
Longevity blossoms True love is always there

author:Evan Lee
Longevity blossoms True love is always there

A small longevity flower seedling, winter to spring, planted it in a flower pot, originally thought that it had not played buds for more than a year, thought that it had no vitality or value. I put it on the windowsill in the hallway. This flower seedling is attached to the window glass. One day it will really grow buds. And it was four groups of flower buds, which were moved to the house today, and suddenly one bloomed, and this also gave people inspiration: what to do? Don't worry, take your time. Like a bud, it has its growth period, sunshine and rain, and fertilization.

Longevity blossoms True love is always there

I originally bought a small longevity flower seedling. At that time, it bloomed very well, and later probably because it had flowered at that time of growth, it should have cut off the flower branch part, and there was no experience at that time, and after cutting it, there was no flower bud growth. What does this experience illustrate? It also had to be next to a window sill with plenty of sunlight, and it was able to beat the buds. So I feel like the flowers are still open. Because the four seasons of plums have bloomed, cyclamen and that tiger thorn plum are not so exuberant on hot days, just this longevity flower is connected again.

Longevity blossoms True love is always there
Longevity blossoms True love is always there

Where there's a will there's a way.

Do anything, if something is set in the wrong direction, then correct it immediately; and then return to the right track. This flower, after having experience, is to put it in the sun and put it in the sun to raise and cultivate. Then, when the time comes, it will bloom.

Therefore, to do things must also be inserted to the end, do not give up halfway. In short, do anything

It is like waiting for flowers, so that all efforts stay until the mountain flowers are full.

Longevity blossoms True love is always there

I saw a sentence when I read the Bible and punched the clock: "Let the future you, thank you for your efforts today." ”

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