
Xi Jinping in Fuzhou (14): "Comrade Jinping stressed the need to dare to be a hipster of the times"

author:Southeast Net

Comrade Jinping clearly pointed out that it is necessary to firmly seize the historical opportunity after Comrade Deng Xiaoping's speech in the south and the international situation favorable to china, speed up the pace of reform, opening up, and modernization, and lay the foundation for Fuzhou's development in the 21 st century. As he said: "We are standing at the source of creating the future, we should establish a sense of foresight, and dare to be the tidemakers of the times." ”

Interviewee: Lin Bin, born in October 1957, from Fuzhou City. In 1992, he was appointed deputy director of the General Office of Fuzhou Municipal Government. From 1997 to 2009, he served as Deputy Secretary-General of Fuzhou Municipal Government and Secretary of Changle Municipal Party Committee. In 2015, he was appointed as the general manager of Fujian Strait Publishing and Distribution Group Co., Ltd.

Interview Group: Comrade Lin Bin, hello! During your work in Fuzhou City, you worked under the direct leadership of Comrade Xi Jinping, please talk about your impressions of him.

Lin Bin: In the 1990s, I used to work under the leadership of Comrade Jinping. After the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a friend asked me when chatting with me: "You have been in contact with President Xi for so long, what is your impression of him?" Before, you didn't talk about it, but now that he's the president of the country, you can always talk about it. ”

I said, "Long or short?" ”

The friend said, "What do you mean by short talk?" ”

I said: "Short words, my impression of him can be summarized in 8 words - civilian feelings, leadership temperament." I'll just say so much, you have to experience it for yourself. ”

The friend said: "Old Lin, selling Guanzi is not OK, although it is a short statement, you also have to expand ah, in the end what is the connotation of these 8 words?" ”

I said, "Okay. Let's start with civilian sentiments. Comrade Jinping's civilian sentiments were realized in the 'cliff' style: he went from the 'residence' of the vice premier of the State Council to the black cave dwellings of the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi, and lived the most arduous life; at once, he went from a high-ranking cadre to a general qingqing and a peasant with his back to the sky. In the face of this contrast of worlds apart, Comrade Jinping did not abandon himself and be pessimistic and desperate, but worked hard to adapt to the harsh environment, shared weal and woe with the peasants, and took a solid first step toward society. In the 7 years of going to the mountains and going to the countryside, Comrade Jinping has tempered his spirit and will, felt the suffering of the grass-roots people, and forged a broad and broad civilian feeling. Therefore, today we see that his demeanor in communicating with the common people is heartfelt, and it is the kind of care that naturally flows out. After the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he proposed that "the people's yearning for a better life is our goal of struggle." I believe that this is his heartfelt words, the concentrated embodiment of his civilian feelings. ”

The friend said, "So, what about his leadership temperament?" ”

I said, "Comrade Jinping's leadership temperament is revealed in his bones. He speaks calmly and philosophically, his language is plain, but he can penetrate the hearts of the people; he walks in the lobby, with a calm and unspoken style. Whether it is riding a royal carriage with the Queen of England or talking with US President Barack Obama and Trump, his aura is enough to hold the field and hold the line. This kind of leadership temperament of his, derived from his civilian feelings, is premised on his rich ruling experience and strong self-confidence, and is a natural externalization of long-term accumulation and precipitation. Civilian sentiment and leadership temperament, like two sides of a coin, are harmoniously unified in Comrade Jinping. ”

The friend said, "Old Lin, you spoke very well. However, these impressions of President Xi are also felt by people we have not worked with! We also know about his experiences. Therefore, your 'short talk' does not sound too addictive, you still have to 'say it long'. ”

I said, "That's fine. Judging from my experience working with him, Comrade Jinping has the 'five realities' in him, and these 'five realities' determine that he can achieve such great achievements today. ”

"The first is simplicity. He is a man who has suffered greatly. Suddenly falling from a relatively superior life to the hardest life, from adapting to adapting, from not understanding to understanding, this process changed him. Like the peasants, he planted spring and autumn harvests in the yellow land, and like the poorest masses, he 'shaved food in the soil'. Therefore, he understands the real countryside, understands what is the suffering of the people, understands what the people desire most, and in the final analysis, he knows what is 'reality'. ”

"The second is solid. He started step by step from the grassroots. He served as a zhiqing and as the secretary of the party branch of the brigade, and tried his best to feed and warm the people of the whole village; he served as a staff member in the general office of the Central Military Commission, serving leading comrades and doing specific work; after that, he served as deputy secretary of the county party committee, secretary of the county party committee, vice mayor, secretary of the prefectural party committee, secretary of the municipal party committee, deputy secretary of the provincial party committee, provincial governor, provincial party secretary, and secretary of the provincial party committee, all the way to the central authorities, and finally became the general secretary of the whole party. He started step by step from the countryside and from the grassroots level step by step, and walked in a down-to-earth manner at every step. ”

"The third is thick. This mainly refers to his deep cultural heritage. This is obtained through extensive reading, through continuous hard work. Comrade Jinping loves to read and love to study, which everyone knows. During my work in Fuzhou, one weekend, I went to send materials to Comrade Jinping, and after a few small talks, I talked about reading and studying. I asked him, 'What books did you read when you were in Yan'an?' He said, 'I told you what books I had read, do you believe me?' I said, 'I believe. He said, 'I've memorized the Xinhua Dictionary.' When I heard it, I was taken aback. Comrade Jinping's cultural heritage is not only accumulated through extensive reading, but also through hard work and diligent study. A fifteen or sixteen-year-old teenager, on the Loess Plateau, recited the thick "Xinhua Dictionary" page by page, in order to read and understand Chinese characters, and then he could better understand the vast Chinese culture. Today, when we look at Comrade Jinping's dictionary, it can be said that it is handy, casually out of mouth, and used just right, neither a showmanship, nor a 'book bag'. This is all based on his knowledge of Chinese culture. ”

"The fourth is to be down-to-earth. Comrade Jinping is very far-sighted, and his foresight lies in the fact that he has a long-term plan and does not covet temporary achievements. His purpose is to serve the official and benefit one party, not to work in this place for a few years, to work hard, to pursue his own 'political achievements' and "outstanding achievements", and to accumulate 'political capital' for himself. Therefore, whether he works in Fuzhou or in the province, he works in a down-to-earth manner, which has laid a solid foundation for long-term development. ”

"The fifth is plain. This feature, in response to his name. He has said more than once, 'I am the son of the yellow earth'. The party's mass line education and practice activities carried out after he became general secretary and the special education on "three strictnesses and three realities" among leading cadres at and above the county and department level fully reflect his plain side. ”

After listening to these "five realities", my friend exclaimed, "Old Lin, you summed it up well." I said, "It's not that I summed it up well, it's that Comrade Jinping did it well." If he hadn't done it, I wouldn't have been able to sum it up. ”

Interview Group: You have been working in the General Office of the Fuzhou Municipal Government for a long time, and you know Comrade Xi Jinping's administrative philosophy in Fuzhou at that time.

Lin Bin: Comrade Jinping went to Fuzhou to work in April 1990. I have worked under his direct leadership for 6 years and have had the privilege of getting a close look at his charisma and governance. Some of his decisions, demeanor and moral integrity at that time are unforgettable.

The first is the development concept of "3820". I remember that in the early 90s of last century, there was a development trend of hundreds of boats competing for the current and thousands of sails competing for development across the country. As one of the first 14 coastal open cities in the country, how to seize the historical opportunity to achieve better and faster development has become a common concern of the whole city. In 1992, Comrade Jinping initiated and presided over the compilation of the "20-year Economic and Social Development Strategy Of Fuzhou City", and scientifically planned the strategic objectives, steps, layout and priorities of Fuzhou's economic and social development in 3, 8 and 20 years. Later, we referred to this strategic vision as the "3820" project. The introduction of the "3820" project has undergone in-depth investigation, extensive discussion and repeated demonstration, not only has a precise grasp of the trend of the times, a precise positioning of Fuzhou's development, but also a meticulous deployment and precise promotion of the specific promotion of the work, which is extremely operable, and soon won the general recognition of Fuzhou cadres and the masses and the extensive participation of all sectors of society, and this grand blueprint has now become a reality.

The second is the strategic layout of "going from the river to the sea." The Classic of Mountains and Seas says that "Fujian is in the sea", which means that Fujian was an area of sea immersion in ancient times. Fuzhou is a port city born with the sea, prosperous because of the sea, and prosperous from the sea. After Working in Fujian, Comrade Jinping went from Xiamen to Ningde to Fuzhou and had a special love for Jianghai. He once pointed out very clearly that Fuzhou's urban development should "go east to the south, along the river to the sea." I still remember a sentence he said at the seminar on the construction of "Fuzhou on the Sea": "Fuzhou's advantage lies in the jianghai, The way out of Fuzhou lies in the jianghai, the hope of Fuzhou lies in the jianghai, and the development of Fuzhou also lies in the jianghai." ”

The third is the ecological concept of harmonious development. Comrade Jinping is very familiar with the landscapes and rivers of Fuzhou and even Fujian, so his grasp of ecological Fujian is very accurate and profound. During his work in Fuzhou and even in the province, he attaches great importance to urban and rural greening, water and soil governance, environmental protection and other work, and often uses the countryside and weekends to take the staff around him to the urban and rural areas for on-site research and guidance, and many details I still remember vividly. A series of ecological concepts such as "green project" and "ecological province" put forward by him are still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people today.

The fourth is the work style of "doing it immediately." I remember very clearly the four words that Comrade Jinping emphasized in improving work efficiency and improving work style, "do it immediately", which became a popular phrase in Fuzhou at that time. Today, in the compound of the Fuzhou Municipal CPC Committee, the four characters of "do it immediately" are still very conspicuous, always reminding party members and leading cadres to pay attention to efficiency, and the "Ma Zhen Spirit" ("Ma Zhen" (the acronym of "Ma Zhen" that is, "do it immediately and really do solid work") has become an image expression of the work style of party and government organs in the new period.

Fifth, the political criterion that "fish and bear paws cannot have both." I often hear Comrade Jinping's demands on cadres to be honest and honest in government in meetings, research, and daily life. He said: "When officials get rich, leading cadres have opened the door to career development and personal progress, and they must close the window for individuals and their families to do business and get rich. Sugar cane cannot be sweet at both ends. He demanded that party members and cadres, including the staff around them, must always keep in mind the truth that "fish and bear paws cannot have both", truly achieve "gentlemen's friendship is as light as water", and can stabilize their minds, control their hands, resist temptation, and withstand tests under any circumstances. This request is not only told to others, but also consistently practiced by himself.

Interview Group: Please talk specifically about the drafting process of the "3820" project.

Lin Bin: The "3820" project is a grand trans-century project formulated by Fuzhou at the turn of the century, under the guidance of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's southern speech and the spirit of the Fourteenth National Congress of the Party. The chief engineer of this project was Comrade Jinping, who was then the secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal CPC Committee.

At the beginning of 1992, after Comrade Deng Xiaoping delivered the southern speech, Comrade Jinping was keenly aware of the major policy signals released by this speech for the first time, and immediately proposed at the Fuzhou City Party Congress held in May of that year that "we must speed up the pace of economic construction, achieve a new level every 3 to 5 years, change as soon as possible the situation that we are in the 'back row' in the South China Sea area of Hong Kong, Macao, Guangdong, Fujian, and Taiwan, and study what level of development Fuzhou City will reach in 20 years." To this end, he personally served as the general guide and set up a special research group to carry out research on development strategy. Since then, after more than half a year of investigation and research, in-depth analysis, repeated argumentation, extensive solicitation of opinions, and discussion by the whole people, it can be said that "10,000 people answered the questionnaire, 1,000 people investigated, 100 people demonstrated, and ten drafts were changed", and finally completed the "Fuzhou 20-year Economic and Social Development Strategy Vision" (hereinafter referred to as the "Strategic Vision"). This "Strategic Vision" was revised and improved in a timely manner in accordance with the spirit of the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and finally deliberated and adopted at the Sixth Plenary (Expanded) Meeting of the Sixth Municipal Party Committee held in November of that year.

The "Strategic Vision" is divided into five parts, namely "Development Foundation and Conditions", "Strategic Ideas and Objectives", "Strategic Steps", "Strategic Layout" and "Strategic Priorities and Measures". The core is: 3 years, 8 years, 20 years as the time node, divided into "three steps". The first step: to use 3 years (1992-1995) to make the economy rise to a large level, the main indicators doubled on the basis of 1990, and achieve the level of moderate prosperity ahead of schedule; the second step: use 8 years (1992-2000) to make the main indicators such as the per capita level of the city's urban and rural areas reach the development level of domestic advanced cities; the third step: use 20 years (1990-2010) to reach or close to the average development level of moderately developed countries or regions in Asia at that time. In addition, there is also a strategic goal - to build Fuzhou into a modern international metropolis; a strategic layout - to develop and form the Golden Triangle Economic Circle at the mouth of the Minjiang River.

Interview Group: What are the characteristics of the strategic planning of the "3820" project?

Lin Bin: After more than 20 years of practice and testing, I understand that the "3820" project has several distinctive characteristics, which I boil down to "four embodiments".

First, it embodies an accurate grasp of the trend of the times. Focusing on the new situation, new opportunities, and the new century, Comrade Jinping clearly pointed out that we should firmly seize the historical opportunity after Comrade Deng Xiaoping's speech in the south and the international situation favorable to china, benchmark advanced cities in China and moderately developed countries or regions in Asia, speed up the pace of reform, opening up, and modernization, and lay the foundation for Fuzhou's development in the 21 st century. This is just as Comrade Jinping said in the preface to the "Strategic Vision": "We are standing at the source of creating the future, we should establish a sense of advancement, and dare to be the tidemakers of the times." ”

Second, it embodies a far-sighted vision of the overall strategic situation. Comrade Jinping has repeatedly stressed that in formulating a strategic layout, we must have a world vision and strategic thinking. He said that the experience and lessons of history tell us that the construction of a place, if there is no long-term plan, often leads to serious mistakes in construction, and even leaves permanent regrets. Therefore, in the process of making great strides toward the new century, Fuzhou must first have a long-term strategic idea based on science and being realistic, so that Fuzhou's cause of reform and opening up can compose the most magnificent movement. "Strategic Vision" reflects his strategic thinking and broad vision throughout. From the macro level, the strategic objectives, steps, and layout formulated in that year have been achieved as scheduled, and are basically in line with the development trend of Fuzhou at the current stage; from the micro level, for example, the Mawei Free Trade Zone proposed in the strategic priorities and measures to build a free trade zone that meets international standards, promote cross-strait two-way exchanges, and direct "three links" have also become a reality.

The third is to reflect the accurate positioning of their own situation. The "Strategic Vision" analyzes the basis and conditions for Fuzhou's development, sees both its own advantages and shortcomings, and greatly enhances the pertinence and operability of strategic measures. For example, the "Strategic Vision" clearly pointed out that the biggest constraint to Fuzhou's development is that the infrastructure is lagging behind, the leading industries and pillar industries are not prominent, etc., so it has taken strong measures to "pay close attention to infrastructure construction, and become adaptive in 3 years and moderately advanced in 8 years". All these fully reflect the precise thinking that Comrade Jinping has always emphasized.

Fourth, it embodies the systematic overall planning for promoting development. The "Strategic Vision" focuses on comprehensive and coordinated sustainable development, that is, the common development of urban areas and counties and townships, coastal areas and mountainous areas, the coordinated development of the three major industries, the coordinated development of economy and society, and the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization.

Interview Group: What did the "3820" project leave for Fujian? What kind of impact will it bring to Fujian in the future?

Lin Bin: It is precisely thanks to Comrade Jinping's ability to judge the hour and size up the situation, be far-sighted, seek truth from facts, and be down-to-earth, that the main development indicators of the "3820" project have been realized as scheduled, and the strategic layout of the Golden Triangle Economic Circle at the mouth of the Minjiang River has basically taken shape, and it will also have a far-reaching impact on Fuzhou's future development. I think that the "3820" project, which was personally promoted and led by Comrade Jinping, has left us with valuable spiritual wealth and has had a far-reaching historical impact.

First of all, let's talk about spiritual wealth, I think there are three main aspects. The first is the "Ma Zhen Spirit". After years of inheritance and promotion, the spirit of "doing it immediately and really doing solid work" has become a common practice in Rongcheng. At present, in Fuzhou, the vast number of cadres and officials are full of vigor and spirit, the atmosphere of the whole city competing for development and catching up with and surpassing is getting stronger and stronger, and the efficiency and level of administrative services are also getting higher and higher. For example, 30% of the approval matters of the Municipal Administrative Service Center are timed in hours, and 70% of the services of the Citizen Service Center are timed in minutes. The second is the concept of "success does not have to be in me". A blueprint, drawing a 20-year development plan, shows Comrade Jinping's realm of "success does not have to be in me" and the practical style of "not greedy for temporary achievements, not seeking a temporary name", as well as the concept of "political dignity and perseverance" that he has always emphasized. Successive teams in Fuzhou have paid great attention to adhering to the stability and continuity of the policy, insisted on drawing a blueprint to the end, and are still continuing to follow and implement the urban development strategy of building "Fuzhou on the sea" and "moving east to the south" that he proposed in Fuzhou that year. The third is a scientific way of thinking. This is reflected in Comrade Jinping's consistent systematic, strategic and precise thinking in the preparation of the "3820" project. Successive municipal party committees and municipal government teams in Fuzhou have always adhered to these scientific thinking methods, focusing on the problems of concern of the people and the shortcomings in economic and social development, forming ideas through subject research and then transforming them into projects, and then unremittingly grasping implementation.

Let's talk about the determination of Fujian's long-term development direction. After 25 years of development, the strategic layout of the Minjiangkou Golden Triangle Economic Circle has taken shape and become clearer. Practice has proved that the strategic concept of more than 20 years ago was in line with the law of development. At present, the construction of state-level new areas, urban development plans and industrial layout in Fuzhou are constantly being carried out and promoted in accordance with the requirements of the construction of the Golden Triangle Economic Circle at the mouth of the Minjiang River envisaged in that year. This means that it still determines the direction of Fuzhou's future development.

Finally, let's talk about the solid foundation laid for the development of Fuzhou. The first is the industrial base. Major projects such as Guanjie Electronics, Guanwang Chemical Fiber, Southeast Automobile, and Nanfang Aluminum introduced in that year are still the leading enterprises in Fuzhou, driving the formation of a number of key leading industrial clusters such as electronic information, machinery manufacturing, metallurgy and chemical industry. The second is infrastructure. A number of major infrastructure facilities such as an airport (Fuzhou Changle International Airport), two highways (Fuzhou-Xiamen Expressway and Airport Expressway), and a port (Fuzhou Port) have been built, which has greatly enhanced the carrying capacity of the city. The third is platform support. A number of state-level parks such as Fuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone and Bonded Port Area have been cultivated and expanded, and now they have been upgraded to a national-level Internet of Things industrial base, a pilot free trade zone, a southeast big data industrial park, etc., which have become an important support and growth point for Fuzhou's further development, accumulating strong potential energy for future development.

Interview Group: After formulating the "3820" project, how did Comrade Xi Jinping grasp the implementation and gradually transform the grand idea into reality?

Lin Bin: After the deliberation and approval of the "3820" project, at the municipal party committee work conference held in early 1993, Comrade Jinping stressed: "After our goals, tasks and major policies have been clarified, vigorously grasping implementation should become an important focus of future work." "I recalled the process of Comrade Jinping's promotion of the implementation and implementation of the project in those years, and I felt that there were several characteristics.

The first is to take the lead in setting an example and doing it yourself. Comrade Jinping said that to grasp implementation, we must take the lead and face difficulties. Wherever there are many difficulties in work and where there are great problems in any link, leading cadres must go to help and find solutions to problems. For example, Comrade Jinping visited the countries and regions where overseas Chinese businessmen gathered in Fuzhou many times that year, and personally docked and coordinated a number of major projects such as Guanjie Electronics and Southeast Automobile. With his support and help, these large enterprises have taken root and thrived in Fuzhou. For another example, to grasp the work of people's livelihood, he threw himself down to the front line to observe the suffering of the masses. What impressed me most was that he boarded the "Lianjia Boat" on the minjiang river, bent down and drilled into the low cabin, and immediately after landing, held an on-site office meeting and demanded that practical measures be taken quickly to solve the problem. Ten months later, 104 boat people's families ended their lives of "no tiles on the top and no land on the bottom" and moved into new homes.

The second is to "do it immediately and really do it." In May 1990, comrade Jinping had just been serving as secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal CPC Committee for 9 days, and when inspecting the camp of a certain division of the Nanjing Military Region, he first proposed to "do it immediately." Comrade Jinping has personally practiced this point, repeatedly advocated it, always grasped it unremittingly, and did what he said. On January 14, 1991, the Fuzhou Evening News published a message - "We also need a "Guide to Citizens' Work", Comrade Jinping saw it, immediately made a plan, and gave feedback to the masses at the first time, which took only 50 hours before and after. And so on, too many to count. To this day, there are still stories circulating in Mawei that Comrade Jinping "drafted a document at noon" and "completed the factory procedures in two days", and the work efficiency was amazing. In the 6 years that he was in charge of Fuzhou, the connotation of "doing it immediately" was constantly enriched, and the efficiency of the organs was significantly improved. That is to say, in these 6 years, Fuzhou has made rapid progress with an average annual economic growth rate of more than 20%, quickly ranked among the forefront of large and medium-sized cities in the country, and become a banner of reform and opening up in the southeast region.

The third is to plot and then move, dripping water through the stone. After the "Strategic Vision" was determined, the Municipal Party Committee suggested that the Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal Government hold relevant meetings to revise Fuzhou's "Eighth Five-Year Plan" and ten-year plan; 13 counties (cities, districts) and departments such as structural reform, science and technology, urban construction, urban management, and foreign economic development should also adjust their respective development plans, so that the entire plan can be decomposed layer by layer, truly implemented, and there are goals, supervision, and inspection. At the same time, according to the decision-making and deployment of the central government in each period and combined with the actual conditions of Fuzhou, the municipal party committee and the municipal government release the city's work ideas for that year every year, so that the "3820" project can be smoothly implemented in the established direction. Comrade Jinping also demanded that the whole city should have a kind of tenacity to "drip through the stones and build the soil into a platform." He stressed: "Of course, some problems cannot be solved at once, but as long as we implement one thing and one thing, we will make progress day by day, grow month by month, work for a long time, and continue to achieve results." Comrade Jinping led the cadres and masses to work hard and work hard, and insisted that Qingshan would not relax and would not give up until he reached his goal. It is precisely by virtue of this tenacity that his reign has become the period when Fuzhou's comprehensive strength has grown the fastest, the appearance of urban and rural areas has changed the most, and the people have received the most benefits.

The fourth is to be bold and innovative, and dare to be the first. In terms of expanding opening up, in the face of the difficulty of breaking the situation in attracting business, Comrade Jinping repeatedly mentioned: "We must not always emphasize that the conditions are too poor, the preferential treatment is too small, the historical burden is too heavy, the personnel relationship is too complicated, and so on. In October 1994, he opened the battlefield at the mouth of the Minjiang River and personally created the "Fuzhou International Investment Promotion Month" activity, which was held for consecutive years and later developed into the national "5.18" cross-strait economic and trade fair. Comrade Jinping also proposed that the soft environment should go first, and good policies and good services should be used to attract merchants. Since then, many service mechanisms such as the "first question responsibility system", "time-limited completion system" and "whole-process agency system" have been continuously introduced and adhered to to this day. Through the government's establishment of a platform, the soft environment was optimized, and overseas Chinese, Taiwanese and foreign capital flocked to Fuzhou, making Fuzhou one of the most successful cities in China at that time to introduce large customers and develop large projects. In terms of deepening reform, in the early 1990s, foreign-funded enterprises rushed in, private enterprises flourished, and state-owned enterprises struggled. However, when selecting the first batch of pilot enterprises for joint-stock reform, no one dared to try or was willing to try. After the problem was reported to the municipal party committee, Comrade Jinping personally made a decision to "test the waters" by the Construction General Administration of the Development Zone (that is, the Construction Corporation of the Fuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone). Since then, the restructuring and listing work of the Development Zone Construction Corporation has entered the fast lane, and in 1996, it was successfully listed and traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

Generally speaking, during Comrade Jinping's administration in Fuzhou, the core was to advocate and practice the style of "doing it immediately", personally practice it, lead the way, closely promote the implementation of the work, and vigorously grasp the construction of work style, so that everyone could continue to do it one stubble after another, until the beautiful blueprint of the "3820" project became a reality on the land of Fuzhou.

Interview Group: Changle is the closest city to the sea in Fuzhou, you later came to Changle to work, as the secretary of the municipal party committee for 7 and a half years, how did you understand and practice the idea of "going east to the south, along the river to the sea" put forward by Comrade Xi Jinping at that time?

Lin Bin: Fuzhou is an important birthplace of the "Maritime Silk Road", and Changle is an important berth and material supply place for Zheng He's seven voyages to the West.

During the reign of Comrade Jinping in Charge of Fuzhou, based on his profound insight into the pattern and trend of world economic development, he proposed the development strategy of building "Fuzhou on the Sea" in response to the comprehensive implementation of the "3820" project.

Standing at a new historical starting point and looking back, Comrade Jinping's proposal of "moving east to south and along the river to the sea" put forward by Comrade Jinping is not only an inevitable trend of economic development, but also an important way to cultivate new growth points, and it is also a strategic concept with far-sighted vision. After he became the general secretary of the party, he put forward the "Belt and Road" initiative in a grander historical and geographical context, placing the construction of "Fuzhou on the Sea" under a broader framework, so that its implementation significance is greater, the space for development is greater, the future role is greater, and the benefits of the drive are greater.

After I went to Changle as secretary of the municipal party committee, I believed that Changle had a special geographical location and innate resource endowments, and should become an important node city for practicing Comrade Jinping's development strategy of "moving east to south, along the river to the sea". In order to elevate this understanding to a rational height, so that in future administration, we can better echo Comrade Jinping's advocacy in those years and implement the "eastward march to the south, along the river to the sea" more quickly, as soon as I took office, I organized the "Watching Changle on the Sea" activity for the party and government leading cadres of Changle City, and the four sets of leading bodies in Changle City, the party and government leaders of townships and towns, and the principal responsible persons of important sections and bureaus directly under the municipal government all participated in this activity, and the results were very good. Many cadres lament that they have been working and living in Changle for a long time, but they do not know that Changle has such a good endowment of marine resources and such a broad space for the development of the marine economy. As a result, the party members and cadres of Changle City have strengthened their confidence in developing the marine economy, building a coastal city, and undertaking the development of Fuzhou, and enhanced the development awareness of "marching to the sea".

During my work in Changle, I always paid attention to comrade Jinping's strategic concept of building "Fuzhou on the Sea" closely integrated with Changle's special location advantages and basic conditions, and made great efforts to plan and build the Minjiangkou Industrial Concentration Zone around the Minjiangkou Inner Port Area, the planning and construction of the Binhai Industrial Zone in the Panasonic Deepwater Port Area, the construction of the Airport Industrial Concentration Zone around the Airport Port, and the rapid development of textile, metallurgical and other marine-type industries with large inflows and outs in accordance with the development mode of "product-industry-industrial chain-industrial cluster-industrial base". Make Changle's due contribution to Fuzhou's bigger and stronger marine economy.

At that time, Comrade Jinping had a big concept of "going east to south" in Fuzhou's urban development strategy. The so-called eastward expansion is to expand to Changle, cross the Minjiang River and Wulong River into the coast of the East China Sea, and become a veritable coastal city. I believe that this is not only the general trend of Fuzhou's development, but also a rare opportunity for the development of Changle. After a period of research and planning, I proposed to the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Fuzhou Municipal Government the idea of building a "Coastal Eco-City", planning to reserve sufficient development space in the "Golden Triangle" area of Changle Zhanggang, Wenwusha and Heshang, to undertake some functions of Fuzhou City in the early stage, so as to drive the comprehensive construction of the Coastal Eco-City as the core. The idea of linkage development.

Interview Group: "Ecological Fujian" is a strategic goal proposed by Comrade Xi Jinping when he was the governor of Fujian Province. As the window of the provincial capital city, how do you understand and practice the "ecological Fujian" strategy?

Lin Bin: Changle has unique river and sea scenery and ecological charm. In terms of ecological protection and ecological construction, Changle not only has the thousand-year-old memory of the Xianying Palace being buried by the wind and sand, but also the vivid practice of the people of the county in the 1960s to fight the wind and sand and build a 100-mile coastal shelter forest. I remember that soon after I took up my post in Changle, Comrade Jinping, who was then the governor of Fujian Province, clearly put forward the goal and requirement of "building Fujian Province into an ecological province." He paid great attention to the ecological construction of Changle and put forward many specific requirements. At that time, based on the unique advantages of Changle's "blue sky, blue sea and golden beach", and in accordance with the idea of "exposing the sea, greening the ground, and making the scenery beautiful", we put forward the concept of building a coastal ecological city with perfect infrastructure, scientific regional layout, beautiful ecological environment and reasonable industrial structure.

In the process of practicing comrade Jinping's "ecological Fujian" construction, we mainly set off a "green revolution" throughout the city through the combination of "points, lines and surfaces", and focused on building Changle into a "green pearl" on the west bank of the strait.

Embodied in the "point", it is to take the surrounding area of the airport, the sea mussel reserve, the Wetland of the Minjiang River Estuary, Dong Fengshan, etc. as important nodes, and strive to do a good job in environmental greening, afforestation, protective forest belts and beaches, water quality, and shoreline protection. These measures not only create a good ecological environment for the airport, but also lay a good foundation for the construction of the Minjiang River Estuary National Wetland Park and dongfengshan National Forest Park in the later stage.

Embodied in the "line", it is to build a total length of 25.5 kilometers of the Xiazhang line "green channel project" as the focus, in a short period of time the green area of 585,000 square meters, successfully completed the work requirements of Comrade Jinping beautification of the main channel of Changle International Airport. On this basis, we have pressurized ourselves and simultaneously promoted the comprehensive greening of the main traffic roads such as the Fubei Line, the Nishizawa Line, and the Lianggang Line.

Embodied in the "surface", it is to put forward the goal of "letting the forest enter the city and letting the city melt into the forest", and actively creating a green living environment. Through the "green mountain hanging white" rectification, coastal shelterbelt belt restoration, ecological park construction, etc., in the past few years, the city has built and reconstructed more than 30 ecological gardens and rural landscapes such as Nanshan Park, Forest Park, Jingang Leg Park, Zhenghe Square, etc., providing a better ecological environment for Changle's economic development and the masses' work and life, and Changle has thus become a national greening model city, garden city and eco-city.

I left Changle in July 2009. After so many years, I still remember these works in Changle to practice the construction of "ecological Fujian". These practices not only left a valuable ecological wealth for Changle, but also made us deeply feel that "Jinshan Yinshan" and "Green Water and Green Mountains" are not opposites. We deeply realize that with "green water and green mountains", "golden mountains and silver mountains" will not be far away.

(Reprinted from Learning Times, January 10, 2020)

Source: Fujian Daily