
Novel: I have to let her fall into disrepute this time

author:Blue read

Lilac's plan was strangled in the cradle by Su Yuan, when my mother was leaving, she told me to treat Su Yuan well and strive to marry home as soon as possible, when I revealed this news to Su Yuan, she looked shy, but her mouth said that marrying no one would marry me this flower ghost.

Su Jin also came back, because of the movie theater incident, she ignored me, and at night she lived in Su Yuan's bedroom, which is all reasonable, I also understand, but wonder what Su Jin really wants?

Before my parents came, she had been living with me, it was reasonable to say that she was my girlfriend, but what she did had been showing was to tie Su Yuan to me, and letting Su Yuan see my parents instead of her was a good proof, I wanted to find an opportunity to ask her what she really thought, but as soon as I talked to her, she put on a stinky face, so that I had to ask Su Yuan, but Su Yuan also said that she could not understand her.

Ding Xiang later asked me about Su Jin's complaint, and I was unfortunate enough to tell her that Su Yuan had seen through her plot and calmed Su Jin down in time, so my parents still didn't know her big beauty, Ding Xiang was very frustrated and sighed, but immediately she was a scrappy look, saying that Su Yuan was worthy of her opponent.

The matter of the second daughter's husband came to an end for the time being, and then I put all my thoughts on Sun Qian, but unfortunately she did not have to go to work from nine to five, her whereabouts were difficult to grasp, and I had no chance to kidnap her by my own words, and if I treated her in the way of a person, it would be too cheap for her, and I had to let her be discredited this time.

The plan to retaliate against Sun Qian has not yet been formulated, but Xiao Qiao has an accident.

That night when I came home from Lilac it was more than eleven o'clock, suddenly received a call for help from Little Joe, she went to a party, but was temporarily told to play a game of excitement, remembering the tragedy of the last time Xuanxuan, she immediately objected, and asked to leave, but the other party did not agree, helpless, she had to hide in the toilet to ask me for help.

To tell the truth, little Joe is not very important in my heart, I rarely contact her, the last time I met or duoduo fever hospitalization, but I heard her crying on the phone is very helpless, I am also anxious, encounter this kind of thing should call the police, what is the use of calling me, do you still want me to go to the knife will rescue her?

"Don't worry, call the police first, they have restricted your freedom in life, I just went alone and can't take you away!"

"The police don't work, I listen to those people chatting at all not afraid of the police, it seems that one is the son of the public security bureau chief, he also bragged that he almost gave a host of the financial channel last time, after the incident, the woman did not dare to speak up, I was afraid that after calling the police, I was tortured more severely by them."

As soon as Xiao Qiao said the female host, I immediately thought of Shen Ning in my mind, comforted her not to worry, and asked me to make a phone call first.

After Shen Ning's phone rang, I went straight to the point.

"Sister Ning, the time we met, you said that you were drugged, and then the investigation was clear?"

"No, there is no camera installed in the box, the light is so dark, I don't know who did it, what's wrong?"

"Who were all the people who were there?"

"They are all rich and powerful brothers, as well as our station director, and a few people who don't know, what are you going to say, do you know anything?"

"I'm not sure, I just listened to a friend said, our city public security bureau chief's son drank too much to brag to others, last time almost got a female host of a financial channel, I will call you to say it."

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