
touching! The 96-year-old Spanish tailor sewed masks for medical staff

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On March 26, Efe published an article entitled "96-year-old Spanish elderly man in the war against the epidemic and her sewing machine", which introduced a 96-year-old Spanish elderly man who restarted the sewing machine during the anti-epidemic period in Spain and sewed masks and other protective equipment for front-line medical staff. The content of the article is excerpted as follows:

There are no limits to people's unity, age is not an issue, and Philomena's story is a good example. Philomena, 96, is a resident of the small town of Sonseca near Toledo. She volunteered to use her sewing machines to sew and reinforce protective clothing and masks for healthcare workers fighting COVID-19.

Philomena had been living in Sonseca from a family of tailors, and her grandmother and sister were all engaged in this profession. Philomena, who experienced the Spanish Civil War, joked in an interview with reporters: "I am over 96 years old, and this is a gift from God to me." She knew that what she was facing now was a new "war," and this time the enemy was a virus.

Philomena said: "We are doing what we can because everyone has to contribute. She knows that doctors, nurses and other professionals who are on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19 every day face the difficulty of undersupplying protective equipment.

Since last weekend, Philomena has used her vintage pedal sewing machine to sew and reinforce protective clothing and masks for healthcare workers.

Philomena's son, Miguel Rojas, told reporters that the cousin of one of Philomena's grandchildren works in a local hospital in Toledo and is a nurse. It was from her that Philomena learned that frontline workers were short of supplies such as protective clothing and masks.

The nurse managed to get two rolls of tarpaulins that resembled plastic from a local store and handed them to her mother (who was also a tailor) and Philomena's family. They began sewing protective clothing from these materials. (Compilation/Tian Ce)

touching! The 96-year-old Spanish tailor sewed masks for medical staff

File photo: Medical staff wear protective clothing at a hospital in Barcelona, Spain, on March 20. Xinhua News Agency

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