doll, but what if there is a doll that is broken? Especially some of the more advanced products, can not be said to change, so there are doll restorers abroad this kind of work. Slade Fiero used to be a very professional physical doll restorer, passing through countless dolls in his hands. He has said that in his more than 10-year career, he has repaired more than 100 expensive sex toys. He said that in the process of repairing the doll, excessive use is only one of the main reasons for the damage of the physical doll, and it is caused by improper storage.

The story of a physical doll restorer

Slade Fiero explains that if the physical dolls can be taken care of well, the physical dolls can be used for a long time. For example, the incorrect storage of physical dolls will lead to depressions in the body, which may become irreparable scars in the long run. The areas most likely to cause damage are the movable joints, such as the armpits, crotch, behind the knees, and the armpits of the elbows. He added that not all repairs are as easy as using some repair glue or replacing damaged parts.

According to Slade Fiero, sometimes the dolls he received were so badly damaged that he refused to repair them again after repairing them once. He recalled that he had a very rough guest who deliberately pulled his left leg off the physical doll, and he thought the rough customer made him uncomfortable because he might have violent tendencies. He has also seen a lot of dolls that have been treated badly and not properly maintained!

The story of a physical doll restorer

Slade Fiero's career in professional doll repair was an interesting experience, and Slade understood that repairing physical dolls was an experience that many people wanted to try, including himself. Maintenance is an important thing for physical dolls, especially since these dolls are very similar to real people.

Now that he's retired, he thought about owning a delicate mannequin before he started his career as a physical doll restorer, so he bought a second-hand physical doll on eBay, and then he contacted the factory that made the dolls in order to get the tools for doll restoration. It was then that Slade Fiero embarked on a path to becoming a physical doll restorer. Because he worked with a doctor in the local area and had some experience in anatomy, for this reason, the dolls he restored were often very restored.

The story of a physical doll restorer

How does Slade Fiero work on fixing physical dolls? He first followed the people of the doll factory on a tour of the doll production process, which led him to try to start making the first repair of the doll. The first doll he repaired was a broken head shape, and the video was posted on his website, and he used a lot of tools around the head of the repaired physical doll, as if it were surgery on a human.

Due to his wonderful creative content as well as its novelty, this makes his doll repair videos very famous online. One year, his doll restoration process was featured in a prestigious magazine, and the enthusiastic response made him think that he could become a professional repairer of physical dolls. His past work included meeting people who were very ordinary beings, so that the opportunities for novelty were too few, and Slade Fiero could earn a lot of money by selling the repaired doll on eBay.

The story of a physical doll restorer

He also said that the price of a high-end physical doll may be equivalent to the price of a car or a locomotive. He has never experienced encountering a guest who makes unreasonable demands and has had a very smooth career. For example, he had a client who took him to Las Vegas twice just to fix his physical doll.

In addition, he said, a physical doll weighs the same as a real person. Therefore, every time he wanted to take the doll to the repair room, he had to use a wheelchair or cart to carry it. He was also invited to design the first physical doll of a company, and he was very happy. However, he also acknowledges that the service has a very limited number of guests.

The story of a physical doll restorer

Considering the work he does, Slade Fiero has never had any love issues, and he also jokes that a full house of physical dolls makes him more popular among ladies. He believes that the purchase of dolls is aimed at solving physiological needs. However, after more than a decade of career as a doll restorer, he does not think that physical dolls or robots are the most ideal companions, nor does he think that anything can replace the warmth of human beings forever.

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