
Zhengzhou University 2022 Master's Degree Entrance Examination "Literature Synthesis" Examination Outline

author:Graduate School Day Gang
Zhengzhou University 2022 Master's Degree Entrance Examination "Literature Synthesis" Examination Outline

Zhengzhou University Master's Degree Entrance Examination

Syllabus for the Comprehensive Literature Examination

Proposition College (Seal): Faculty of Letters Exam Subject Code and Name: 830 Literature Synthesis

I. Overview of the basic requirements and scope of application of the examination

This syllabus is applicable to the entrance examination for master's degree students in ancient Chinese literature, Chinese classical philology, modern and contemporary literature, foreign literature, literary and art theory and other disciplines of the College of Literature of Zhengzhou University.

This discipline is a first-level discipline, and candidates are required to systematically grasp all the backbone course content of the second-level literature discipline to which they belong. Candidates are required to skillfully understand and master the basic development context, key writers, classic works, literary genres, theoretical trends and other issues of the main courses of each secondary discipline, and form a systematic knowledge system and solid theoretical literacy; candidates are required to pay appropriate attention to the frontier issues of the discipline and have the ability to comprehensively use the theoretical knowledge learned to analyze problems and solve problems.

2. Examination format

The Master's Degree Entrance Examination "Literature Synthesis" has a full score of 150 points, and a closed-book written examination is conducted, with a duration of 180 minutes.

Test paper structure (question type): noun explanation, short answer questions, essay questions.

3. Examination content

Ancient literary part

Pre-Qin Literature, ed. , v

1. Familiar with the evolution and periodization of Chinese literature;

2. The national spirit and thinking characteristics of Chinese mythology;

3. The content and artistic characteristics of the Book of Poetry;

4. The literary achievements of "Zuo Zhuan", "Chinese", "Warring States Policy", and the pre-Qin narrative prose for later literature


5. The pre-Qin theory essay focuses on Mencius and Zhuangzi;

6. The content, literary spirit and artistic characteristics, and literary status of "Chu Ci".

Qin and Han Literature, ed. , v

7. The situation of Han Dynasty literature and the interactive relationship between classics and literature; 8. The creation of Sima Xiangru and Yang Xiong's lexicography (the practical function of endowment); 9, the literary characteristics of the "History" (character portrayal, narrative art, and stylistic characteristics); 10, the content of Han Le Fu, the value of art and literary history; 11, the Eastern Han Cifu represents writers and works; 12, the specific expression of the Eastern Han prose ("Hanshu" and "The Theory of The Latent Husband"), 13, the status of the eastern Han literati poetry ("Nineteen Ancient Poems").

Wei and Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties Literature

14. Literary self-consciousness;

15. The relationship between the three schools of Confucianism and Taoism and literature;

16. Representative writers of Jian'an literature and Zhengyi literature, and the significance of the times;

17. Representative writers and works of the poetry circles of the Two Jin Dynasties;

18. Tao Yuanming and his literary creations;

19. The meaning of "Mulan Poem";

20. Xie Lingyun's poetry contributions;

21. The poetic meaning of the Yongming body;

22. The fusion of northern and southern literary styles and representative writers;

23. The stylistic significance of the Piao text;

24. "The New Language of the World" and the Zhiren Zhiwei novel;

25. "Wenxin Carved Dragon".

Sui and Tang Dynasty Five Dynasties Literature Compilation

26. Characteristics of Tang Dynasty literature and its literary historical status;

27. The poetry of the early Tang Dynasty represents the writer and the significance of creation;

28. The content and art of the Wang Mengshi school and the Biansai poetry school;

29. Li Bai and Du Fu's poetry creation, artistic characteristics and literary historical significance;

30. The great calendar poetry crowd;

31. The inheritance and innovation of the Han Mengshi school;

32. The connotation of Liu Liu's poetry;

33. Yuanbai Xinlefu Movement;

34. The value of the Hanliu Ancient Literature Movement;

35. The content and expression art of the Tang legend;

36. The content and artistic characteristics of Xiao Li Du's works;

37. The literary historical significance of the Huajian School of Words and the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Song Dynasty Literature, ed. , v

38. The three-body of the early Song Dynasty;

39. Liu Yong's creation and contribution to the history of words;

40. The literary innovation performance of Ouyang Xiu and Wang Anshi;

41. Su Shi's various creations, lexicography and literary historical significance;

42. Representative writers of the Jiangxi poetry school, forming and evolving;

43. The masterpieces of the great masters of the word world in the middle and late period of the Northern Song Dynasty;

44. The evolution of the word style before and after Li Qingzhao and Nandu, pay attention to its word theory;

45. The four major poets of ZTE focused on land travel;

46. The inheritance and breakthrough of Su Shizi by Xin Abandoned Disease, and how to understand Xin Abandoned Disease's "taking the text as the word";

47. The expression of the late Song Dynasty.

Yuan Dynasty Literature Edition

48. Characteristics of Yuan Dynasty literature;

49. Guan Ma Zhengbai's creation (content, art);

50. Miscellaneous dramas and regional cultures;

51. The Book of Pipa and Jing Liu Bai Kill;

52. Representative writers and works of Yuan Dynasty Sanqu;

53, Yuanshi four big people.

Ming Dynasty Literature

54. Characteristics of Ming Dynasty literature and its relationship with the times;

55. The literary characteristics and heroic complexes of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin";

56. Characteristics of poetry in the early Ming Dynasty;

57. Seven sons before and after and literary retro;

58. The Flow of Xu Wei and Ming Dynasty Miscellaneous Dramas;

59. Three legends;

60. Tang Xianzu and the Four Dreams of Linchuan, especially the artistic value of "Peony Pavilion";

61. The Art of Journey to the West;

62. The milestone significance of "Golden Plum Bottle";

63. The artistic characteristics of three words and two beats;

64. The contribution of the three yuan of public security.

Qing Dynasty Literature

65. Historical characteristics of Qing Dynasty literature;

66. Representative writers of the early Qing Dynasty;

67. Theatrical creations of Hong Sheng and Kong Shangren;

68. The content, art and significance of "Liaozhai Zhiyi", "Ru lin waishi", and "Red Dragon Dream";

69, Tongcheng faction;

70. "Mirror Flower Edge".

Modern Literature section

Literary Trends and Movements The New Cultural Movement and the May Fourth Literary Revolution, the theoretical contributions of Hu Shi and Zhou Zuoren in the early stages of the New Literary Movement; the advocacy and controversy of revolutionary literature, the literary propositions, main activities and exploits of the "Left Alliance", the literary pattern and literary process during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, the different characteristics of the new literary movements in the four regions of the Kuomintang, the Liberated Area, the "Isolated Island" of Shanghai, and the Occupied Area, and the content and historical significance of the "Speech".

Fiction The first decade of the "problem novel" tide, the creation of the vernacular novel school, the creation of the Literary Research Society, the "pastoral pastoral" poetic novel, the creation of the society writers and lyrical novels; the early Pro novel and the "revolutionary romantic" tendency of the second decade, the creative personality of left-wing young novelists, Xiao Hong's novel, the Beijing school novel, the New Sensation writer, the psychoanalytic novel, the "Great River Trilogy"; the third decade of the 1940s novel prosperity and thematic variation, the "July School" novel, Zhao Shuli, Lu Ling , Sha Ting, Zhang Ailing, Qian Zhongshu and other artistic characteristics, Sun Li's novels, "land reform novels", "New Hero Legend" novels thematic content and artistic style. Novels by Lu Xun, Mao Dun, Ba Jin, Lao She, Shen Congwen and others.

Popular fiction Modern and contemporary popular literature and the "Mandarin Duck Butterfly School", the formation of the pattern of the diversion of elegant customs and the interpenetration of elegant and customary in modern Chinese literature, and the popularization of literature in the Liberated Areas.

New Poetry Hu Shi's New Poetry Innovation Theory and Early Vernacular Poetry Creation, "Lakeside Poets", The Small Poetry Movement, Feng Zhi's Lyric Poetry and Narrative Poetry, The Poetry Propositions of the Early Crescent School (New Poetry "Gelization" and "Sanmei"), The Ideological and Artistic Characteristics of Xu Zhimo and Wen Yiduo's Poetry, Li Jinfa and Early Symbolist Poetry, Yin Fu, the Poetry Creation Characteristics of the Chinese Poetry Society And Zang Kejia, the Artistic Tendency of the Late Crescent School and the Poetry of Representative Poets (Xu Zhimo, Chen Mengjia, etc.), the creative characteristics of modernist poetry, The development and change of Dai Wangshu's poetic view and the artistic characteristics of its poetry creation, the artistic characteristics of Bian Zhilin's poetry and the "New Wisdom Poem", the "Three Poets of Han Garden", the artistic characteristics of new poetry creation in the early period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the "drumbeat" poems in the field, the formation of the "July Poetry School" and its poetic propositions, the basic characteristics and artistic achievements of the "July Poetry School" poetry creation, the ideological and artistic characteristics of the political satirical poetry in the National Unification Area, the overall artistic characteristics of the "Chinese New Poetry School" poetry creation, and the characteristics and achievements of poetry creation in the Liberated Areas (" The artistic characteristics of folk song narrative poems such as Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang and Zhanghe Shui), the characteristics and significance of Ai Qing's poetry creation.

Prose Zhou Zuoren's concept of "Beautiful Literature" and its prose creation, the artistic proposition and creative characteristics of "Yanzhi School" prose, the prose of Bing Xin, Zhu Ziqing and the writers of the "Literary Research Society", the prose of "Yu Silk Style" and "Modern Critics" prose, the prose concept of Lin Yutang and the artistic personality and creative achievements of its essays, the creative characteristics of "Lu Xunfeng" essays, the artistic characteristics of He Qifang's "Painting Dream Record" and the new development of "Beautiful Literature", the creative characteristics of Feng Zikai's prose and the overall characteristics of the prose creation of "enlightened literati", Xia Yan, Song Zhi's reportage creation

Artistic features.

Drama Overview of drama development in the 1920s (the germination and birth of modern Chinese drama, the May Fourth Drama Movement), the artistic characteristics of Tian Han and Ding Xilin's drama creation, the overview of the left-wing drama movement, the artistic characteristics and achievements of Hongshen and Xia Yan drama creation, the characteristics of Li Jianwu's drama creation in the 30s, the prosperity and expansion of historical dramas in the 40s (borrowing ancient metaphors for the present, reflecting on national history and destiny), and the various explorations of realistic dramas in the 40s (cultural reflection, exposure and criticism), 40 The prosperity of the era of satirical comedy (political satire dramas of Chen Baichen and others, comedies of world customs represented by Yang Dai), the artistic achievements of the new national opera in the Liberated Areas ("The White Haired Girl"), and Cao Yu's drama creation.

Literary parts of the current generation

1. The First Literary Congress and the Establishment of New Chinese Literary and Art Norms.

2. The theme type, literary thought, artistic characteristics, and literary historical status of Zhao Shuli and the Shanxi Writers Group ("Yam Egg Pie").

3. The literary creation and artistic characteristics of Sun Li and Ru Zhijuan, and grasp their representative works.

3. The "Double Hundred Policy" and its literary creation under its influence

4. Rural theme novels in the "Seventeen Years" period represented by Liu Qing

5. Revolutionary historical novels of the "Seventeen Years" period

7. Political lyric poems of the "Seventeen Years" period and the poetry creations of Guo Xiaochuan and He Jingzhi.

8. Prose creation in the "Three Great Contemporary Essays" and "Seventeen Years" periods.

9. Lao She's "Tea House" and Tian Han's "Guan Hanqing" and the drama literature of the "Seventeen Years" period.

10. Scar literature creation and representative writers, works, ideas and artistic characteristics.

11. Reflect on the creation of novels and the characteristics of representative writers, works, ideas and art.

12. Reform the creation of novels and represent the characteristics of writers, works, ideas and art.

13. Novel creation by Wang Zengqi, Lin Jinlan and others

14. Root-seeking novel creation and representative writers, works, ideas and artistic characteristics.

15. Avant-garde novel creation and representative writers, works, ideas and artistic characteristics.

16. Controversies related to modernist novels and representative writers and works.

17. Creation of new realistic novels and representatives of writers, works, ideas and artistic characteristics.

18. Liu Zhenyun's "Hometown Series" and the Dissolution of Orthodox Historical Concepts in New Historical Novels.

19. Grasp the spiritual and artistic characteristics of women's literature in combination with specific works.

20. The new generation of writing and related literary spirit.

21. Have a basic understanding of the underlying literature and non-fiction literature since the new century.

22. Obscure poetry creation and representative writers, works, as well as ideological and artistic characteristics.

23. The third generation of poetry creation and representative writers, works, as well as ideological and artistic characteristics

24. The basic characteristics of several types of poetry, such as "intellectual writing", "folk writing", and "body writing"

25. The evolution of contemporary prose creation, the works of important writers and their artistic characteristics.

Foreign literary part

Understand the basic context of European and American literature, master some noun concepts of European and American literature, master the main forms and genres of European and American literature, and deeply analyze classic writers and works.

1. Ancient Greek and Roman Literature Concerns: Ancient Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek Drama, Homeric Epic, Roman Literature and Virgil.

2. Medieval literature includes church literature, chivalric literature, heroic epics, urban literature, and Dante is heavy


3. The Renaissance literature section pays attention to the creations of Boccaccio, Rabelais, Cervantes, and Shakespeare.

4. The 17th century pays attention to classical literature and Molière.

5. 18th-century literature focuses on the creation of Rousseau, Goethe, and Schiller.

6. The literature of the 19th century is divided into three sections, focusing on Byron, Shelley, Hugo, and Pushkin in the early period, focusing on Steddal, Balzac, Flaubert, Baudelaire, Gogol, and Dostoevsky in the middle period, and Hardy, Ibsen, Tolstoy, Chekhov, and Mark Twain in the later period. In terms of literary trends, attention is paid to romanticism, realism, naturalism, aestheticism, and symbolism.

7. The literature of the 20th century is divided into two periods, with early representative figures such as Mayakovsky, Romain Rolland, Proust, Shaw bernard, Lawrence, Eliot, and Kafka; and later representative figures such as Faulkner, Hemingway, Heller, Sartre, Beckett, and Márquez. At the same time, pay attention to the evolution of modernism and postmodernist literary trends.

Literary theory section

Familiar with various major literary concepts at home and abroad, such as the aesthetic and non-utilitarian literary concept (including "game theory", etc.), the literary concept represented by Romantic literature that emphasizes the writer's subject and emotion (such as the "theory of fate"), the formalist literary concept (represented by Russian formalism and new criticism, etc.), and the current consensus concept of literature (including language, emotion, imagination, imagery, etc.). Can combine the current literary situation and expound their own literary interests.

Understanding the important concepts and propositions in Chinese modern and contemporary literary theory, such as "typical", "artistic conception", "literature is anthropology", etc., can combine the experience of Chinese literature to expound the historical connotation and significance of these concepts and propositions.

Be able to appreciate the artistic charm of literary language. Understand the characteristics of language art and the influence of the image age on literature in the interrelationship between language art and image art.

Master the basic characteristics of common literary genres and literary genres, and have certain discernment and analysis capabilities for emerging literary genres and literary genres.

Familiar with common literary expression techniques and be able to elaborate on the aesthetic effects of these expression techniques.

Familiarity with important viewpoints in literary creation theory (such as "genius theory" and "indignant theory") can be evaluated in conjunction with specific literary experience.

Familiarize yourself with the basic theories of receptive aesthetics, and understand important concepts such as anticipatory vision, summoning structure, and implicit readership.

Master several common literary criticism methods, such as new criticism, structuralist literary criticism, language criticism, feminist literary criticism, ecological criticism, etc., and be familiar with the main concepts and propositions of these criticism methods.

Have a relatively meticulous literary appreciation ability and a certain ability to write literary criticism.

Understand the impact of the development and changes of the literary medium on literature.

Zhengzhou University 2022 Master's Degree Entrance Examination "Literature Synthesis" Examination Outline

IV. Examination Requirements

The master's degree entrance examination subject "Literature Synthesis" is a closed-book, written examination, the examination time is 180 minutes, and the maximum score is 150 points. Be sure to write the exam paper clearly. The answer must be written on the answer sheet, and writing on the question paper is invalid.

V. Main Reference Textbooks (Bibliography)

Yuan Xingpei, ed., History of Chinese Literature (Third Edition), Higher Education Press, 2014.

Yuan Shishuo, ed., History of Chinese Literature (all three volumes), Higher Education Press, 2016.

Yuan Xingpei edited Selected Notes on Chinese Literary Works, Zhonghua Bookstore, 2007.

Zhu Weizhi et al., "History of Foreign Literature, European and American Volumes", Nankai University Edition, 2014, fifth edition.

Lu Shuyuan et al., Literary Theory, East China Normal University Press.

Qian Liqun et al., Thirty Years of Modern Chinese Literature, Peking University Press.

Compilation unit: Zhengzhou University

Date of preparation: September 2021

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