
A 27-year-old man in Hangzhou took a shovel to the cemetery to bury himself alive, and collapsed after seeing the police...

author:Bright Net

Reporter: Zhen Yuan / Correspondent: Zhao Mengwei Fu Xuxiao

Hangzhou traffic 918

At about 17:00 on March 5, the Linglong Police Station of the Lin'an Public Security Bureau in Hangzhou received a taxi driver's alarm: "A man in his 20s took a taxi to Cemetery Hill with a shovel, he was very depressed, and there were words like 'I don't want to live, I can't get by', please help him!" ”

A 27-year-old man in Hangzhou took a shovel to the cemetery to bury himself alive, and collapsed after seeing the police...

After the police officer Song Yun learned about the situation, he immediately contacted the taxi driver to inquire about the current situation of the driver of the man, and learned that the man was depressed and had been bowing his head and not speaking, but there was no excessive behavior. In order to prevent the man from getting out of the car alone, Song Yun told the driver to first comfort the man and then turn around and take him to the police station.

A 27-year-old man in Hangzhou took a shovel to the cemetery to bury himself alive, and collapsed after seeing the police...

After 3 minutes, the driver arrived at the police station with the man, and the leader of the duty station, Yu Leyang, the police officer Song Yun, and others immediately stepped forward to help the man out of the car, took the shovel carried by the man, and settled it in the lounge.

Through the taxi driver learned that the man was taking a taxi from Hangzhou to Lin'an, the destination was located in "Lin'an Linglong Cemetery", "At that time, I didn't think much about it, I thought he was going to sweep the grave, but after he answered the phone on the road, I felt that the situation was not right, he kept saying 'I don't want to live, I can't get by', so I immediately called the police, I was worried that he would commit suicide." The driver told Song Yun.

The man sitting in the lounge curled up and had great resistance to the approach of the police, and no matter how the police talked to him, he did not answer. Song Yun patiently persuaded him: "Tell us about any grievances in your heart, and feel comfortable saying them." The police officers Song Yun, Lou Jiansong, Jin Yitong and other three people took turns to talk with the man, which lasted for 5 hours, during which the police delivered food and water to the man.

A 27-year-old man in Hangzhou took a shovel to the cemetery to bury himself alive, and collapsed after seeing the police...

Finally, the man was touched by the patience and sincerity of the police, and said softly: "No one has ever cared about me as much as you, and I thought that no one in this world would care about me." Through in-depth understanding, it was learned that the man's surname is Wang, 27 years old this year, a native of Anhui, who ran away from home after arguing with his parents three years ago, went to Hangzhou to work alone, and three years of working outside the home made Xiao Wang feel that life was not running, and his parents were estranged, and Xiao Wang felt that no one in the world cared about him. Some time ago, Xiao Wang talked to his parents on the phone, and his father said: "Nothing will be left for you in the family!" Xiao Wang's heart was completely cold, and Xiao Wang felt that there was no point in living in this world, no parents cared, no friends cared. So he bought a shovel, took a taxi from Hangzhou to Lin'an, and prepared to find a vacant lot to "bury" himself.

Subsequently, Song Yun contacted Xiao Wang's parents in Huangshan, Anhui Province, and Xiao Wang's parents learned that their son was in Lin'an and immediately drove to the Linglong police station overnight. At about 23:00 on the 5th, Xiao Wang's parents saw their son, who had not seen each other for three years, and they burst into tears with excitement, and the three of them hugged each other tightly, "Son, go home!" Mom and Dad have been waiting for you to come home! Xiao Wang's father said to Xiao Wang, and Xiao Wang frequently nodded, saying that he would definitely communicate with his parents and live a good life in the future.

A 27-year-old man in Hangzhou took a shovel to the cemetery to bury himself alive, and collapsed after seeing the police...

Before leaving, Xiao Wang tightly held the hand of the policeman and said: "Big brother, thank you for talking with me for so long tonight, I will remember it for the rest of my life." ”

Although life is not easy, through their own efforts, they will be able to obtain their own value and happiness!

So understanding!

An adult's collapse can be instantaneous

Source: Hangzhou Traffic 918

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