
Walk in love and dedicate your life to it – The Book Club of Mother Teresa

author:Butterfly sink
Walk in love and dedicate your life to it – The Book Club of Mother Teresa

If you are willing to help others,

Are you willing to dedicate your life to helping others?

If you have faith,

So, can you strictly carry out your faith throughout your life?

Love without self and equality, live with piety and determination,

This is what Mother Teresa, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, taught us.

Walk in love and dedicate your life to it – The Book Club of Mother Teresa

On July 25th, the New Women's Reading Club of "The Biography of Sister Delan" was held as scheduled in Huadihui, and the story of Mother Deland's life was told in the mouth of the lead reader, Sui Chunfang.

Throughout her life, Mother Teresa served the poor in Calcutta, India. When she died, her entire possessions consisted of only a pair of sandals and three white coarse cloth saris, one worn on her body, one to be washed, and one that was damaged and needed to be sewn.

The Missionary Sisters of Charity, she founded, has more than $400 million in assets, and the world's richest companies are willing to donate to her.

In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and at the ceremony, Mother Teresa said she accepted the prize in the name of the poor.

After winning the prize, she sold the medal and donated it to the poor and leprosy patients, along with a $190,000 prize.

"Mother Teresa spent her life serving the poor, and by being with the poor, she served the poor, and interpreted with her life that the poor are also valuable and dignified." The lead reader sighed with Chunfang.

This is Mother Teresa, who spent her life helping the poor and practicing her faith throughout her life.

Walk in love and dedicate your life to it – The Book Club of Mother Teresa

The Biography of Mother Teresa

"The Biography of Mother Teresa" was created by the writer Hua Zi, who used a delicate tone to truly restore The life of Kindness and Love of Mother Teresa.

Reading this book can't help but make us rethink the value of life and redefine what dignity is. At the same time, she had to be inspired by the great fraternity of Mother Teresa.

The moment we close this book, we can't help but sigh that there are really "angels" in this world.

Those who love to go out love to return, and those who are blessed to come are blessed.

Are we, the fast-paced modern times, sometimes too focused on ourselves?

Are we who are desperately running every day too attached to the results?

Have we been freed from material poverty and have lost our spiritual abundance?

Stop it

Look at yourself, look at the family around you, look at the friends around you.

There is only love in this world, which can be lived and passed on from generation to generation,

Communicate with your heart and live with love, and you will also get the gift of love.

Walk in love and dedicate your life to it – The Book Club of Mother Teresa

As our butterfly friends said: love can encompass all, love can alleviate all obstacles in the world, as long as there is love, you can overcome many difficulties.

May each of us be the messenger of love, with the power of love. #女性读书蜕变 #

Walk in love and dedicate your life to it – The Book Club of Mother Teresa

Butterfly sink

Lead a better life with the fragrance of books

We believe

The one who yearns for the good

It will eventually break through the cocoon and become a butterfly

Be a better version of yourself


You deserve happiness and beauty

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