
Build a compulsory seed base to ensure the supply of good seeds

author:China Jilin Net

Participants observed modern corn seed making technology and facilities and equipment such as automated green prevention and control, water and fertilizer integration, corn de-male unmanned aerial vehicles, and intelligent irrigation systems.

The seed production base is the basis for ensuring the supply of good seeds. To fight the battle of turning the seed industry around, the seed base is the key battlefield.

This year, in order to implement the important deployment of the central government to fight the battle of turning the seed industry around and accelerate the improvement of the level of seed base construction, the central finance has further increased the support of large counties in seed production, increasing the support funds from 1 billion yuan to 2 billion yuan, and optimizing and adjusting the implementation of the reward policy for large counties in seed production. A few days ago, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the "Notice on Optimizing and Adjusting the Implementation of the Reward Policy for Large Counties with Seed Production", which innovatively proposed the implementation mode of joint construction between advantageous bases and leading enterprises, shifted the focus of work to improving the modernization level of the industrial chain of the base, and promoted the transformation and upgrading of the development of the seed industry.

In order to promote the implementation of the incentive policy, on June 25-26, the Department of Seed Industry Management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs held a meeting to promote the implementation of the national seed industry reward policy in Zhangye, Gansu Province, and the relevant responsible persons of the Seed Industry Management Department and the Planning and Finance Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the heads of the seed industry departments and planning and finance offices of relevant provinces, as well as representatives of some large seed production counties and seed industry enterprises attended the meeting on the spot, and the relevant responsible persons of 51 large seed production counties attended the meeting online.

The meeting systematically interpreted the policy adjustment direction, the specification of the use of funds, and the preparation of the development plan of the large county of seed production; The responsible persons of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Gansu and Sichuan, the heads of Fujian Jianning, Ningxia Qingtongxia, Heilongjiang Wudalianchi and other large seed-making counties, and the relevant responsible persons of Longping Hi-Tech made typical speeches as representatives of "county-enterprise cooperation and co-construction"; Fujian Jianning, Gansu Ganzhou, Guizhou Cengong and other 9 key seed-making counties and jointly built leading enterprises to carry out on-site signing ceremony. Before the meeting, the participants observed the construction of the seed testing center of the Zhangye National Seed Base and the corn seed base in Ganzhou District and Linze County.

Since the implementation of the incentive policy for large counties in 2015, the scope of support has covered 7 major crop fields such as corn, rice, rapeseed and soybeans, which has effectively improved China's seed supply guarantee capacity. In the past 6 years, it has supported a total of 3.4 billion yuan and implemented 280 counties.

"In the past 6 years, the incentive policy for large counties in seed production has become a powerful measure to consolidate the foundation for the development of the seed industry and improve seed production capacity, providing a guarantee for China's food security and the effective supply of major agricultural products." Xie Yan, second-level inspector of the Department of Seed Industry Management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, pointed out that the reward and promotion base of the large county for seed production and processing, scientific research and breeding, display and demonstration, and achievement transformation into one of the large platforms, the annual production of seeds in the large county meets more than 70% of the main grain crops such as rice, wheat, corn, and soybeans in the country, of which the supply of corn and hybrid rice accounts for 85% and 75% of the country, respectively, and promotes the creation of "Zhangye corn", "Jianning rice", "Jiuquan vegetables", "Zhangbei potatoes" and other landmark seed brands. A total of 1,418 seed-making villages, 199,000 peasant households, and 995,000 farmers have been driven out of poverty in the industry, providing strong support for the realization of "seventeen consecutive years of grain production" and the poverty alleviation of farmers.

"In 2021, in order to implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee on fighting the battle of turning the seed industry around, the policy has been optimized and adjusted, mainly in five aspects." Huang Binghai, director of the Agricultural Subsidy Division of the Planning and Finance Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, pointed out that in terms of policy objectives, while increasing support for bases, it is necessary to highlight support for leading enterprises. In terms of support methods, we will actively promote the cooperation and co-construction of base enterprises. In terms of support content, we will further extend and expand, and increase the support for the breeding and breeding links of enterprises, the field infrastructure of the base, and the improvement of management capabilities. In terms of support period, 3 years is adjusted to 5 years. In terms of the scale of funds, the total amount of funds and the scale of funds of a single base have increased significantly, the reward funds have increased from the original 1 billion yuan to 2 billion yuan, and the annual reward funds of a single base and a large county have reached a maximum of 50 million yuan.

"The fundamental task of building a seed base is to ensure the supply of seed sources and ensure food security. Ensuring the security of seed source supply is the political responsibility of all relevant provinces and large counties of seed production, and this year, on the basis of ensuring supply, new goals and requirements have been added. Xie Yan pointed out that it is necessary to focus on the weaknesses of seed production and processing, strengthen the application of new technologies, new processes and new equipment, innovate the construction and development mode of seed bases, promote the cooperation and co-construction of advantageous bases and leading enterprises, promote the upgrading of infrastructure and the modernization of industrial chains, and achieve high-quality development of the seed industry.

"In terms of effectively helping the base to be excellent and the enterprise to become stronger, it is necessary to promote a combination, strengthen the three constructions, and optimize the four services." Xie Yan pointed out that "promoting a combination" means to fully promote the combination of large counties and leading enterprises in seed production and implement the joint construction of county enterprises. "Strengthening the three constructions" is the three major constructions of enterprise competitiveness, base facilities, and management means. "Optimizing the four services" is to optimize the four service capabilities of variety promotion, brand building, specialized production, and inspection and testing. At the same time, all localities should clarify their thinking on construction and comprehensively plan and promote the work. Take the five-year cycle as the cycle, systematically plan and scientifically formulate the construction plan of the seed base in the county, and use the reward funds of the big county reasonably, legally and compliantly.

At the meeting, as the three main bodies of policy implementation, the representatives and responsible persons of major seed-making provinces, seed-making counties and leading enterprises exchanged and shared their respective seed-making industries and next-step work plans.

As one of the three major seed production bases in the country, Gansu has played an important role in ensuring the supply of good seeds in the country. Liang Zhongke, deputy director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Gansu Province, pointed out that in recent years, Gansu has strengthened policy support, increased the introduction of enterprises, accelerated the construction of bases, and significantly improved the level of standardized production. In the next step, Gansu will continue to improve the level of seed supply guarantee, breeding innovation, enterprise competition and other capabilities, and accelerate the transformation from a large seed-making province to a strong seed industry province.

In addition to the input of the central government, the provinces have also based themselves on their own reality and "added bricks and tiles" in promoting the construction of seed production bases. "Closely following the national policy, Sichuan focuses on base construction, and this year's provincial finance arranged a special fund of 240 million yuan for the seed industry, nearly double that of last year, and plans to add another 150 million yuan in the near future." Xu Bin, chief agronomist of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Sichuan Province, pointed out that in recent years, Sichuan has highlighted the key links of the seed production base in view of the problems of low scale of the base, imperfect infrastructure, low level of mechanization, and increased seed production costs, and focused on making up for shortcomings, and the level of "five modernizations" of the base has been continuously improved.

As the main body of rewards and subsidies for support policies, in recent years, seed production base counties have achieved remarkable results in closely integrating with leading enterprises, carrying out the joint construction of advantageous bases, and comprehensively improving the ability of stable production and high yield of seeds.

During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Jianning County, Fujian Province, focused on the standardization of base construction, the mechanization of the whole process of seed production, the industrialization of base development, the informatization of base management, and the professionalization of seed farmers, and the facilities of seed production bases were becoming more and more perfect, the stamina of industrial development was enhanced, the initial results of industrial integration were achieved, and the mechanism of joint agriculture and agriculture was continuously improved; Ningxia Qingtongxia city has built 24 corn seed protection areas, delineated a protection area of 200,000 mu, built a high-standard seed base of 100,000 mu, and achieved a service coverage rate of 90% in key links such as "ploughing, planting, prevention, pumping and harvesting"; Heilongjiang Wudalianchi took the opportunity of the establishment of the National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park and the implementation of the incentive funds for the production of large counties to promote the in-depth integration and development of Liangfan base and leading enterprises, and the construction level of Liangfan base has been significantly improved. At present, the annual output of fine seeds can provide more than 32 million mu of soybean production.

Highlighting the main body of enterprises is the focus and key of this policy adjustment. In the next step, how will leading enterprises play a role in the co-construction of bases? In this regard, Ma Dehua, president of Longping Hi-Tech, said that combined with the reward policy of large counties and the experience of county-enterprise cooperation, it is planned to tackle key problems in high-standard farmland construction, scale, mechanization, informatization and production technology of seed production bases, and through training and services, the average yield of major crop seed bases will be increased by 20%, and strive to achieve the target of hybrid rice 225 kg/mu, corn 500 kg/mu, and wheat 600 kg/mu, and greatly reduce the cost of seed production and improve seed quality while increasing yield. Take advantage of the spring breeze of this policy to achieve leapfrog development.

This year, the reward policy for large counties in seed production has become a support policy with the largest scale and strength in the seed production link, and ensuring that the policy does not "go through the motions" and is implemented in a down-to-earth manner is the key to guarding the position of turning the seed industry around.

In this regard, Wang Yan, deputy director of the Department of Planning and Finance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, stressed that in the process of policy implementation, it is necessary to accurately grasp the policy essentials and goals, clarify the development model, and focus on promoting the transformation of large counties with seeds to strong counties, so as to enhance competitiveness and quality and efficiency. For the implementation of financial support, we should pay attention to the ability to buy and build mechanisms, focus on improving the production capacity of the base and the breeding capacity of enterprises, and establish a benign mechanism for the common development and upgrading of seed production bases and enterprises. At the same time, fully integrate local financial resources and form a joint force for the construction of seed production bases. On the basis of following market rules and safeguarding the interests of farmers, we will innovate cooperation mechanisms to fully promote the enthusiasm for enterprise development. Improve the assessment index system for policy implementation to ensure that support policies are implemented.

How to ensure that the implementation of the policy is in place? Wang Yan stressed: First, we must do a good job in the "four plans" for the development of enterprises at the national level, major provinces in seed production, seed base counties, and enterprise development, do a good job in the four links, adhere to the overall chess game plan, and ensure that the work is targeted. At the same time, it is necessary to establish a dispatch system, do a good job in matching the layout of the base, avoid homogeneous competition, and strengthen organizational support at the provincial level, coordinate the resources of all parties, strengthen scheduling, and ensure the smooth progress of the work.

Where is the money spent? How to manage and use well? Zhao Tingting, deputy director of the Grain Department of the Department of Economic Construction of the Ministry of Finance, said that during the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period, large seed-making counties should take the promotion of high-quality development of the seed industry as the goal, and take scientific and technological breakthroughs, the application and promotion of fine seeds, the smooth flow of the industrial chain, and the income of grain farmers as the focus of attention, further improve the efficiency of the use of funds, and truly spend money on the "blade".