
Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

author:Idler Movie

If there was the concept of "film and television universe" back then.

There is a character who can single-handedly form the kung fu film universe, his name is Huang Feihong.

There are more than 100 films derived from him, the most classic of which is the "Huang Feihong" series directed by Xu Ke and starring Jet Li.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

The English title of Xu Ke's "Huang Feihong" series translates to "China's Past".

This is his ambition, but also his intentions, the film has indeed done to see China, read China, understand China, for the stubborn disease is difficult to get rid of, painful, for the continuation of the past, to open up the future, to give advice.

The first part sees the self, the second part sees the heavens and the earth, and the third part sees the sentient beings, and conveys the idea that learning martial arts cannot save the Chinese, which is also the reason why the pattern of "Huang Feihong's Lion King Battle" is larger than the first two parts.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li
Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

"Huang Feihong's Lion King Battle" has a fascinating plot.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, in order to show the prestige of the country, Empress Dowager Cixi decided to hold a lion king championship to destroy the prestige of the foreigners.

Huang Feihong traveled thousands of miles from Guangzhou to Beijing to add this game, and met his thirteen aunt's classmate, the Russian Du Wenqi, at the station.

When the love enemy met, his eyes were extremely red, and Huang Feihong saw that the thirteenth aunt and Du Wenqi were talking and laughing, and they did not fight in anger, so they counted Du Wenqi down with traditional ethics.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li
Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

The words are divided into two ends, and Huang Feihong's father, Huang Qiying, is miserable on this side.

Zhao Tianba, a tyrant in the capital, in order to seize the lion king, collected ghost foot seven and other people to stir up trouble, stirring up baozhilin chicken dogs, and Huang Qiying was also injured.

By the time Huang Feihong was finished, Zhao Tianba had already gone, and this chaos was only the beginning of the Lion King Tournament.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li
Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

For a time, the news of the lion king's struggle for hegemony was widely publicized, and the martial arts circles in the capital were shaking their fists and taking to the streets to make a big fuss.

Huang Feihong tried to quell the dispute, but his personal strength was always too small, so he joined forces with various martial arts centers to write to Li Hongzhang, but Li Hongzhang did not pay attention.

This behavior annoyed Zhao Tianba, who pretended to reconcile and invited Huang Feihong's father and son to a banquet but set up an ambush, and Huang Feihong cleverly defused it, and on the way back, he saved the ghost foot seven with a broken leg.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li
Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

As the tournament approached, Huang Feihong knew that Zhao Tianba's matter of breaking the sky was also a personal grudge, but Li Hongzhang's matter was a big deal.

Because the Russians were ready to assassinate Li Hongzhang at the Lion King Battle Conference, taking advantage of the chaotic scene of firecrackers firing in unison when the sky was lit, to prevent him from ceding the Liaodong Peninsula to Japan and taking it for himself.

In order to save Li Hongzhang, Huang Feihong, who did not want to be involved in the guild, decided to participate in the competition in his own name, and formed a lion team with Liang Kuan and Ghost Foot Seven to go to the Lion King Competition.

Huang Feihong passed five levels and beheaded six generals, took the top spot and won the gold medal symbolizing victory, avoiding Li Hongzhang from being assassinated by the Russians, and then threw away the gold medal, told Li Hongzhang the way to save the country, and left with his back.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li
Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

In the action part of "Huang Feihong's Lion King Battle", there are two paragraphs worth mentioning.

First, Huang Feihong went to the danger alone, and Zhao Tianba secretly laid out a net of heaven.

Zhao Tianba, a bully in the capital, set up a banquet at the Hongmen Gate in the Three Laughing Building in the name of reconciliation, and Huang Feihong went to the banquet alone.

Huang Feihong, who already knew Zhao Tianba's ruse, did not drink the bone-eating poisoned wine, which annoyed Zhao Tianba, and ordered someone to throw out several bottles of wine, and Huang Feihong kicked it one by one.

Unexpectedly, this was Zhao Tianba's last move, the wine bottle was filled with oil, falling to the floor was wet and slippery, Huang Feihong's horse steps were difficult to stabilize, and the shadowless feet naturally could not be made.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li
Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

Zhao Tianba's men saw that Huang Feihong's footing was unstable, and they threw out the axes tied to his body.

Huang Feihong saw the move, first using a round table to defuse the attack, and then with the help of an axe that smashed into the depths of the wooden board, he stomped left and right, trying to break out of the window.

However, Zhao Tianba laid down a net of heaven and earth and laid a rope net at the door and window, which made Huang Feihong's plan fail, and in desperation, Huang Feihong took off his robe and used it as a tool to fight the trapped beasts.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li
Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

After all, it is difficult to defeat four hands with two fists, even if Huang Feihong has a martial art, he is unstable and can never use his full strength.

He saw that the thugs were wearing spikes, so he rode on one of them, treated them like stilts, took away the double knives in the thugs' hands, and used the force to fight.

This posture was inevitably indecent after a long time, and Huang Feihong sacrificed the ice skating Dafa and came and went on the oil-stained floor, which not only struck their arrogance, but also satisfied the child's heart.

Finally, Huang Feihong slashed open the door and window with a knife, jumped to Zhao Tianba's mahjong table, and drank his crooked door and evil way with a righteous spirit.

Although this action design is not as elegant and ethereal as Yuan Jiaban, there is no lack of highlights, walking on a hard bridge and a hard horse, and a solid fist to flesh style.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li
Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

The second is the master-apprentice lion dance to overcome the difficulties of the times, and the big broken lion group shouts.

Huang Feihong, Ghost Foot Seven, Liang Kuan, the three of them before and after the cooperation, the coordination is exquisite.

Huang Feihong wore a prop in both hands to play a lion's head, Liang Kuan leaned over and draped a lion's skin embellished with cow hair to play the lion's body, and the ghost foot seven cooperated as a free person, and a mighty lion was formed.

They rampage through the lions, breaking through the open guns and dark arrows of other lion teams with stacked arhats and up and down attacks, and slashing them all the way.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li
Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

The enemy used their guns and swords, double knives, meteor hammers and fire unicorns, huang Feihong, and they were not in danger, and their southern fists and northern legs were in unison.

These little minions could not stop Huang Feihong at all, and his biggest opponent was still Zhao Tianba's Taiping Lion Team, whose long-tailed big-headed lions hid many killers and hidden weapons.

As soon as he appeared on the scene, he swept away the fallen leaves with the autumn wind, scattered the other lion teams, and climbed to the top of the Heavenly Tower with Huang Feihong, and decided to fight each other, and it was bound to be divided into one life and one.

In terms of movement alone, this fight scene is not beautiful, but it is better than the perfect combination with the lion dance, which turns the lion dance into a fierce martial art by stepping on the ball, picking green, passing the seesaw, and walking on the plum blossom stake.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

In addition to kung fu, there is also a cautionary constant in "Huang Feihong's Lion King Battle".

After all, when the torrent of history is about to roll in, no one can be left alone.

Huang Feihong is the hero in this torrent, he tore through the face project of the Qing Dynasty, and ended the dialogue for the country and the people.

Huang Feihong said to Li Hongzhang: "In order to show the might of our people, the adults held this "Lion King Battle", killing and injuring so many people, in front of the world, in fact, we all lost.

According to XiaoMin's view, we not only practice martial arts to strengthen our bodies to resist foreign enemies, but the most important thing is to broaden the unity of the people's wisdom and wisdom and force, which is the way to make the country rich and the people strong. Whether a brand can change the national fortunes, please ask Lord Li to think twice. ”

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li.

Huang Feihong saw that the way to save China was not the repeated concessions of the Qing royal family and officials, nor the passion of the folk movement, nor the patriotic sentiment of the ordinary people, but education, culture and economy.

Education is the foundation of the founding of the country, culture is the foundation of the country, and the economy is the foundation of a strong country, because it is certainly not one or two people who will turn the tide and support the building to fall, but forty million Chinese compatriots.

Such a foundation is the most indestructible, and such integrity is the most undefeated.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li
Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

After Huang Feihong's awakening roared out, the problem followed.

Why is the Qing Dynasty hopeless? Because it rotted into the bone marrow, the Qing Dynasty was shaking in the wind and rain, and it was really exhausted.

The upper echelons are thinking about how to be clever in order to destroy the yiyi, the middle levels are not concerned about their own lights, the lower levels are breaking the blood for the sake of the small sharp heads of the flies, and the whole society is using an extremely short-sighted method to take a momentary trick.

They seem to feel confused for a while, and the foreigners will take the initiative to leave on their own, and they can live a peaceful life and enjoy the might of the four parties to celebrate.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

From top to bottom, the Qing Dynasty covered their ears and played clowns for foreigners to make fun of.

In the face of the great powers using opium to open the door of the country and always arbitrarily plundering property, Empress Dowager Cixi and Li Hongzhang thought of a way to deal with it was to hold a "Lion King Contest" to scare off foreign devils.

Some clans, martial arts halls, and lion teams of a certain status, regardless of the plunder of foreigners, won the first place in order to win the lion king conference, gave up their usual harmony, and frequently competed and fought with weapons, stirring up the rivers and lakes with bloody rain.

The flat-headed people, who are one level lower than them, see no promising future, wag their tails and beg for pity with the powerful magnates, and do not know what the country is.

What they did made the original lion dance Taiping Music, become a victim of the nest fight, the beautiful meaning of the past is gone, really confirmed a sentence after the break, the rat carried the gun - the nest horizontal.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

Decay from the inside out, the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty is difficult to save, not to mention other dynasties, as far as the Qing Dynasty is concerned.

Thought, folk customs, and the world have undergone earth-shaking changes, breaking the old feudal dynasty and ushering in a new socialism, but the bad habit of fighting in the nest has shown no signs of improvement.

The civil war struck hard, the foreign war was only promised, the imperial power at the end of the Qing Dynasty changed, and yuan shikai snatched the usurpation of the throne in secret.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

They have powerful means and strict control ideas for their own people.

However, in the face of the constant provocations of the Eight-Power Alliance, the only thing that can be done is to be beaten by others first, without reason, and to apologize, pay indemnities, cut the land, and politely scatter the gold and silver accumulated over thousands of years.

Even the new democracy, which has been baptized by Mr. De and Mr. Sai, has the policy of "taking the outside first and being inside", completely treating external humiliation and aggression as nothing, and only thinking of its own comfort and comfort.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li
Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

If two parties with different positions are difficult to come together and can reluctantly accept with ideological deviations, then why can patriots of the same faction and the same goal not eat in one pot?

The dragon article in "My Regiment Leader My Regiment" once again confirmed this immutable iron law with his life, two words - infighting.

This is something left by the ancestors, it belongs to the crap, it should be abandoned, but there are always people who take it as the essence and keep it.

Without this one-minute or so ending, this would be the worst Starring Jet Li

Fortunately, with the rise of China's great powers, many people realized this and did not repeat the mistakes of the Qing Dynasty.

From the unbreakable and unbroken at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the arduous struggle in the 60s and 70s, to the reform and opening up in the 1980s and 1990s, and the rejuvenation of China today.

Every step of China's step is precisely in the position it deserves, otherwise the chess game is a bad move, and the only regret is that the bad habit of fighting in the nest is still spreading at all levels.

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