
Fu Qiang, a veteran party member, retreated without stopping, saying, "I have only done three things in my life."

author:Upstream News

Let life shine in devotion.

Fu Qiang, a Manchu, is a retired cadre of Dadukou District and a member of the Communist Party of China. At the age of 3, Fu Qiang suffered from polio, his left leg fell disabled, and he lost the ability to walk normally. After his retirement two years ago, he has been busy with public welfare undertakings.

Fu Qiang, a veteran party member, retreated without stopping, saying, "I have only done three things in my life."

Fu Qiang at the National Disabled People's Congress

Fu Qiang actively exerted his residual heat, carried forward positive energy, and volunteered to serve as the honorary president (director) of 4 public welfare organizations in Chongqing. He silently adheres to the post of public welfare undertaking, leading and leading the caring people and volunteers around him to send warmth and love to the people in need.

Fu Qiang, a veteran party member, retreated without stopping, saying, "I have only done three things in my life."

Fu Qiang went to the hospital to visit a disabled friend who was hospitalized

He has been elected as "Top Ten National Figures Moving China", "Top Ten Public Welfare Figures of Healthy China", "Top Ten Influential Public Welfare Figures of Chongqing", "Good People of Chongqing", "Top Ten Xinxiang Sages of Dadukou District" and other nearly 100 honors. He said: "I have only done three things in my life, one is the cause of the disabled; the other is to do the work of ethnic minorities; and the third is the public welfare cause." He believes that love needs to be passed on, and love needs to be passed on.

Fu Qiang, a veteran party member, retreated without stopping, saying, "I have only done three things in my life."

Fu Qiang is with the dolls of Daliangshan

As a retired cadre and a member of the Communist Party, Fu Qiang actively devoted himself to serving the disabled, ethnic minority compatriots and charity and public welfare undertakings, so that great love could be practiced in the world. During the high incidence of the epidemic, he supported his son to rush to Wuhan and received meritorious service awards; purchased 3,000 masks at his own expense and donated them to the staff fighting in the frontline of epidemic prevention; mobilized volunteers to help relevant personnel maintain order, deliver materials, and publicize protective knowledge in supermarkets, hospitals, and isolation communities; he led volunteers to Daliangshan to donate love to poor children, go deep into remote mountainous areas, and make love donations to left-behind children, widows and the elderly in many schools and homes for the elderly.

Fu Qiang, a veteran party member, retreated without stopping, saying, "I have only done three things in my life."

Fu Qiang distributed Mid-Autumn MoonCakes for the disabled

Fu Qiang, a veteran party member, retreated without stopping, saying, "I have only done three things in my life."

Fu Qiang is with children with disabilities

He also dragged his inconvenient body, rushed to the front line of helping the disabled, cared for disabled children and families, and touched countless people with his good deeds. He used to say, "The only way to help yourself is to help others." "There are countless stories of him helping the disabled and ethnic minorities, and he uses words and deeds to help, influence and touch the people around him." He is both an actor in philanthropy and a communicator of love and dedication.

Fu Qiang, a veteran party member, retreated without stopping, saying, "I have only done three things in my life."

Chuan Qiang attested to the mass wedding of the disabled

Fu Qiang does not forget his original intention, forges ahead, works in a down-to-earth manner, acts with heart, lets one public welfare activity after another converge into a warm current, sets an example with the new image of old cadres and old party members in the new era, gives full play to the residual heat, and contributes to society.

Upstream News Correspondent Li Xuebing

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