
Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw

author:Splendid v Shandong

Hello everyone, welcome to my food self-media, I am the creator of the food field Splendid V Shandong: "Focus on food, make life more flavorful." "Today I bring you a few home-cooked delicacies, which are also loved by everyone and are very common. Every day, we use ordinary ingredients to make the most delicious meals. I also hope that today's cuisine can bring you a whole day of happiness.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > sweet and sour tile fish</h1>

Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw

Method: 1, cut the fish into slices, with wine, salt to grasp and marinate for 2-3 hours, and then wrapped in a thin layer of starch under the pan fried into a golden brown for later, the pan is hot and oiled, put on the peppercorns,

2, large ingredients and green onion, ginger, garlic sautéed fragrantly, then add the fried fish fillet, put cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt and a little chicken essence,

3: Pour into boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes, then collect the juice and put on the parsley and put it on the plate.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > garlic with eggplant</h1>

Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw

Ingredients: 2 eggplant, coriander, minced garlic, salt, vinegar, red oil, chicken essence.

Directions: 1: Wash the eggplant and steam it and tear it into small strips and put it on the plate.

2、 Wash and cut the parsley; Finally, mix all the ingredients together and mix well.

3: Mix all kinds of seasonings into a bowl, drizzle on eggplant strips, sprinkle with coriander and minced garlic and mix evenly, and then serve.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > fried shrimp with asparagus</h1>

Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw

Ingredients: asparagus, shrimp, garlic, cooking wine, vegetable oil, salt, chicken powder;


1. Wash the shrimp, control the moisture; add a little cooking wine and salt, grasp well, and marinate for 20 minutes

2. Asparagus is very tender (without peeling), wash, cut into sections; garlic, slice and set aside

3. Bring water to a boil in a pot, add a little salt, a few drops of salad oil, add asparagus and blanch for 30 seconds

4. Heat the pan with cold oil, sauté the pesto slices, pour in the shrimp and stir-fry over high heat

5. Stir-fry the asparagus, add chicken powder, salt and season

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > shiitake Japanese tofu</h1>

Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw

Ingredients: 1 handful of shiitake mushrooms, 4 pieces of Japanese tofu, oyster sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, water, starch.


1: Put a handful of shiitake mushrooms in water and soak

2, Japanese tofu from the waist cut into the middle, squeezed from both ends of the Japanese tofu is relatively complete, easy to cut, do not be too thin.

3: Put a small amount of oil in the pan and add the tofu until both sides are golden brown.

4, put in the shiitake mushrooms, use the spatula please stir well, tofu is easy to rot do not stir-fry

5, the oyster sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar into a bowl, the amount according to personal taste increase or decrease.

6, after boiling for a period of time, let the mushrooms ripe after tasting, and finally prepare a little water, put in the starch and mix well, avoid agglomeration, add to the pot.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > leek flowers stir-fried meat</h1>

Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw

Ingredients: 200 grams of marinated meat, 150 grams of leek flowers, dried chili pepper festival, garlic, peppercorns each.

Seasoning: soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, vegetable oil each appropriate amount.

1: Cut the marinated meat into slices and the leek flowers into 3 cm long knots.

2, put oil in the net pot and heat, first dry pepper festival, garlic and a little peppercorns, then pour in the slices of meat and stir-fry a few times, under the leek flowers continue to fry at the same time, add soy sauce and MSG seasoning, drizzle a little sesame oil before cooking.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > stir-fried pork liver with celery</h1>

Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw

Ingredients: Pork liver, celery, pepper, dried chili pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, ginger, sugar, starch, garlic, green onion

1: Wash and cut the pork liver into thin slices, add salt, starch, sugar, soy sauce, pepper and cooking wine and marinate for 10 minutes.

2: Remove the celery leaves, wash and cut into small pieces, blanch the water and set aside.

3: Put the oil in a hot pot, add the onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until it is crisp.

4: Pour oil in a hot pan, add dried chili peppers to simmer, add celery and pork liver, mix a little salt, and stir-fry well.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > steamed chicken wings with black fungus</h1>

Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw

The chicken wings were soaked in water, about an hour and a half. Fungus is also foaming.

1. The chicken wings are dipped in dry and chopped into small pieces, which I divide into two halves and then chop. Then add cooking wine, soy sauce, pepper, ginger slices and a small amount of sugar and marinate for more than half an hour! The longer it marinates, the better!

5. Cut the fungus into small pieces and flutter at the bottom of the dish. Chicken wings are tossed with mustard powder and flapped over the fungus. Steam for 20 minutes, turn off heat and add shallots.

3. Heat the wok with oil to 60% or 70% heat, then add the peppercorns and dried peppers, fry them slightly, get the peppercorns out, and sprinkle the hot oil evenly on the dish and you're done

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > celery stir-fried dried tofu</h1>

Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw

Ingredients: 300g celery, 1 piece of dried tofu, 1 teaspoon of salt, 6 dried chili peppers

1. Remove the leaves of celery, cut off the head, wash it, and cut it into diagonal segments

2. Cut the dried tofu into 1/2 cm thick slices first, and change the knife to 1/3 small piece

3. After the pan is heated, pour in the oil, and when the oil is 50% hot, pour in the dried chili peppers and stir-fry the aroma

4. Add the dried tofu and fry until the dried tofu turns slightly yellow

5. Finally, pour in the celery, stir-fry a few times, add salt, mix well and then you can

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > braised wing tips</h1>

Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw

Ingredients: chicken wing tips, soy sauce, soy sauce, ginger, green onion

1: Wash and drain the tip of the chicken wings, slice the ginger and cut the green onion into green onions.

2: Add oil to the pan and stir-fry ginger slices at 70% heat.

3: Stir-fry the tip of the lower wing, add a little soy sauce, soy sauce and salt and stir-fry well.

4: Add water over chicken wings, simmer for 15 minutes and sprinkle with green onions.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > stir-fried meat</h1>

Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw

Ingredients: Sauce fragrant dried lean meat ginger shredded garlic raw smoked red pepper

1: Slice the sauce, slice the lean meat and cut it into strips, cut the garlic into small pieces, cut the ginger into strips, and a little red pepper can be

2, put the oil in the pot to heat to 50% heat into the ginger shredded garlic stalks, stir-fry into the lean meat, most of the lean meat discoloration that is, the sauce is dried into the pot, high heat quickly stir-fry, into the soy sauce, add red pepper to continue to stir-fry quickly. Add a little water and turn the garlic leaves well

3, not salty enough to add salt, and finally put a little MSG to complete

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > shrimp white mushroom</h1>

Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw

1 White jade mushroom washed and removed roots, red pepper and cucumber cut into pieces

2 Shrimp remove the shrimp line, mix well with salt and cooking wine and marinate

3 After the oil is hot, simmer in a pot of green onion and ginger rice, add white jade mushrooms and stir-fry for 2 minutes, add shrimp and stir-fry until discolored, pour in red pepper and cucumber, add a little soy sauce, a small spoonful of sugar, add a little salt, and finally drizzle with a little water starch out of the pot

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > lemon pickled pepper claw</h1>

Delicious to lick the plate of 12 courses of the recipe, the ingredients are cleverly matched, the price is cheap, how to eat not greasy sweet and sour tiles, fish and garlic mix eggplant asparagus fried shrimp shiitake mushrooms Japan tofu leek flower fried meat celery fried pork liver black fungus steamed chicken wings celery fried dried beans braised wings tip dried meat shrimp white jade mushroom lemon pickled pepper claw


300g chicken claws; 1 cucumber; pickled pepper; dried chili pepper; star anise; green onion; garlic, ginger slices; lemon; coriander; salt, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce

1. Cut off the nails of the chicken feet, soak the blood in cold water, wash them, and chop them into two pieces to make the taste.

2. Put the washed chicken feet in a pot, add cooking wine, peppercorns, star anise, green onion, garlic and ginger slices, cook on high heat for 8-10 minutes, until chopsticks can be inserted.

3. Scoop it out and rinse it with cold water, then soak it in ice water for a while. Rinse repeatedly with water until there is no grease and remove.

4. Prepare a marinating container, cut the peppers, peppercorns, star anise, pickled peppers, dried peppers, minced garlic and coriander, cut them into them.

5. Cut the cucumber into cubes and slice the lemon for later.

6. Season the boiling water with salt, sugar, soy sauce and vinegar and pour into a container. Add chicken feet, lemon, cucumber and mix well.

7. Because the jar is not easy to stir, so I mix well in the basin first and then put it up, it is very convenient to eat and take.

I am the author of the field of gastronomy Splendid V Shandong, if you like my article, welcome to follow me! If you don't know what to eat every day, please pay attention to me and share delicious food with everyone every day. Daily update of the article, not to see the scattered, welcome to forward, let more people who love food share together.