
This noodle is rich in nutritional value, but those with cold stomach should eat with caution

author:An'an Kop

In recent years, with the improvement of material living standards and health awareness, people's daily health recipes will add some miscellaneous grains, coarse grains, buckwheat and its products are often the object of attention.

Residents of Sichuan, Guizhou and other places in China regard buckwheat as one of the staple foods, and there is also a custom of eating buckwheat in the northwest region. How is soba noodles different from regular noodles?

This noodle is rich in nutritional value, but those with cold stomach should eat with caution

It's all noodles, why is so much so good soba noodles!

Soba noodles are fundamentally different from ordinary noodles

Noodle buns that are usually eaten

It is made with artificially delicate wheat flour

Wheat is a grass plant

Soba noodles are made from unhulled buckwheat ground into powder

Buckwheat is a plant of the family Tateshina

Buckwheat is not wheat

The nutritional composition of the two is also different

This noodle is rich in nutritional value, but those with cold stomach should eat with caution

Bitter buckwheat is rich in nutrients

(1) Protein

Buckwheat has the highest albumin content (43.8%), followed by gluten (14.6%), gliadin (10.5%) and globulin (7.82%), rich in lysine and arginine.

(2) Trace elements and minerals

Buckwheat is rich in trace elements and minerals, such as selenium, chromium, rubidium, zinc, iron, cobalt, antimony, barium, nickel, silver, mercury, tin and other minerals and trace elements, of which trivalent chromium is the main component of glucose tolerance factor, which can improve the utilization efficiency of insulin and promote the use of glucose by the body.

(3) Vitamins

Buckwheat contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, niacin and vitamin E and other vitamins, of which the content of vitamin B1, B2 and B6 is 0.40, 0.28, 0.18 mg/100g, which is higher than that of cereal crops such as corn and wheat.

This noodle is rich in nutritional value, but those with cold stomach should eat with caution

(4) Starch

Buckwheat is rich in resistant starch, which is much higher than wheat. Studies have shown that buckwheat-resistant starch has a role in inhibiting intestinal flora disorders caused by high-fat diets.

(5) Dietary fiber

The content of dietary fiber in buckwheat is about 10 times that of rice, and people have a strong sense of satiety after eating buckwheat products, reducing food intake, which helps to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.

(6) Flavonoids

Buckwheat is rich in special bioflavonoids, the main component of which is rutin, accounting for 70%-90% of the total flavonoids, which has the effect of reducing capillary fragility, improving microcirculation, strengthening insulin secretion, and preventing blood sugar rise in the body.

This noodle is rich in nutritional value, but those with cold stomach should eat with caution

In addition to soba noodles, soba rice can also be tried

Due to the high degree of refining, white rice has a glycemic index of up to 83 and is not suitable for blood sugar control. In addition, rice is also lost in the processing of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.

Dietary guidelines recommend that our daily staple foods should be grain-based, and it is best to eat 50-150 grams of whole grains and beans per day. Usually, when making white rice, adding a part of buckwheat can not only increase the proportion of coarse grains, but also be more healthy and delicious.

Ingredients: rice, buckwheat

Directions: Soak the buckwheat in warm water for 2-4 hours in advance, then put the rice and the soaked buckwheat in a rice cooker, add water and cook the rice.

What to pay attention to when eating buckwheat

Buckwheat can help regulate the symptoms of excessive stomach acid, but buckwheat is cold, so people with cold stomach or stomach diseases try to eat less, and excessive consumption is easy to cause acid reflux diarrhea.

A small number of people eat buckwheat food will cause skin itching, dizziness, asthma and other allergy symptoms, so people with a history of buckwheat allergy should eat it with caution.

The rutin contained in the natural raw materials of buckwheat stems, leaves, flowers and fruits may have hypotensive, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects, and patients with hypotension, hypoglycemia and severe body size and emaciation should be consumed with caution.

As a coarse grain, buckwheat is rich in nutritional value, but it is not suitable for everyone, and everyone can choose according to their own situation


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