
Qianjiang polishes the tailor's signboard and revitalizes the "tailor's hometown"

author:Yangtze River Network

Yangtze River Daily-Yangtze River News (trainee reporter Liu Yuanhang correspondent Zou Dingjun Du Shaohua) "In the 1980s, Qianjiang used more than 100,000 tailors every year to work in the army, far from home, to go to various coastal places, with dexterous hands, to cut out half of the 'Qianjiang tailors' in China's clothing territory. On October 26, in order to revitalize the "hometown of tailors" and promote the clustering, high-end and standardized development of textile and garment industry, Qianjiang held the establishment of the Municipal Textile and Garment Industry Association and the first general meeting.

Qianjiang polishes the tailor's signboard and revitalizes the "tailor's hometown"

On October 26, Qianjiang Textile and Garment Industry Association was established and the first general meeting was held. Photo by correspondent Yang Jing

At the meeting, the approval documents for the establishment of Qianjiang Textile and Garment Industry Association were read out, and the first president, secretary general and supervisor of Qianjiang Textile and Garment Industry Association were elected by voting to pass the association's charter, financial management measures and election methods.

"In the southern industry-city integration area, we plan to build a textile and garment industry core park, vigorously promote the extension of the industry from processing and production to design and development, sales and promotion, focus on building a vertical integration of the industrial ecology, accelerate the formation of 'one headquarters, one core, three bases' industrial development layout, provide a large platform for people from all walks of life who are interested in revitalizing the Qianjiang textile and garment industry, and provide sufficient jobs for 100,000 'Qianjiang tailors' to find employment at their doorstep." Xiang Bin, secretary of the Qianjiang Municipal CPC Committee, announced at the meeting.

As the country's "tailor's hometown", the textile and garment industry has always been a traditional advantageous industry, an important pillar industry and a key civil production industry in Qianjiang, and the "Qianjiang tailor" with unique skills such as "one knife scissors" and "looking at the genre tailoring" is also one of the top ten labor service brands in the country. Qianjiang has 55 enterprises on the textile and garment regulations, and more than 140 enterprises under the regulations, with a total output value of 11 billion yuan in 2020.

Qianjiang polishes the tailor's signboard and revitalizes the "tailor's hometown"

Xiang Bin (right), secretary of the Qianjiang Municipal Party Committee, presented Xu Zhengqing with a letter of appointment as president of the Qianjiang Textile and Garment Industry Association. Photo by correspondent Yang Jing

With the high level of Qianjiang to promote the construction of textile and garment industrial park, actively attract small and medium-sized enterprises into the park, find ways to attract the city's "tailor army" to return to their hometown to start a business, a group of Qianjiang tailoring enterprise elite entrepreneurship coastal and feed back to the hometown, one by one "Qianjiang tailor" people among the Qianjiang and even the national skilled worker group portrait tree.

Qianjiang polishes the tailor's signboard and revitalizes the "tailor's hometown"

The establishment of Qianjiang Textile and Garment Industry Association and the first general meeting of members. Photo by correspondent Yang Jing

At the meeting, the first "Qianjiang Tailor" forum and the launching ceremony of the search for the "most beautiful Qianjiang Tailor" were also held, and the experts and scholars attending the meeting delivered keynote speeches on the development situation of the textile and garment industry, the development plan of the textile and garment industry in Qianjiang City, the development of the garment and fashion industry, and the revitalization of the "Qianjiang Tailor".

The "Qianjiang Tailor" brand narrative feature film and the documentary of 6 industry representatives played on the spot introduced the development history of "Qianjiang Tailor" from handicraft to intelligent sewing, Qianjiang garment enterprises from several sewing machines to factory industrial parks, telling the story of "Qianjiang Tailor" going out and returning to his hometown, Qianjiang garment entrepreneurs starting a coastal business and building a factory in the countryside. In the video, there are both self-taught and skilled industry leaders, as well as industry "veterans" who have taken root in Qianjiang and worked hard; there are representatives of entrepreneurs who resolutely returned to their hometowns and firmly started a business, as well as witnesses to the story of the "Qianjiang Tailor" labor service brand...

According to reports, Qianjiang will go into key areas, promote industry exchanges, hold and undertake various textile and garment events and festivals, and effectively raise the banner of the "Qianjiang Tailor" brand; through the development of skills improvement training, support the Jianghan Vocational College to establish a second-level clothing college, targeted training of high-end clothing design talents, and gradually form a multi-level tailoring skills talent system, comprehensively expand the "Qianjiang Tailor" brand extension; through the establishment of a tailor talent database, unified brand operation, guidance for the establishment of skill master studios, and provide "stable post subsidies"" A series of public policies such as rental subsidies and social security subsidies continue to support the growth of the "Qianjiang Tailor" brand.

【Editor: Peng Jiancheng】

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