
Famous doctors are ranked first among the "four gentle and sick people", but it is difficult to treat their mothers; Xue Xue: Let me come

author:Materia Medica

In Wu County , Jiangsu ( present-day Suzhou ) , on the banks of the Shangjin Bridge , a medical center built near the river suddenly came to an uninvited guest, who did not come to see a doctor, but to see a doctor.

Famous doctors are ranked first among the "four gentle and sick people", but it is difficult to treat their mothers; Xue Xue: Let me come

Now the terrain next to the Kamizu Bridge

In the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Jiangsu can be described as a collection of famous Chinese medicine masters. During the Song and Jin Dynasties, most of the famous doctors were northerners, such as Zhang Yuanyuan, who founded the Yishui School, Liu Guansu, the founder of the Hejian School, and Li Dongyuan, who founded the Spleen and Stomach Theory, all of whom were from Hebei. By the time of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the center of medical gravity shifted to the Yangtze River Delta region. For example, Ye Tianshi, Xue Xue, Wu Yao, and Wang Mengying, who were later known as the "Four Great Gentlemen of Wen Disease", were all Jiangnan people, of which Ye, Xue, and Wu were all from Jiangsu, and what is more coincidental is that Ye and Xue lived in the same period, and the medical centers opened by them were on the banks of the Shangjin Bridge in Wu County.

Learning medicine since ancient times, there are no more than two ways: first, family traditions, such as Li Shizhen, grandfathers are Langzhong; second, the master transmission, the most people who take this path, such as Sima Qian's record of the "Taicang Gong" master is Gongsun Guang, "medical saint" Zhang Zhongjing, the master is Zhang Bozu; Li Dongyuan's master is Zhang Element...

Ye Tianshi, one of the Manchu Qing "Four Great Masters of Wen Disease", was both a family heirloom and a teacher. The Ye family has been a doctor for generations, and since he was a child, Ye Gui has been familiar with ancient books such as the "Inner Classic" and the "Difficult Classic", coupled with his own humility, he believes that as long as he is a doctor who is more intelligent than himself, he is willing to worship as a teacher; as soon as he hears that a certain doctor has expertise, he is happy to go forward, and he will return after completing his studies. From the age of twelve to eighteen, there were seventeen famous doctors he had visited, including Zhou Yangjun, Wang Zijie and other famous doctors. When he was less than thirty years old, he was already a famous doctor in the north and south.

Famous doctors are ranked first among the "four gentle and sick people", but it is difficult to treat their mothers; Xue Xue: Let me come

But who ever thought that right next to the Ye Gui Medical Center, another medical center was opened, and the consultation room was called "Leaf Sweeping Villa". Who would dare to be so brazen?

The owner of the "Leaf Sweeping Mountain Villa" is called Xue Xue, and the number is a scoop. Ben was a literati, because he did not pass the examination twice, he simply studied medicine as a profession. In the past, the intellectual circles spread the words "Show talent to learn medicine, catch chickens in cages". It is said that it is very easy for readers to change careers to langzhong. Because of studying medicine, it is inseparable from ancient books. The Treatise on Typhoid Fever, the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, the Shennong Materia Medica, and the Outline of the Golden Plateau are the classics that the healer must master. At that time, when he wanted to enter the Way of Qi Huang, the master often took out the "Treatise on Typhoid Fever" or the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" and asked him to go home and break the sentence. If the symbol can be accurately marked, it may be accepted that the apprentice will be accepted. As we all know, there is no punctuation in line-bound books, and ancient literati read the Four Books and five classics, and breaking sentences was the basic skill.

Xue Xue did not have the life of Yuanyuan, but he broke into his own fame in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. He and Ye Tianshi next door are especially good at "wen disease". Wen disease is easily compared with the "typhoid fever" founded by Zhang Zhongjing, in fact, there is no essential difference between the two, nothing more than a different understanding of the theory of infectious diseases, resulting in different treatments and prescription drugs.

During the Jin Yuan period, there was constant war and contagion. Doctors found that the treatment effect of typhoid fever was not obvious, so the famous physician Zhang Element proposed that "bad luck, ancient and modern aliens, ancient and modern new diseases, can not be able to match"; as Zhang's hometown, Liu Wansu also proposed that "fever can only be fever, can not be from cold medicine". It is nothing more than to say that the times have changed, and the treatment of diseases must also keep pace with the times.

Famous doctors are ranked first among the "four gentle and sick people", but it is difficult to treat their mothers; Xue Xue: Let me come

Zhang Element's theory has inserted wings for the development of Wen Disease. By the time of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the focus of medicine shifted to the Jiangnan area, so that the development of Wen Disease reached its peak. On the one hand, there are many epidemics in Jiangnan, and on the other hand, the social medical level in Jiangnan is very high, and it can accept new medical views. Wu County is located in the cultural center of Jiangnan, and is naturally deeply influenced by the viewpoint of "Wen Disease Science".

Since Ye Tianshi and Xue Xue learned the theory of "Wen Disease", it is generally considered to be "the same door", plus the two people practice medicine in the same place, it is inevitable to compare them with each other.

According to Yi Zongkui's "New World Theory", every time a patient visits Ye Tianshi, Ye Bi asks the patient whether he has been diagnosed by Xue Yiwan; similarly, if the patient goes to Xue Xue, Xue will also ask whether Ye Tianshi has been diagnosed. If the patient answers, no, then Ye or Xue will treat the other party; if the answer is yes, then the patient will be expelled from the medical center and will not be treated.

Over time, the two became more prejudiced. Once, when Ye Tianshi learned that a patient had recovered from seeking medical treatment from Xue Xue, he was very indignant and put up a large book list in the lobby: "Treading Snow", also known as the clinic "Stepping on the Snow Mountain Room". Xue Xue laughed and said, "What does snow sweeping have to do with me, although it is a big cleaning", so he also wrote a big book in his own clinic " Sweeping Leaf Villa".

The ensuing struggle intensified, but whenever Ye Tianshi said that it was incurable, Xue Xue tried every means to fight for treatment until the patient was cured, and Ye Tianshi dealt with Xue Xue's patients in the same way. This struggle lasted until Ye Tianshi's later years, when an old man became seriously ill.

Famous doctors are ranked first among the "four gentle and sick people", but it is difficult to treat their mothers; Xue Xue: Let me come

This old man was Ye Tianshi's mother, and Ye was a filial piety. His father had passed away when Ye was fourteen years old. The burden of the family fell on the shoulders of the young Ye Tianshi to earn a living. Ye took the initiative to follow Him to Zhu Mou's door and concentrate on studying medicine, and Zhu was originally a disciple of Ye Father.

Ye Mu was very old, and although Ye Tianshi was carefully cared for by her, her condition never improved. One day, the mother of the leaf suddenly had a high fever, and the body temperature could not be lowered for a long time. After Ye Tianshi's diagnosis, it was clear that it was Yang Ming disease, and it was necessary to reuse "White Tiger Soup", but Ye was very hesitant.

Just at this moment, an uninvited guest came in from the "Snow Mountain Room", and this person was None other than Xue Xue. He heard that Ye Mu was seriously ill and hesitated because Ye Tianshi was taking medication. So I ran over to see if I could help. You know, Xue Xue is actually a filial piety, and the main reason why he abandoned Wen to practice medicine was because his mother was seriously ill and needed to be taken care of. Although he and Ye Tianshi regarded each other as enemies, deep down in their hearts they all secretly admired each other's medical skills.

After Xue Xue's diagnosis, the conclusion reached is consistent with Ye Tianshi's diagnosis, and it is necessary to reuse "White Tiger Soup", which is one of Zhang Zhongjing's representative prescriptions in "Typhoid Fever", mainly composed of four herbs, including Zhimu, plaster, licorice, japonica rice, especially the gypsum inside, which needs to be used to a pound, the so-called "old afraid of typhoid fever, less afraid of temperature", Ye Mu is old, afraid of difficult to accept such a fierce cold medicine! Due to Xue's arrival, Ye Tianshi's determination to reuse plaster was even stronger. With the healing of Ye Mu, Ye and Xue were released from their previous suspicions and introduced as close friends.

Ye Tianshi and Xue Yiyi were both ranked among the "Four Great Gentlemen of Wen Disease", who was more skilled?

Famous doctors are ranked first among the "four gentle and sick people", but it is difficult to treat their mothers; Xue Xue: Let me come

According to the literature, Xue Xue's medical skills were slightly inferior to Ye Tianshi's, but there are also many biographies that say that the two were equally famous in the Suzhou area. If you really want to make a historical evaluation, you must start with medical ethics. Ye Tianshi was busy with medical care all day and had never written a book in his life. The "Treatise on Warmth", "Clinical Guide Medical Case", and "Ye Tianshi Medical Case" that have been handed down today are all compiled and compiled by his disciples based on the theoretical knowledge and academic experience imparted by Ye. And Xue Xue is good at playing, people's lives are closed, ask him to consult a doctor, and sometimes resign. From this point of view, Ye Tianshi's medical skills were much higher than Xue Xue's.