
Do the difficult things first, and then the next ones are simple| Opportunity is hidden in the avoidance and complaints of most people1 Where there will be difficulties2 Do difficult things first3 Which things are difficult things


【Personal Growth and Choice】

Author: Bella

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" >1 there will be difficulties everywhere</h1>

Let's say you want to sell something, and now there are two types of products for you to choose from.

A product is the time to sell hot, and the demand is large and the supply is small, and there is a doubling of the income when it is sold;

Product B is an emerging product, there are not many people selling and buying, but it has great potential in the future, but it requires you to develop the market.

Which of the two products do you choose?

Some people choose A, and they think I will take advantage of the situation to sell things first, save money and save experience before doing something else.

Some people choose B, thinking that after opening the market, I can get the most profits and lay the foundation for myself.

Which idea would you say is better?

In fact, this is not an either-or choice, each choice has its own advantages and difficulties.

A product is easy first and then difficult, and can make money at the beginning, but it will face high-intensity competition later.

B product is difficult before easy, open the market is difficult, but as long as you take this step, you can easily occupy the market.

There is no perfect choice, and it is not the product itself that opens the gap, but how you deal with the difficulties in the choice.

By nature, people will do simple things, because such things are easy to do, highly controllable, and have a sense of accomplishment, and when they encounter difficulties, they will subconsciously choose to escape.

Very few people like to take the initiative to choose challenges, but people who grow rapidly are people who are active in challenges, and the more you can overcome difficulties, the more you can get promoted, and even turn difficulties into opportunities.

Do the difficult things first, and then the next ones are simple| Opportunity is hidden in the avoidance and complaints of most people1 Where there will be difficulties2 Do difficult things first3 Which things are difficult things

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="43" >2 Do the hard thing first</h1>

So, since we will all encounter difficulties, if we can choose, is it difficult to choose first and then easy or easy and then difficult?

It is still recommended that you do the difficult things first.

There are three reasons for this:

1 From the perspective of external competition, because the vast majority of people do not like to do difficult things, so difficult things are less competitive.

You choose the difficult things first, you don't need to think too much about external wars, you just need to concentrate on doing your things well. As long as everything is in place, you can quickly establish your own foundation in a relatively stable environment, build your own brand, occupy most of the market, as long as you survive the lonely barrier, the profits behind will increase exponentially.

You say that some things are simple and easy to succeed, and it's not good to do more such things?

But why do you think these things are so easy to achieve? Because the interests, market and potential of this matter itself are limited, it can be seen at a glance. These things are small and scattered, lacking room for growth and unable to form a huge network of relationships. No matter how many similar achievements are achieved, it is only a repetition, but it is just a change of fresh appearance again and again, and it is impossible to raise you to a higher level.

2 From the perspective of their own energy, the younger the person, the more energetic he is, and the more he can withstand the toss. In youth, people's physical strength and mental strength begin to decline, which means that the sooner you start things, the more you can apply your quick thinking and strong physique. From the perspective of resource allocation, mobilizing abundant resources to do difficult things is a wise choice.

And being young means having time, meaning the cost of trial and error is low, and it means that you have a chance to go back if you go wrong. Wrestling at a young age does not hurt your life, but will accumulate capital and experience for the future. When you fall a little older, you can recover slowly.

3 In terms of habit formation, the sooner you start sticking to one thing, the easier it is to form a habit.

We always want a high starting point, but in fact, in real life, there are not a few people with a high starting point, but very few people can get rid of the "law" of "high open and low walk". Why? Because the easier it is for people to get a high starting point, the more reluctant they are to break through themselves. For example, in the same environment, people who pay the same amount of time, are highly talented, qualified, and experienced, often have more prominent performance. But precisely because it is so easy to achieve, such people are often reluctant to take the initiative to jump out of the comfort zone. But the ability is honed in difficulties, and without challenges, there is no opportunity to improve. So, comfortable people are easily surpassed by uncomfortable people.

But if you start choosing difficult things early and develop the habit of challenging yourself early, you will come to a higher and larger platform one at a time and grow faster under external stimulation.

Do the difficult things first, and then the next ones are simple| Opportunity is hidden in the avoidance and complaints of most people1 Where there will be difficulties2 Do difficult things first3 Which things are difficult things

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" >3 What things are difficult</h1>

Finally, let's look at what kind of things are difficult.

Maybe you think it's not simple? The difficult things are those things that you are not good at, and you have to suffer a lot.

It is true that dealing with difficulties must be difficult, but doing difficult things is not the same as begging for self-inflicted hardships.

Difficulties must have a premise - necessity, that is, we do something, we must first choose from its necessity, and then deal with the difficulty, not from the degree of difficulty, what difficulty to do.

If you are not naturally musical and do not like musical instruments, then learning piano is a difficult task for you. But you are engaged in the development of network technology, your professional ability is very strong, and you usually have other hobbies, then there is no need to use piano learning to hone your willpower.

No one can be an all-rounder, what we have to do is to know what we are good at, what we are not good at, have a long-term passion for what, and have a short-term interest in what. Then do what you're good at and passionate about, and focus on the challenges you have to complete.

It is also important that difficulty does not equal great competition. Competing for big things takes a lot of energy, physical strength, and intelligence, but it may not be difficult.

Because the people you do with you are both your competitors and your reference goals and sources of motivation. You can refer to their methods, or you can get motivation from external stimuli. But those things that are suitable for you, only you can do, but you need to determine the goal yourself and stimulate the internal drive. Even if you face a lot of competition in these things, the way to win the competition is not to become like your opponents, but to play to your strengths and avoid your weaknesses.

The real difficulty is not external, but in oneself. You want to face the challenge, the trouble is not how big the thing itself is, how difficult it is to do, but you are afraid of pressure, want to escape, discouraged. You have to learn a skill, and what you have to deal with is not how difficult the skill is to master, but your laziness, your boredom, your eagerness. If you want to build a good relationship, your difficulty is not how to make people around you like you, but how to maintain yourself and treat others kindly, both with your own principles, and can tolerate and forgive others.

Difficult things are big or small. Taking on family responsibilities is difficult, as is developing good habits. Investing in entrepreneurship is difficult, and it is also difficult to communicate well with people. Difficult things are often the things that are necessary but you are not good at.

But do these things well, and you can wait until the right time, and then spread your wings and take off.

It is not difficult to wait for the wind to come, the difficulty is to grow wings and learn to fly.