
Yuyu Xiaoran: #石家庄一小学培养出4位世界冠军 #

author:Fish fish Xiaoran

As we all know, table tennis is known as the "national ball" of our country. After the founding of New China, Chairman Mao Zedong called for "developing sports and enhancing the people's physique", and table tennis was carried out relatively well throughout the country because it did not have high requirements for venues and was simple and easy to do. In 1959, table tennis player Rong Guotuan won the first world championship for China, which attracted the world's attention. The people of China are excited. At the 26th World Table Tennis Championships, Zhuang Zedong and Qiu Zhonghui won the men's and women's singles championships respectively, and the Chinese team also won the men's team championship. Since this time, Chinese table tennis has begun to dominate the world, and table tennis has also flourished for a long time.

Over the years, Chinese players have been performing extremely well in table tennis: Wang Tao, Kong Linghui and Liu Guoliang in the men's event, deng Yaping, Qiao Hong, Wang Nan, Zhang Yining and other champion players in the women's event. The Chinese table tennis team has also been known as the "Dream Team".

At the just-concluded 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, a group of new stars in the table tennis arena also rose, Sun Yingsha, who participated in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games held in Tokyo in 2021 and won the second silver medal in the women's singles match against Chen Meng.

Looking back at Sun Yingsha's Olympic road, everything has traces to follow. Sun Yingsha graduated from Shijiazhuang West Heping Road Primary School, it is understood that Heping West Road Primary School was formerly known as "Railway Second Primary School", is a national table tennis key primary school, with decades of traditional table tennis education. It is worth mentioning that the number of people who graduated from the school and won the table tennis world championship has reached 4, namely Sun Yingsha, Liu Yi, Shen Yanfei and Zheng Yuan.

This excellent primary school not only provided us with world champions, but also inspired countless teenagers to participate in the sport of table tennis.

Teenagers are strong and the country is strong, teenagers are the hope of the motherland, and I hope that our next generation can participate in the sports of comprehensive fitness.

Yuyu Xiaoran: #石家庄一小学培养出4位世界冠军 #

#石家庄一小学培养出4位世界冠军 #

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