
Every day, children learn a historical story - Fu Xi zao gossip

author:Miracle Boy

Fuxi is the humanistic ancestor of the Chinese nation, the emperor of the Three Emperors of the Chinese Taikoo, and the same as Nuwa as the god of blessing sheji. Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a girl named "Huaxu" in HuaxuGuo, who went to a place called Leize to play, accidentally saw a footprint that was not huge, and then stepped on it curiously, so she became pregnant, and after two years of pregnancy, she gave birth to a son, which had the body of a snake and a human head, named Fuxi.

Fuxi had many inventions, he knotted ropes into nets for birds to hunt; taught people to domesticate wild animals, which is the origin of poultry; and invented Ser, composed songs, and brought music into people's lives. But his most important invention was the creation of gossip.

Legend has it that in the ancient times when Fuxi lived, people knew nothing about nature. When it rains and winds, lightning and thunder, people are both scared and confused.

Fuxi, who was born intelligent, wanted to figure out all this, so he often stood on The Guantai Mountain, looking up at the changes of the sun, moon and stars in the sky, and looking down at the surrounding terrain.

One day, he came to The Guantai Mountain again, and was pondering the phenomenon he had observed for a long time. Suddenly, he heard a strange roar, only to see a dragon horse jump out of the cave opposite The Mountain of Guatai. It is said to be a dragon horse because this animal has the body of a dragon head horse and has a very peculiar pattern on its body. The dragon horse jumped onto a large rock in the lower river of The Guatai Mountain.

This stone is shaped like a tai chi, and with the pattern on the dragon horse, it immediately makes Fuxi have an epiphany. Therefore, he used one horizontal as yang and two short horizontal as yin, and combined yin and yang to draw eight different patterns. There are eight symbols on the Bagua chart,

These eight symbols are Qian, Kun, Kan, Li, Gen, Zhen, Xun, and Dui, representing the eight things in heaven, earth, water, fire, mountains, thunder, wind, and ze in nature. Gossip is like eight large, infinitely invisible pockets, and gossip overlaps with each other and becomes sixty-four trigrams, including all kinds of situations in heaven and earth. Flexible use can not only explain the law of changes in all things, but also predict the future and avoid evil.

Fu Xi opened the sky, he turned the divine thought into the simplest symbol, opened the door of people's rational thinking, let people enjoy the grace of nature for generations, and thus won people's eternal remembrance and respect.

Later, King Wen of Zhou matched the bagua with each other and obtained sixty-four gua, which were used to symbolize various natural and human phenomena. Bagua is the foundation of Zhou Yi, an important philosophical classic in China, and also the embodiment of the unique way of thinking of our Chinese nation, which is of great significance in Chinese history and even in world history. Fu Xi drew gossip, making mankind move from "barbarism" to "civilization", from the chaotic era to the orderly era.

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