
Leading housing enterprises are in debt of nearly 2 trillion yuan, how to buy a house in the future? 3 notes to keep in mind

author:Room video

Leading real estate enterprises recently resident hot search, the news of debt of nearly 2 trillion yuan was spread by netizens, although Evergrande did not respond positively to the specific amount of debt, but Evergrande Real Estate has issued an announcement, indicating that the company has indeed encountered unprecedented difficulties. Evergrande in addition to the debt problem, Evergrande stock price has also fallen sharply, On September 16, there was also an announcement of the suspension of the stock market, and the rich people who participated in the shares also showed a trend of reducing their shares, according to media reports, Hong Kong Stock Exchange documents show that Liu Luan (luán]) Xiong and his wife reduced their holdings of 24.436 million shares of China Evergrande at an average price of HK$3.58 per share on September 10, and the shareholding ratio dropped from 8.96% to 7.96%, plus in August, the two reductions totaled about HK$116 million. Chairman Xu Jiayin was also exposed to the news of the name change of Hong Kong mansions.

Leading housing enterprises are in debt of nearly 2 trillion yuan, how to buy a house in the future? 3 notes to keep in mind

In fact, the leading real estate enterprise Evergrande is not the only large housing enterprise that has been thunderstormed, such as Taihe Group's debt of 100 billion, the suspension or rotten tail of the benchmark real estate in many cities, the chairman of Sansheng Hongye was rewarded by the court for tens of millions of clues, and many of the company's real estate cannot be continued. Brand housing enterprises have always been the first choice for everyone to buy a house, the focus is on these housing enterprises are strong, now these housing enterprises are negative public opinion, for the just needs, the next step into the market before buying a house, in the end what should be paid attention to in order to keep the hard-earned money? I think there are 3 things to be aware of first:

First, buy off-plan houses to see five certificates

When buying a house, people who know a little about housing will remind you to look at the five certificates of the house, namely the "State-owned Land Use Certificate", "Construction Land Planning Permit", "Construction Project Planning Permit", "Construction Project Construction Permit", and "Commercial Housing Pre-sale Permit". It is said to be to see five certificates, in fact, the main thing to see is the last pre-sale certificate, indicating that the house has been recognized by the regulatory authorities, because only after getting the other four certificates, can you apply for a pre-sale certificate. In order to meet the standards for the issuance of pre-sale certificates, the funds required to be invested in development and construction need to reach more than 25% of the total investment in the construction of the project, and the construction progress and completion delivery date have been determined. It is equivalent to allowing listing and sales on the basis of determining that housing enterprises have money to continue to build houses and basically guaranteeing the delivery of houses.

Leading housing enterprises are in debt of nearly 2 trillion yuan, how to buy a house in the future? 3 notes to keep in mind

Second, check the debt situation of housing enterprises before buying a house

There are five certificates is only the most basic requirement, can not be 100% guarantee that the housing enterprises in this process, will not be because of other debt problems, resulting in no money to build houses, or embezzlement of pre-sale supervision funds. For example, Taihe, there are owners found that their own payment of the account, not the company's pre-sale fund supervision account, is other accounts, because the enterprise embezzled pre-sale funds to repay debts, demolished the east wall to make up for the west wall, the follow-up payment did not meet expectations, naturally there is no money to continue to build off-plan housing. At this time, even if there are five certificates, there is also a risk of the house rotting. Housing enterprises take the risk of violations of laws and regulations, most of them are too large to take risks, therefore, before buying a house, we must first understand the current debt situation of housing enterprises, you can view the currently enforced enterprises on the official website of the court, because the enterprise has money to repay debts, do not need creditors to take the legal route, and can pay debts normally after the judgment, rather than being forced to repay money. Belonging to these large enterprises, if there is a thunderstorm, many official media will disclose it, and they should also pay close attention to it.

Leading housing enterprises are in debt of nearly 2 trillion yuan, how to buy a house in the future? 3 notes to keep in mind

Third, you can buy small projects instead of large projects

Once the large housing enterprises appear, the housing tail is rotten, referring to the Kunming rotten tail housing group, the past 10 years have not been solved, the reason is that the volume is too large, even if there are housing enterprises want to take over, today's property market environment is not allowed. Because the policy requirements for the real estate industry are not speculation, but also from the purchase restriction and loan restrictions and other aspects of the control of house purchases, loans. Housing enterprises have plummeted in income, financing channels have been truncated, their own projects are difficult to ensure completion, and then come up with a large price to acquire other people's projects will be more difficult, not to mention that it is hundreds of millions, billions of large projects, once the end, basically it is a long-term wait. And small projects, even if there is a bad tail, due to low costs, some housing enterprises, or the government may have a way to revitalize, not to let buyers really lose money and houses. In order to reduce the risk of loss, buying a small real estate project is also a wise choice.