
Qian Zhuangfei: A legend of fighting in the "heart" of the enemy

author:Tianjin No. 2 Intermediate People's Court

Source: Central Academy of Party History and Literature

Transferred from: Gao Ming Court

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This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In order to celebrate the centenary of the party and promote court cadres and policemen to learn party history, understand ideology, do practical things, and open up a new situation, the WeChat public account of the Gaoming Court launched a column entitled "Party History Review" to review the glorious course of the Communist Party of China and strengthen their conviction to forge ahead!

Looking back on the past hundred years, from the spark of stars in Shikumen in Shanghai to the little waves in Jiaxing South Lake, our party started in the mud, developed in twists and turns, and led the people of the whole country to continuously move from victory to victory. Today, Ming Fajun takes you back to the red years and meets the pioneers of the past century.

Qian Zhuangfei: A legend of fighting in the "heart" of the enemy
Qian Zhuangfei: A legend of fighting in the "heart" of the enemy
Qian Zhuangfei: A legend of fighting in the "heart" of the enemy

Qian Zhuangfei:

Fight the legend of the "heart" of the enemy

In the center of Ruijin Yeping Square, stands a majestic red army martyrs' memorial tower. The shape of the tower is a shell fired at the enemy's position, symbolizing the revolutionary spirit of the red army martyrs who charged forward and forged ahead. The designer of this memorial tower is an important intelligence worker of our party, Qian Zhuangfei.

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Qian Zhuangfei, born in 1896, is a native of Huzhou, Zhejiang. After graduating from the Beijing Medical College in 1919, he stayed in Beijing to practice medicine and taught part-time at the Art School. Under his influence, zhang Zhenhua and Qian Zhuangfei, the younger brother of his wife Zhang Zhenhua, were early members of the Communist Party of China, and under his influence, Zhang Zhenhua and Qian Zhuangfei joined the Communist Party of China in 1925 and 1926 to carry out the party's secret work.

Qian Zhuangfei: A legend of fighting in the "heart" of the enemy

At the beginning of 1928, Qian Zhuangfei was transferred to Shanghai to work according to the organizational arrangement, and in the same year he entered the Shanghai Radio Administration Office under the Construction Committee of the Kuomintang government. The following year, in accordance with the instructions of the party, he entered the Party Affairs Investigation Section of the Organization Department of the Kuomintang Central Committee and served as the confidential secretary of Xu Enzeng, director of the Investigation Section.

Qian Zhuangfei: A legend of fighting in the "heart" of the enemy

At this time, Shanghai was shrouded in white terror. In order to grasp the enemy's activities in a timely and accurate manner and ensure the safety of the party organs and the correct launching of the revolutionary struggle, in accordance with the decision of the central authorities, Li Kenong, Qian Zhuangfei, and Hu Di, who had infiltrated the enemy's interior, set up a special party group with Li Kenong as the leader of the group and Chen Geng, chief of the intelligence section of the special branch of the central committee, in charge of contact. The three of them cooperated with each other, obtained a large amount of important information such as the Kuomintang's first and second "encirclement and suppression" orders, and the deployment of troops, and completed the task extremely well, and were known as the "Three Masters of Longtan".

Qian Zhuangfei: A legend of fighting in the "heart" of the enemy

Longtan Sanjie (from left to right): Hu Di, Li Kenong, Qian Zhuangfei

In April 1931, Gu Shunzhang, who participated in leading the work of the Central Special Branch, was arrested and defected in Wuhan. He knew a great deal about the Party's important secrets, not only knew the addresses of the central organs and leaders in Shanghai, but was also very familiar with the Party's secret work. His rebellion posed an unprecedented and greater threat to the security of the Party Central Committee.

Qian Zhuangfei: A legend of fighting in the "heart" of the enemy

Wuhan sent six special emergency secret telegrams to Xu Enzeng in a row, and Qian Zhuangfei immediately became keenly aware that something major had happened, immediately opened and translated the secret telegrams, promptly reported the intelligence of Gu Shunzhang's rebellion to the central authorities, and informed the relevant comrades to evacuate as soon as possible. Upon receiving Information from Qian Zhuangfei, Zhou Enlai, Chen Yun, and other leading comrades quickly adopted a series of emergency measures, such as destroying documents, transferring personnel, cutting off the relations that Gu Shunzhang could use, and abolishing the secret work methods that Gu Shunzhang knew, thus avoiding a major damage with extremely serious consequences.

As a result of the timely cracking of intelligence, the security of the central organs was properly protected, and our party's underground organization in Shanghai was basically preserved, but Qian Zhuangfei had been exposed. In accordance with the arrangements of the Central Committee, he was transferred to the Central Revolutionary Base Area and served as the director of the Political Protection Bureau of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission and the director of the Second Bureau of the General Staff Department, and devoted a great deal of effort to cultivating the Intelligence and Protection Work Force of the Red Army. He, Li Kenong, and other comrades used their personal experiences to enlighten comrades to realize the importance of defense work, and personally compiled teaching materials to help everyone learn culture and master various professional knowledge related to intelligence and defense work. During his time in the Central Revolutionary Base Area, Qian Zhuangfei also gave full play to his own strengths and contributed to the cultural work of the Soviet Union, and was known as the "red designer" and "Red Army drama activist" in the Soviet Area.

Qian Zhuangfei: A legend of fighting in the "heart" of the enemy

In October 1934, Qian Zhuangfei participated in the Long March with his troops. After the Zunyi Conference in 1935, he was appointed deputy secretary-general of the General Political Department of the Red Army, and died in Jinsha, Guizhou, in April of the same year at the age of 39.

Qian Zhuangfei: A legend of fighting in the "heart" of the enemy

Zhou Enlai, who has long led the work on the hidden front, once said: If it were not for Comrade Qian Zhuangfei, all of us would have died at the hands of the Kuomintang reactionaries. Comrade Qian Zhuangfei made great achievements in the struggle against the enemy, and the whole party will always commemorate him

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