
Fangxian top ten specialties

author:Traditional Chinese cuisine

Fang County, known as Fangling in ancient times, belongs to Shiyan City, Hubei Province, and is named after "thousands of miles, mountains and forests, its solid high tombs, and if there are houses". The local mountain forest is luxuriant, and the native products are extremely rich, among which black fungus, shiitake mushrooms and yellow wine are the specialties of Fangxian's thousand-year history, which have been hand-picked tributes as early as the Sui and Tang dynasties. One side of the water and soil to raise one person, a place's special cuisine and its local real estate ingredients are inextricably linked, and what are the local specialties of Fangxian? Let's take a look!

1. Fangxian Yanghe

Fangxian top ten specialties

As a kind of food and medicine homologous wild vegetable unique to Fangxian County, Yanghe's young shoots and young stems that emerge in the spring form a cone-shaped bamboo shoot moss, which is Yanghe shoots, the top is purple-red, and the base of the stem gradually becomes white. Freshly unearthed in March and April, the yang lotus shoots are cut into strips obliquely and stir-fried with fresh peppers or shredded meat, and their taste is special and delicious. Yang lotus shoots can also be cut obliquely into shreds, cooked in water and made into a cold dish to eat, fragrant and crisp, very delicious. In addition, it can also be made into kimchi to eat, full of sourness, endless aftertaste, refreshing!

2. Stir-fry the mushrooms

Fangxian top ten specialties

Fangxian small flower mushroom is an authentic Local Specialty of Fangxian County. The top surface of the Fangxian small flower mushroom is pale black, the mushroom pattern is bursting with flowers, white, and the bottom of the mushroom is pale yellow. Fangxian flower mushroom has the characteristics of "good color, beautiful appearance, smooth fragrance, pure texture, rich nutrition" and other characteristics, is an indispensable flavor of Chinese and foreign famous dishes, and has been named "fungus star", "king of mushrooms", "meat of materials", "treasure house of nutritional elements" and other reputations by nutritionists.

3. Fangxian black fungus

Fangxian top ten specialties

Fangxian is a famous black fungus production base county in China, and is a well-known "hometown of fungus" at home and abroad. In the international trade market, because of its fresh color, thick meat, large flowers, excellent quality, rich nutrition, won the reputation of "fang'er". The black fungus here is "shaped like a swallow, shaped like a fly", also known as the swallow ear, which is known as the king of mountain treasures.

4. Fangxian rolls

Fangxian top ten specialties

Fangxian rolls are stuffed with pork belly minced meat, seasoned with shallots, tender ginger and salt, wrapped in soybean oil skin, and then rolled with egg starch pulp, fried in oil. At this time, while hot, cut into neat small pieces with a thin blade and directly plated on the table, it is a crisp and refreshing side dish with wine. You can also cut it into thin slices with a knife and combine it with vegetable hearts, mountain treasures and broth to make a fragrant and appetizing soup. Of course, Fangxian rolls can also be fried with green vegetables, becoming a plate of meat full of the smell of greens, and the green vegetables are full of meat aroma and elegant and popular rice dishes.

5. Fangxian Pan Duck

Fangxian top ten specialties

Pan duck is a famous flavor food in Fang County. The production of the pan duck is very elaborate, and it is necessary to go through the process of selecting ducks (generally selecting two ducks of commensurate size), slaughtering, and depiling. The most characteristic processing method is to put the duck leg claws into boiling water after the hair is cleaned, quickly take it quickly, several times in a row, remove the yellow and rub the whole body of the duck to color, use a knife to open the cavity from the back of the duck, take out the internal organs, wash the abdominal cavity, remove the appropriate amount of pretzel, five-spice powder, drain the water, and then match the two ducks of the appropriate size into pairs, the two backs are stacked oppositely, the legs and wings are staggered on both sides of the opposite gap between the two ducks, the head and neck are crossed on both sides, the rope is wrapped around the duck several times, placed on the plate, pressed with stones for several days, cut the rope, The two ducks are one, like a large oval dish, hence the name "pan duck".

6: Fry the rounds

Fangxian top ten specialties

One of the fried foods is called fried rounds, which are filled with glutinous rice flour and dough, brown sugar, dipped in white sesame seeds, and fried in oil. It is delicious and sweet, and it is a special snack of Fangxian County, which is worth tasting.

7. Fangxian stinky beans

Fangxian top ten specialties

Fangxian stinky beans were once a delicacy that king Luling of the Tang Dynasty loved very much when he was in Fangxian County, and the tradition of making stinky beans from every household continues to this day.

8. Rice tea (bean rice)

Fangxian top ten specialties

Frozen rice tea (bean rice) is a drink often drunk by people in Fangxian County. The glutinous rice is soaked white, steamed in a cage, dried in the shade, and then made of oil crisp, and then it can be drunk. Frozen rice tea is silky, sweet and delicious. Legend has it that it was created by Princess Luling herself.

9. Konjac vegetarian belly

Fangxian top ten specialties

In 2018, Fangxian won the title of "National Konjac Key Industry Demonstration County", and Jiufang Konjac Technology Co., Ltd. launched a total of konjac vegetarian belly, using the process of "puffing, gelling, cold refining, aging, alkali removal", high powder content, less starch addition, more Q and crisp than the same type of products, and retaining the nutritional components of water-soluble dietary fiber in konjac, as a good choice for meals or leisure snacks.

10. Fangxian rice wine

Fangxian top ten specialties

Fangxian rice wine is one of the specialties of Fangxian County, Fangxian is located at the foot of Shennongjia, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful. Fangxian water is a natural mineral water, the water quality is clear, so Fangxian rice wine is only done well in Fangxian County, and it also has a lot to do with the local spring water. After the Fangxian yellow wine paid tribute to Chang'an, Wu Zetian tasted this wine and happily sealed the wine as "Imperial Seal Imperial Wine". Huang and Huang are homophonous, and later called Fangxian yellow wine "imperial wine", which means that drinking this wine is the same as being the emperor.