
Jinxin Street: Love Transmission True love is always in Chen Yongshu

author:Nantong public channel

Cao Yuqun, a resident of Room 401, Building 41, Fanqiao New Village, Jinxin Street, Tongzhou District, Nantong City, has always been the object of special concern to the Zhennan community. She was diagnosed with breast cancer 7 years ago in the early and mid-term period and has been in the recovery period of treatment in recent years. After the community learned of her situation, they would send her condolences and care every New Year's Festival.

The weather is unpredictable. In the early summer of this year, Cao Yuqun came to the community with red and swollen eyes to seek help, because of financial difficulties, she did not treat on time in the past two years, she went to the hospital two days ago for review, and was informed that the cancer cells had spread. Today, the husband and wife are divorced, one with a pair of children, the daughter goes to college, and the son is still in high school. She could still subsidize her family by doing some odd jobs, but now not only has no ability to work, but also has to afford high medical expenses, which is really worse, and the arrival of illness and exhaustion has made this family that is not rich.

Jinxin Street: Love Transmission True love is always in Chen Yongshu

After the grid chief of the area where Cao Yuqun lived understood the situation, he reported to Geng Xiaoyan, the general secretary of the community party branch, at the first time. According to The situation of Cao Yuqun, Secretary Geng uploaded and issued, on the one hand, reflected the situation to the civil affairs department, and strived to apply for a minimum guarantee for his family and get the care of the government; on the other hand, he mobilized party members and the masses in the jurisdiction to donate love, organized a love team offline, and contacted the water drop fundraising platform online to raise funds, so that more caring people could donate a love.

The disease is merciless and sentient, and it affects the hearts of everyone. In less than 2 days, the offline team raised more than 2,000 yuan in donations. As a party member and a representative of the masses, Secretary Geng sent "warmth" to Cao Yuqun's hands. Online fundraising, community cadres took the lead in donating, actively forwarding, raising more than 20,000 yuan. Under the wide dissemination of everyone, Cao Yuqun's affairs have also received relevant multimedia attention. After being reported by the media, some caring people in the society have donated generously: Gu Yizhong, an entrepreneur with disabilities, visited the door with 1,000 yuan of donations and condolences, and promised to fund his daughter's tuition of 10,000 yuan per year until graduation; Ma Yunchong, secretary of the party branch of the kindergarten in the urban area, expressed his willingness to bear the future tuition fees for her son; and Wang Ping, a "good man in China", sent fruit and a 500 yuan grant. Geng Zhishu said that our community will continue to pay attention to the situation of Cao Yuqun's family and continue to mobilize social forces to help this family.

Trickles of water become oceans, and hearts become hope. I hope that through everyone's modest efforts, we can bring health and happiness to patients! Hope to use our love to create a miracle of life for her!

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